Maybe I should go for chip amp!

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Schematic and PCB, may help you....

here are Schematic and PCB for TDA7294. hope these will help you.😛


  • TDA7293-layout-pcb-Parts.jpg
    76.2 KB · Views: 839
  • TDA7294 Datasheet1.pdf
    TDA7294 Datasheet1.pdf
    49.4 KB · Views: 1,418
here are Schematic and PCB for TDA7294. hope these will help you.😛

Actually that PCB is for the TDA7293 which is very close to the TDA7294 but not exactly , the TDA7293 is about the same price as the 7294 but marginally better .....

Well the TDA7293/7294 are Mosfet chip amps where the LM3886 are BJT , I find the LM3886 to be a more clean and clinical sound were there TDA7293 is more musical , also the LM3886 sounds awefull when it clips but the TDA7293 sounds not so bad when it clips ...... the TDA chips also have a bit more output power ....
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how much difference is there really
in all pcb I find on the Internet?
as much as my knowledge is concerned, there is not a big difference in PCBs. someone made it simple to draw, some nice looking with component, some are made with proper grammer. But you should be check PCB diagram carefully with the schematic you are going to make before making PCB from a layout.
Why don't you build it on a pref board instead it is easier and you wull get to do some real DIYing 🙂 instead of trying to make from a PCB done by someone else.Try it it's so much fun on a pref board.:nod:
I support your comment but not fully. I dont like pref. board really. Because of lack of time I start finding PCB drawings on the net, if I dont find the same or dont like the drawing I make my won design. Pref. boards are good for tesing new easy projects. Not for final, even DIY projects. I think you will also support this.
I support your comment but not fully. I dont like pref. board really. Because of lack of time I start finding PCB drawings on the net, if I dont find the same or dont like the drawing I make my won design. Pref. boards are good for tesing new easy projects. Not for final, even DIY projects. I think you will also support this.
true true *2, for the enthusiast best is a PCB but for testing sure a pref board will do.I just find it easier to use pref board more often than PCB for obvious reasons - work involved hehe. 😀
I know this one works fine for the TDA7293/94 cuz I"m the one who redid the PCB layout in MS paint and posted it on the Net ... I"m useing this exact PCB in my Guitar amp right now (Pluss a Tube pre and a 15 band EQ) .....

The TDA7293 PCB will work for the TDA7294 , you just dont connect the Positive rail to the Clip detector pin ... A TDA7294 PCB would not work with a TDA7293 because it has no provisions for the Clip detector pin though one could be P2P wired to the Pin .....

As for a power supply anyone can design a basic PSU , Just a Bridge rectifier and a 2 big Caps , One from Positive to ground and one from negitive to ground , making sure to place the Caps with the correct polarity , that is a basic unregulated PSU for a Power amp , a Snubber would also be a good idea but is optional ......

The most commonly used speaker protection IC is probably the UPC1237 , it is fairly easy to implement and the Datasheet has a circuit diagram ......

I bought a PCB on Ebay about 2 years ago for about $8 that had the PSU , stereo TDA7293/94 with Speaker protection and it worked pretty good so that is another option ....

Minion guided you a lot. I feel two more things I should say.

1. Use +-35 or +-38V DC powersupply.
2. 3 to 4 Amps per rail. for mono operation 2 Amps may be sufficient.
3. 10,000 mfd Cap per rail.

another project on TDA7294 I got in my archive. That is attached with in ZIP format.

the picture attached is my project with LM4766T, LM1036N.


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