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Lenses for sale

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I’m moving house and have to make my PJ redundant 
I have a few lenses that I intend to put up for sale on Ebay. Thought I’d post up here first to see in anyone wants to purchase them direct as opposed to getting into a bidding war on Ebay!
Anyhow, they are:
Charles Beseller Company lense (Newark. N.J. U.S.A.) it’s a 22” EF. This is a huge lens 4.5” diameter and 6” long. It’s in very good condition and would be ideal for covering a 17” LCD screen, or even a 15” (lets a massive amount of light through!!).
The other is a variable focal length lens, and a standard 320 mm lens which were designed for use on the standard 15” LCD setup. They are both in excellent condition.
I also have huge collection of fresnels of many different focal lengths and a plate of tempered glass if anyone’s interested in a batch buy. I’ll post pics of these up later

If you PM me we can have a chat about price



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I'm also selling the electronic ballast 220v, it has the mount for the bulb included and 2 spare ushio metal halide ed28 bulbs with approx 20 hrs on each bulb (sell for $120)
You can PM me to chat further

At the mo I'm looking in the region of $20 for each of the smaller lenses, and $80 for the larger (paid 110 for it!). Then add on whatever shipping costs.

Shipping costs for the smaller lenses approx $10
Shipping costs for the larger lens approx $30

The shipping is based on UK to USA post. If you're in europe, the cost will be less.
Just some more info on the Beseller lens.
For those looking for a long throw PJ, it's the longest throw lens readily available to DIY projector makers (559 vs 500 LL pro and the diameter is 12% larger 112mm vs 100mm).
It will give you 100" pic at 14 foot from a 15" LCD. It's also very well paired with the LL pro 650mm fresnel.
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