MJK Worksheets

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Thank you everybody for the support. I have been very busy.

The Yahoo Groups mailing list now has quite a few members and looking down the list of names there are several people with years of experience with the MathCad worksheets. If everybody chips with their experiences when asked, then questions from new users should get very high quality replies and excellent design advice.
jamikl said:
Thanks GM. Will do that.

You're welcome! I did it for ~two years before finding an affordable copy of 2000 Pro, so not that big a deal overall WRT sims. The main benefit of having MC proper IMO is that it allows you to custom tailor the WSs to suit your needs/preferences without having to re-do them every time you open the program. So far, I haven't figured out all that's required to make some similar to bjorno's though :( : http://www.diyaudio.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&postid=1538072#post1538072 (posts 10 -17)

Back in the saddle again

Paypal processed

"the" bay is a place to watch for mathCad bargains...your patience will be rewarded...however there's likely to be a short-lived bidding war. Be nice ;)

Familiarity with the worksheets will improve your speed...you need to get your repetitions built up in order to gain intuition for cause (change) and effect.
rjbond3rd said:
Hi fergs1, so your computer department does not want to install the free Mathcad Explorer? If you are at a school, they can buy and install an academic edition of MathCAD 14 for $130 US. Installation is extremely simple and reliable, either way.

Greetings, actually I was refering to my own computer ineptness but I did download the free mathcad last nite. Will this work on a mac 10.4 macos?
cheers fergs
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