Min Phase Horn with Faital Drivers at German DIY Show in Gelsenkirchen

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Again thanks for your effort and sharing those measurements, jzagaja.

till ~4kHz plot is as I would have expected (more or less) but past that, there seems to be something strange going on.

Its been reflected in the LeCleach contour as well - just much less pronounced - maybe due to the extended tolerance regarding driver / horn matching for JMLC contour due to the lower flare rate at throat compared to Gaussian MinPhase?

Any chance you could do for both horns with just another driver some day?
Possibly a special adapter to a smaller than 2" driver would work better...

Let me know in case you intend to tweak.

Impedance comparison. 2" driver looks "noisy" around Fs (green and red). Blue is 1" driver with OSWG waveguide.


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Ex-Moderator R.I.P.
Joined 2005
Faital have a new 2" listed, and probably cheaper

Yes, I would also expect some drawback when pushing a driver below what is common
Faital specs 900hz as minimum xo requency
That ofcourse is also related to powerhandling etc
2" drivers seems mostly about higher SPL, and less about low frequency or quality
And ofcourse there are drawbacks at high frequency
Thats how it always is, nothing new there
Faital have a new 2" listed, and probably cheaper

Actually we need redesigned compression driver with removable phase plugs. Should look like Faital Pro HF10TX. With rapid prototyping for such a small part like phase plug it is easy and cheap. In STX as one part you have a magnet, phase plug that can be removed, conical duct and pole pieces. OS curve could be turned somehow in a conical duct but I still prefer completely new design. Minimum quantity in Taiwan 100 pcs.
Faital have a new 2" listed, and probably cheaper

Yes, I would also expect some drawback when pushing a driver below what is common
Faital specs 900hz as minimum xo requency
That ofcourse is also related to powerhandling etc

This one ?
FaitalPRO - Neodymium Professional Drivers

What is "Ketone Polymer" as a diaphragm material ???

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