Marantz CD-5003 Mod

I was searching the forum and couldn't find anything specific to this CD player that I have. If I want to mod this player, where do I start?

I used to have a Philip player and I replaced some of the Op amp and installed independent power supply for the analog output stage. The sound was great until the laser became too weak to play the disc properly.

Does CD-5003 shares same circuit with other Marantz player that I use?
i had this player, in 2009, i modif this unit and unfortunately i made mistake and the laser optic cannot read TOC, now i had service manual in hand.
Very easy to make this unit to be high end piece. Any interest ??

And this unit sing again now, .....
First step, change capacitor in digital section ( center pcb ).
U=microcontroller chips plus memory
D=transport,optic control.
r1=kia 1117 -3.3 regulator 3.3v for transport
r2=regulator 1.5v fot transport
r3=reg 1.8v for main clock.

change kia regulator to lms1587csx, LDO
change capacitor for digital supply with sanyo oscon.
change capacitor for mixed analog/digital with Elna or Panasonic FC.
cover digital chips with rfi shield.
An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.
PSU modification, basicaly, to make better regulation and lower noise.
1. change rectifier diode from standard 1N4001 to schotky diode
2. change standard voltage regulator from LM78XX
=supply +5V for digital supply--to tracking pre regulator LMS1587csx
=supply +8v for motor etc--LM317
=supply analog +-12 volt to LM317/337.

still using existing heatsink.

point to point soldering, output voltage can be set by fixed resistor.

If your modification is done step by step, you can learn how much improvement per step modification.

up to now, i pleased with sonic improvement, with cheap parts.....
AT photo above, original capacitor is above heatsink, still using original, not audio grade, and after regulator, using National standard capacitor like NHG.

Capacitor to bypass "trimer resistor" using cheap one, available in hand. No Black Gate, i cannot afford the price.

From "digital" pcb to "dac buffer" connected with wire, with notexxxx,GND,LRCK,SCLK,SDATA,RST,GND.

CS4392 is singing musical and very good dac, but because i had cs4397, For next step i plan to using it as dac.
Hi people!
After various mods in my CD5003 (regulation caps, digital caps, diodes, decoupling audio path caps, opamps etc...) I've decided to try the clock mod. I've designed an smd version of the famous diy kwak clock 7 with LVCMOS 1.8V output. This to feed the pll CDCE913 from the pin1, called XIN/CLK.
Ok, it works but there is an issue: randomly, i hear some clicks while playing the music. I've contacted Elso Kwak and he suggested that I can't use my kwak clock in my CD5003 :-( this because the input pin is selectable as Xin or CLK and the two things are different. This is true because after some research I've found similar things on the Texas Instruments forum, but... Why? what is the difference? Maybe I can find a solution... I don't want to bypass the CDCE913 because it's involved in the pitch function and could be bypassed.
Hi people!
After various mods in my CD5003 (regulation caps, digital caps, diodes, decoupling audio path caps, opamps etc...) I've decided to try the clock mod. I've designed an smd version of the famous diy kwak clock 7 with LVCMOS 1.8V output. This to feed the pll CDCE913 from the pin1, called XIN/CLK.
Ok, it works but there is an issue: randomly, i hear some clicks while playing the music. I've contacted Elso Kwak and he suggested that I can't use my kwak clock in my CD5003 :-( this because the input pin is selectable as Xin or CLK and the two things are different. This is true because after some research I've found similar things on the Texas Instruments forum, but... Why? what is the difference? Maybe I can find a solution... I don't want to bypass the CDCE913 because it's involved in the pitch function and could be bypassed.

I have this cd player for about two years now and planning to make some modification. As you made several changes in the player, could you share explicitly what did you do and what is your experience? Like what
capacitors or op amps you used? If you can upload some pictures then it will be great.

Thanks and regards
Oh, I've forgotten my last post!
The kwak clock is now correctly installed in my marantz cd5003! The clicks were due to a bad connector to the ground.
Roushon, I'm very busy in these days because I'm working to my thesis for the bachelor degree at the university but for sure as soon as I've time, I'll let you know 🙂
CD 5003 Upgrade

Hi everybody!
As promised, I've ended and exposed my thesis and so we can now talk about our marantz cd5003. Here are my mods. For shure there will be other improvement to do but these make the marantz way way better than the stock one 😀.
Enjoy 😎


C612, C712 -> 20uF + 20uF MKP
C602, C702 -> 3300pF XICON 23PS (styrene)
C604, C704 -> 330pF XICON 23PS (styrene)
C605, C705 -> 1000pF XICON 23PS (styrene)
C607, C707 -> 1500pF XICON 23PS (styrene)
C615, C715 -> 1000pF XICON 23PS (styrene)
C608, C708 -> 100pF 1000V WIMA FKP2
C616, C716 -> 100pF 1000V WIMA FKP2
C609, C709 -> 330uF 25V PANASONIC FM
C610, C710 -> 330uF 25V PANASONIC FM
C761 -> 470uF 25V PANASONIC FM
C753, C754,C758 -> 220uF 10V NICHICON FP-CAP
IC61, IC71 -> OPA1612

Put 0,1uF 50V X7R between the pins + and - of: C609, C610, C709, C710.
Put 0,1uF 50V X7R between ground and the pins VL, VA of DAC CS4392. Keep attention during the soldering of these two caps to avoid short circuit.

Bypass HDAM and muting circuit: remove R623, R723 and connect the node R627/C616 and R727/C716 (HDAM input) to the respective RCA output plug with 40uF (or 20uF + 20uF) MKP capacitor. This mod is a MUST. If during ON/OFF the cd player generates some “bump” sound, you can use two reed relays with 5V coil to put the output to GND and remove these bumps. The relays should be controlled from the input of Q603 and Q703 (to be tested but should work). The diodes D605, D606, D705, D706 provides about 4.5V on the cathode when the audio should be muted. If you do this mod, the swapping "C612, C712 -> 20uF + 20uF MKP" can be omitted because this mod bypasses C612/C712.

For minivreg, schematics are available on the web. Soon I’ll update my PCB design.

C801, C802 -> 330uF 25V Panasonic FM
C803, C804, C807, C808 -> 47uF 50V Nichicon Muse KZ
IC81 -> OPA1642/OPA1612

C216, C218, C221, C223, C462, C466, C467 -> 330uF 25V Panasonic FM
C326, C327, C341, C401, C405 -> 330uF 25V Panasonic FM
C325, C362 -> 470uF 25V Panasonic FM
C251, C253, C313, C346, C349, C360, C364 -> 220uF 10V Nichicon FP

Clock Mod: remove C260, C261, X251 and connect an external clock on PIN1. Note that the output voltage of the clock must be of 3.3V MAX. 5V clock may damage the clock synthesizer CDCE913. Soon I’ll upload my design of kwak clock modified to obtain 3.3V clock output.

C913, C917, C919 -> 3900uF 25V Nichicon HE/Panasonic FM
C911, C912, C916, C918, C920 -> 2200uF 16V Panasonic FM
C915 -> 330uF 25V Panasonic FM

I've even swapped the diodes on the power supply pwb with ultra fast UF4003 diodes. I can't remember if there were sound improvement.
Let me know.

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Congratulation on finishing your thesis! Thanks so much for painstakingly typing the detailed mod. I am taking print of this list and one of these days will open the player. First, I have to source the parts.

I did not understand the clock mod part. How does it help? Also are the schematics of the player available on the net?

Thanks again!
Just looking at the schematics and surprised to see the use
of parts like 1N4003 and 78XX series regulators etc. I thought before I have a high-end cd player, now see that even in my LM3886 based amplifier I used better quality parts. Just dying to mod this player.

As requested, here are some photos of my modded marantz.

Marantz CD5003

Clock detail


Supply PCB

Headphone PCB

Shielding of IC detail (cut a piece of copper and connect it simply to the closest GND point)

Digital PCB

About the clock mod, the purpose it to have an external circuit to feed all the audio digital IC like the DAC and reduce jitter fluctuations. On this forum or on the web you can find tons of info about such kind of mod.

Hope the pics are useful. Bye!

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