'LGT' Construction Diary

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diyAudio Member
Joined 2004
Tenson said:
I paid attention to the pictures! Bummer, am I really the only person who doesn't know?

I was just fooling around so pay no mind :D

I guess it is to make it look like the Rockport, but what it actually does, I'm not sure!

Are you going to fill the space with foam or something to reduce baffle diffraction?

Its both really, like I said earlier in the thread I copied the Wilson and Rockport idea.

I don't really think that a 6mm layer will have any difference on the mid and woofer simply because they don't run up high enough, so really its just cosmetics. The one on the tweeter will have an effect of course and Alex was absolutely disgusted with me for recessing the tweeter by 9mm so I've got to do something with tweeter baffle to allow it to sit flush otherwise I'm going to have some problems.
diyAudio Member
Joined 2004
Tenson said:

Yes, Alex was kind enough to send me measurements and details of that design a while ago. I won't be specific but that is a very expensive and unique pair of super tweeters.

I mentioned it earlier in this thread but there's also a new driver coming out for us DIY'ers from RAAL. I believe its a supertweeter although not quite as ambitious as that custom one off.
diyAudio Member
Joined 2004
Tenson said:
Does the water drop measure well then? There are also some new drivers for OEM customers coming out ;)

Distortion is 0.17% at 4Khz rising to 0.3% between 10 and 20Khz. I'm not sure if thats 1w/1m as I can't remember what Alex said about the test conditions. If it was then you looking at 103dB-109dB depending on frequency.

As always the waterfall is impressive stuff being around 15-35dB down within the first 20ms across its operating range.

Impulse isn't so good with a bigger swingback that the initial rise and vertical offaxis is very poor.

Its not really my thing but this was built for a guy into big, efficient horns to cover the stuff over 5Khz and its no doubt great for that.
diyAudio Member
Joined 2004
This sounds interesting though:

Oct '06.

Development of omnidirectional ring true-ribbon supertweeter, to be released early 2007.
Start of cooperation with HPV Technologies (www.getmad.com), on development of high eficiency ribbon arc segments for line arrays.

That's from the news section on the RAAL website, looks like 2007 will see some interesting products from RAAL.
ShinOBIWAN said:

Distortion is 0.17% at 4Khz rising to 0.3% between 10 and 20Khz. I'm not sure if thats 1w/1m as I can't remember what Alex said about the test conditions. If it was then you looking at 103dB-109dB depending on frequency.

As always the waterfall is impressive stuff being around 15-35dB down within the first 20ms across its operating range.

Impulse isn't so good with a bigger swingback that the initial rise and vertical offaxis is very poor.

Its not really my thing but this was built for a guy into big, efficient horns to cover the stuff over 5Khz and its no doubt great for that.

The "Cat" is an ***, but quite a knowledgeable one when it comes to subjective quality (i.e. he knows what the cat's meow is). (..most of the time though the cat should stay in the hat. ;) )

The reason for the low distortion and very low CSD is because the driver is NOT pleated and has little air-gap between the ribbon's edge and the magnets. The impulses lower "sloppier" settling time is due to its length/"suspension", as is its vertical directivity (length only).

One thing to note with such a driver - it will act as a linesource for virtually all of its appreciable operating bandwidth in most user/setup configurations. This will mean that upper freq. harmonics will be highlighted (..part of the contribution know as "air") as you move away from the speaker. The solution to it of course is a variable transformer (or autoformer) that will lower the amount of power feeding into the ribbon (reducing spl for a given distance when compared to a normal pointsource). While the Cat is intuitively correct that padding-down the ribbon would screw things up subjectively - that is NOT the case for a transformer based volume control (though core hysteresis can sometimes "muddy" things up - but he has the resources to purchase a good one). (..so basically the Cat needs to talk to Dave over at Intact Audio, but he's too much of a putz for me to convey that information to him :D )
diyAudio Member
Joined 2004
ScottG said:
The "Cat" is an ***, but quite a knowledgeable one when it comes to subjective quality (i.e. he knows what the cat's meow is). (..most of the time though the cat should stay in the hat. ;) )

I take it you and he don't always see eye to eye? His project sure looks impressive though and those ribbons certainly are a talking point.
ShinOBIWAN said:

I take it you and he don't always see eye to eye? His project sure looks impressive though and those ribbons certainly are a talking point.

He is at the polar extreme of what Zaph would term a "subjectivist". Dr. Geddes is at the other end of the spectrum. Everyone else including Zaph is somewhere in the middle by comparison. The funny thing is though, when you get to that extreme (either in this hobby) it seems you become an *** (a donkey's hind-quarter in unedited land). The Cat is routinely banned from the Audio Asylum for effectively flaming others. Dr. Geddes is infinitely more polite about his "assdom", he never really "flames" anyone - instead if you don't meet his definition of authority (academic peer review, or a measurement technique currently accepted in academic circles) in support for your position, then your opinion means *nothing* UNLESS you happen to be agreeing with him about something.

The really funny thing is that the Cat knows F A R more about good sound than Dr. Geddes, despite having a LOT less knowledge about acoustics.

In many respects I actually admire both, while at the same time having a bad "taste in my mouth" knowing how poorly they interact with people, AND how obtuse they can be. (..the obtuse nature is typical in this hobby - i.e. "I've reached the *pinnacle* of what can currently be achieved in sound reproduction", and then a few years latter - "Oh, wait" - I've surpassed the pinnacle.. and invariably its with a technical application they had dismissed earlier.)

If you have a little darker humor (perhaps like AJ - as I do sometimes), the Cat's writing style is actually quite funny (including his "flames"). (Hmm, wonder if AJ thinks so?) The same can't be said for Dr. Geddes, but then again Dr. Geddes's prose is quite a bit easier to read and has virtually no technical flaws.

And note: the above isn't a flame on either person, rather its more of an observation and warning to others when dealing with either individual.

..well, more than you wanted to know I'm sure. ;)
diyAudio Member
Joined 2004
Finished one of the mid/bass baffles and it turned out better than I could have ever hoped for.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

It was a fair amount of work but the results speak for themselves. Seeing the baffle finished like that was the moment I realised "yeah these are gonna look spot on".
diyAudio Member
Joined 2004
m0tion said:
Hah, they look so cool like that I'd be tempted just to seal the MDF raw and call it finished. It's a neat look.

Whats up with the gap between the mid-woofer and woofer?

The mid and bass drivers needed to close, very close by way of design. All that was left between them after routing the recesses was a piece of MDF the thickness of your average greeting card. I broke it off now so as not to do it later and damage the paint. You won't see that though once the felt is in place so no harm done, the only thing you will see are the driver cones/surrounds and the screws etc. will be hidden giving a cleaner look.

geoffstgermaine said:
This is a great looking project and your finished parts look amazing. Any guess as to how much these beasts are going to weigh?


Not sure about weight, as a very rough guess I'd say between between 120-150kg each when finished and with drivers. Thankfully the whole thing is split into four parts main cabinet parts - base, 2x mid/bass and tweeter enclosures. The baffles, which are heavy with drivers mounted, are also removable. So moving them about won't be pleasant experience but still do-able.
diyAudio Member
Joined 2004
Icelade said:

This realisation is absolutely astonishing, it's quite impressive.
How many pieces of wood did fall in dust??

Breizheau, your translation is not good. "OH LA VACHE" is said "Wow the cow:D :D " in english.

Et si tu me dis que tu n'en as rien $B!&(Bcirer de ma remarque, you just have to say :"Nothing to polish:D :D :D "

breizheau said:
:D Why are you here Arnaud ?;)
We are couple of guys following your project and not only us 2 !:)

Well cheers fella's, very flattered that others are watching elsewhere. Hope you and they enjoy watching the project develop.

For the sake of curiosity I'd ask for a link to the forum where this project is being discussed but sadly I wouldn't understand much as I can't speak French. :(
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