MJK Worksheets

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Tinitus, please note that Martin said that people asked for features, but then did not follow through by licensing the newer worksheets. That's a waste of Martin's time to research, create and document new worksheets.

Also, he has stated elsewhere that the time he spent on support wiped out the time he had to build his own projects. He gave 10 years of support.

That's not a punishment of anybody. He burned out when it no longer coincided with his goals for this hobby.

Now if it's possible to solve those problems by forming a user group of active, committed users who take up the support burden, then maybe the group's goals can align with Martin's goals. Maybe not.

But let's show some gratitude because there is an L-curve here (a few people contribute a huge amount, and it is time-consuming and exhausting).
I was enthusiastic about the worksheets, but it seemed my requests did not fit Martin's plans. I really think the MJK worksheets would fill in a gap that most software do not cover.

I use SoundEasy, and it seems quite edequate under very standard configurations, and I upgrade every time a new version is released. I always maintain a wish list for features, and normally submit after I get familiar with the new release. Normally I find one or two new features that was on my prior wish list, so it's always encouraging to see that.

Hi Martin,

I was one of the early users of your free worksheets years ago, and I for one really appreciated all of your efforts. I built three successful projects using your excellent tool. Those projects satisfied my needs for speakers and I haven't needed to build others. I've since turned my DIY efforts to the electronic side of the sound reproduction equation.

I think that the DIY community is quite small and that there may be quite a few folks like me that satisfied their needs by knocking out some speaker projects, and then turned to other DIY pursuits. It may seem like we have dropped out, but we haven't, we just move to other pursuits.

You have been a leader in the DIY community, and it's a sorry state of affairs that you have been taken advantage of by some. You also have the right to move on to pursue whatever you want, however you want to.

Best of luck to you.

MJK said:

It is easy, DIY is "Do It Yourself". That is what I am now doing. I have three new speaker systems built or in process since November. I no longer spend an hour a day answering e-mails to "Do It for Others". DIY is not an entitlement or expectation that it is OK to take advantage of other people's hard work.

Your tone seems to indicate I owe DIYers something, I don't owe anybody anything. Your post is typical of the attitude that killed the worksheets, I find it offensive.

mmmm just got in and read the post.......I was trying to commiserate with you over the lack of support from the diy side.....

I apologise if thats offensive

oh well c'est la vie
don't know if it can be an idea, don't know either wich is the right economical expectation you are waiting for your efforts and i don't want in anyway to seem offensive.

but take my case, i'm a newbie and diy too me if for now just following projects i found around. most of projects - and opinions - that caught my attention are based on your research. but then i really never (it's has been just a year by now) found the need to buy the woorksheets... but i really think i owe you something so i would be glad to make you paypal donation or something based on my aknowledge of your importance in what i achieve... (say 5$ or something)

if we put a paypal donation somewhere, here on this forum also, i think that many happy dyers would be glad to donate after every (maybe not all) succesful projects based on your research. then based on how much you gain you can decide how much effort pushing in the research.

many ways stand beetween all or nothing. and many little dollars, can make huge support. the numbers of people passing trought this forum is consistent.

this is just an idea. i repeat, i don't have any opinion on 'how much' is right for your efforts, i just have my aknowledge for it - and by no way would i seem offensive to you.

hope my english makes sense. thank you Martin.
Count me in if Martin can be persuaded, back in November I begged him to reconsider. I can, and do, however, understand his position. And I completely support his choice, this is his hobby, his time and his effort and its up to him how he chooses to spend it and what he chooses to share.

What I suggested at the time was that Martin takes his worksheets and papers and pull them together and publish a comprehensive book of his complete work so that others can learn and follow. I think a book would be an excellent vehicle for Martin to get some recompense for his efforts and I for one would buy it at a shot.

all the best,

-- Andrew
I wonder that getting hold of a copy of MathCad apparently isn't/wasn't an issue for anybody. When I changed to Vista, my old MathCad 2001 software would not install properly any longer. Researching the local market I found myself without any professional German MathCad dealership. I don´t risk to pay 500 € for a full new MathCad license if I can´t be sure it will work for me.

That was the time I decided to not renew my worksheet license. I'm very grateful to MJK for all the things I learned from him and his worksheets, but his insisting on MathCad as a basis for the sheets finally stopped my enthusiasm. :(

still using w2k here & MC2k ...

but on the subject: I have for a couple of years supported Martin and was as expected very disappointed when he withdrew the sheets, but can understand why he did it and respect it. if he changes his dissision, I would fire up paypal right away. I would even support paying in advance and waiting for Martin to see if there is sufficient support for him to pick up again.

if we put a paypal donation somewhere, here on this forum also, i think that many happy diyers would be glad to donate after every (maybe not all) succesful projects based on your research.
I somehow doubt it... I run a diy site as well, we need donations to fund it (we have a paypal donate button on every page). for the past year we had a couple of sponsors and used the bar-sales from meetings to fund, so we did not have to rely on donations, which is good because if we wait for someone to donate there may be 1 or 2 per year...
Most of the issues I have been facing are described in the previous few posts.

1. MathCad as the tool of choice is an issue for many.

2. MathCad Explorer may or may not run under Vista. It won't run on a Mac readily.

3. There are all kinds of reasons why people are not interested or prefer a different tool.

4. There are people who are totally sold on the worksheets and strong enthusiastic proponents.

5. There are people who think I am completely full of crap, which is OK with me.

6. There is strong reluctance to jump in and try MathCad for many potential users.

7. There are issues with how to make any financial transaction easy.

8. In reality, the time commitment is large for me no matter what outside help may be offered.

9. My ability to save new worksheets in Version 8 format is becoming a problem now that I am using MathCad 14.

10. In the background is my indecision on what to do with the more advanced worksheets. How can I accept payment for the older version while I hold onto the most advanced version. it does not seem right to me. On the other hand, I am very reluctant to turn loose the latest and greatest and watch a repeat of others taking advantage of the tools.

So bottom line, I don't see me back in the software business. I appreciate the offers of support and organization of a group buy, but it is not really what I want to do at this time. I will still write about my findings and new designs, post results on my site, answer e-mails, and contribute on one or two forums. I will still add speaker projects as they are completed for people to try or get ideas for their own designs. The past six months have been very productive and enjoyable without the day to day software development and support tasks.
I can understand your frustrations with commercial users.

If not for that, the solution seems simple: charge what you think is reasonable for the worksheets, stating clearly and repeatedly that they are not supported and you are on your own for using them.

Count me amongst the people who would gladly purchase your worksheets if they were available again.
rjbond3rd said:

If a DIY group can muster an overwhelming level of participation (with "overwhelming" to be defined by you), on new terms (to be approved by you), would you consider releasing the worksheets to that group?

My sense is that there is tremendous demand but that the community has to self-organize in order to demonstrate it, and then those interested people have to step up and follow through. (And if they don't, well then that's the end of it.)

Are you willing to allow (with no promises and no guarantees on your part) preliminary efforts for interested DIYer's to self-organize to determine the level of commitment out there? And then if the level is truly overwhelming, that group could draft a proposal for your consideration? (With no guarantees that you would approve it.)


rjbond3rd said:
Now if it's possible to solve those problems by forming a user group of active, committed users who take up the support burden, then maybe the group's goals can align with Martin's goals. Maybe not.


OK, I have taken your comments to heart and thought about the situation some more. This is what I have to offer. If there is support it continues, if not you cannot say I didn't try to meet the DIYers half way. I hope it does not sink into the same mess as last time.
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