Krell KSA 50 PCB

no offense

No offense but when you expert builders start estimating costs, the rule of thumb for us newbies is to double it to get actual cost. That said, totally worth it.

You can't really appreciate all the heat these things make till you have one running for a few hours in your room. 3 in a room, now that would be something, definately good for the winter.

I've offered these before, but just in case anyone wants to give them a try I have hundreds of PACCOM 4700u/50v snap-ins. I use them in blocks of 16, makes for a reasonable capacitor bank, just needs a simple PCB and you can get 2x40k in a block ~5"x~5"x~1.5". IIRC the ripple current of each is 9A, so parallel 8 and you have a very, very high current/low impedance cap.

Assuming you have a toroid, the block probably fits nicely on top of it, the case normally being a few inches taller than the toroids I've used...

Anyone interested should email me, I'm willing to sell a couple of hundred if people want them...I think they are worth 75c each, plus shipping, but correct me if I'm wrong...

Ordinarily I wouldn't post this here, but it seems pertinent to the present "conversation" and I think you guys know I am not doing this to make money...

being cheap...

FYI Time value aside, it's possible to build a single channel of this amp in a nice wooden chassis for $50, I have done about 6 for friends and family so far, the most expensive 'component' being the PCB from the group buy...

This may be obvious, but all my cost savings are a result of buying large quantities of some parts very inexpensively then meeting people who have done likewise and are willing to trade...and of course this is a perfect forum for finding those people.

For instance:

1) Perhaps a year ago parts express sold 400va toroidal transformers for $5.95, so I bought as many as I could, 9 or 10 I think. I have horse traded a few and still owe my buddy Dennis another. But I have recouped my cost 10 fold, as have the people I traded with.

2) Every once in a while eBay has people simply dumping surplus components, I bought 2000+ power resistors in one lot for less than digikey sells the 32 I actually needed. According to the boxes they were originally ordered by Sony.

3) ...

If you intend to construct amps for fun, being a pack rat is essential, if you see something at a good price, buy it in bulk...then share your luck, others will respond in kind, and you get great amps for cents on the dollar.

Re: being cheap...

Stuart Easson said:
...If you intend to construct amps for fun, being a pack rat is essential, if you see something at a good price, buy it in bulk...then share your luck, others will respond in kind, and you get great amps for cents on the dollar.


But this is my last one for a while. :clown: (says he with a couple dozen boards of various flavors waiting for parts.)
For some reason I don't like to acquire parts, but I spend a lot of $$ in shipping for the few that I need time and time again. I want to see the end of this....maybe 4 more amps and I am done?

We shall see how the Krell Clone stacks up agains the Aleph X (god willing) and the latest store bought from Switzerland.....if that fedex guy would just stop by
Semiconductor supplier

Where are you guys getting the mjw and mje parts used on the pinkmouse board, especially the output devices? I checked digikey, mouser, and jameco and no luck. Google didn't trun up any sources, either. Digikey lists them but only sells in large quantities...


kmj said:
MJ21193 /4 on Ebay (activeparts)
They also stock mj15003 (not 4 thou)

If anyone is interested, I got some 200 pairs of the MJ21195/96 a year ago. They came in 4 trays, i.e. same batch. Randomly sampled them and the gains are very tightly matched on each tray.

If anyone needs TO-3's, I can part with a few at a much more reasonable price than that link. Actually for less than their price of a single device, I can sell you a pair. Email me if interested.

K-Amps: What is the functional difference between the MJ21193/94 and MJ21195/96 pairs? I do need T-03 pairs, as I have had my machinist friend build me transistor bars to hold together my chasis.

I would also like to solicit some opinions, based on the collective wisdom of you guys. Since the big cans from Steve are 86'ed, it looks like my choice is down to paying more for other big cans from mouser or digikey, or paralleling the $1.50 10k caps that were posted back a page or 2 in this thread. Now, I have a limited amount of real estate for the power supply since I am squeezing it and main boards into an actual A2 chasis. So, I am a bit concerned with the prospect of working with 16 caps per chasis. Cheaper, yes, but also a pain the keester, since I would need to come up with some sort of board to hold the snap ins. What have you guys expereinenced with regard to multi smaller caps vs. just using big cans in your other projects? I am also starting to think that over-sizing the torroids is just a bad plan. Not only will it make everything a tighter sqeeze, but I am not convinced that a 650VA torriod is going to deliver all that much over a 500VA. Comments?