Krell KSA 100mkII Clone

I understand hardship. I understand busy. Been there, done that. I never ripped anyone off over it. Have you?

Payment for $45 USD was made on Sat, 14 Apr 2007 . 8 months ago!

All emails have been ignored. What does this mean?

Busy season... come on! An 8 month busy season!?

Anyone that feels that I am doing the wrong thing in reporting this - please tell me why! I don't care how much goodwill there was in getting this together, it's irrelevant. It may be goodwill to those that got the boards, but to those that did not - it's a rip off.

Another member has offered to resume shipment of all items that should have gone out. I understand that this was agreed upon by both parties. All that would have been required is that Mark take the time to ship said member 1 box! How long ago was that supposed to happen? (please correct me if I got this wrong)

Am I the only one here?
Should I not be pi$$ed off?
Official Court Jester
Joined 2003
Paid Member
troystg said:
Mark is a cinema tech. I would assume the holidays (Nov- Jan) are the busiest time for him.

well - speaking just for my self - I knew that .

Job or hobby, I wonder which one pays his bills.

Very rarely do the people who complain about group buys ever host one. They let others do the work and just enjoy the benefits.

it's a fact ; but - don't forget that same ppl which run GB ( or repetitively ) have own reasons for that ; samaritian one , glory , or anything else ;

I'm in position to pack and send several envelopes in a week , each one consisting of no less than 10 different items ( in multiples) and I know very well how tight and messy is my everyday schedule , not even counting that I'm always almost short in at least one item ; not because of my laziness , but because of various vendor related issues .

packing now and then just one or two items , which you already have in own drawer , can't be that bad ?

I know that all e-mail, collecting money and related stuff can be major PITA , but - again - everyone have own reasons to start that ;

if you started - take your responsibility .

nothing less and nothing more .

Mark has done several GB's and all were good until very recently. More than likely there is a reason and I'm sure he will make it good if he can, when he can.

I hope. even if I wasn't in that GB ( I have my own set of KSA100 pcbs , but they are given to me , as a gift from one generous member ) , I'm reacting because my mate - Crazy Yankee .....

I'm not being negative, I'm saying Marks reputation is good and I'm sure there is a reason for the delay. I don't think anyone is dying waiting for PCB's.

good .

send me your money ;

I'll keep it for you , say , 10 months .

then I'll ask you - have you still that warm feeling , thinking about your new ," right behind the corner " , toy .........


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I have to agree here - I did the work with the layouts and everything for the benefit of the DIY community, now all the delays are causing it to become a redundant flop. Jeez Mark, how hard can it be to just toss all you have in a single box and ship it off to Bob or whoever's willing to do the distribution? Coming February it will be a year since the boards were delivered to him.
Mark is in the digital cinema industry.
I suspect the workload of converting all those projectors to cope with the digital format "films" is an enormous job that has very tight timescales.

He is working away from home nearly all the time.

Give him a bit longer to sort our side out.

I don't think anyone in this GB has been ripped off, even though some parts have not been delivered despite promises made and missed.
At no point did I say this wasn't a problem...

I have emailed Mark and offered to ship for him. I copied a moderator.

Give him a few days to respond.

Has ANYONE heard for him? Has he posted on another thread / forum?

Could he have been in an accident traveling between jobs?

If anyone has had contact with him or is near his location maybe we can make other arrangements for box pickup and PCB distribution.

Keep in mind I did not join this GB, I am trying to help fellow DIY'ers. I have dealt with Mark in the past and will do whatever I can to help because I know he doesn't mean harm.


Once again, are the complainers (no one in particular, anyone unhappy with the situation) willing to pick up the work and carry the load?
Joined 2005
Paid Member
I also live in Salt Lake and can set some time aside to help. Don't know Mark or Lucky, but feel I may be of some help getting the packages out.

While I am not in the Cinema Industry, I am in the middle of building a $65 Million Dollar Gasoline Hydrotreater for a major Oil Refinery (insert your favorite Big Oil Slam here...), so my time may be a bit limited.

Just point me in the right direction ...
Outstanding Boards


The answer is quite simple.

Give Mark a deadline to deliver the boards. If he misses the deadline, then report the matter to the police.

The only thing that has been preventing this from happening is the emotional loyalty of the group towards Mark's good work in the past. Maybe it is time to review the sad situation ?

Best wishes to all and maybe one resolution of the new year should be to finish this amp...

I hope you don't mind that i continue to regard Mark Gulbrandsen as Friend Folk.

Afaik, Mark still has a great number of KSA50/100 boards, his inactivity also means that big pile of boards isn't getting any smaller.
I hope Mark is doing ok, but sometimes feel he is not, he doesn't seem like the kind of guy who'd tell.

(i've promised some things in '07 to a number of people, due to personal situation stuff haven't gotten round to it, sure hope that doesn't label me a fraud)

Me has headache from early Jan 1st combination of Champy bubbles, Four Roses, the Williams/Timberlake shows on TV and caughing fireworks dune smog from walking the dog walk at 4AM.
Anyone else with the same problemo ?
First of all, Happy New Years to everyone.

I wrote Mark and copied a moderator. No reply but then it is still the holidays.

I will be patient and wait until Jan the 7th when schools reconvene to try again. By all standards the holidays should be over by then.

If he does not reply again I will start to search for alternative means to contact him (phone, snail mail, friends, etc.)

And then lastly if we can't reach him I will file a "missing persons" report and have a local policeman see if he is still healthy and not in the hospital or dead on his kitchen floor (I hope NOT!).

Jacco & Troy.

I dont like the idea of going after Mark's blood- he has been good to me but there is a big differrence between good intentions and what you do in real life.

Is there any chance somebody paying a Mark a friendly home visit in order to prevent this matter escalating to a "Zero Tolerance" issue.

Troy- nice to see you back. I hope you are keeping much better since we communuicated some time back.


Thank you Jozua. The divorce was rough (almost complete, another month it should be done) but I think after searching hard I re-discovered the right path and am making good progress again on this trip of life.

I still think of you and smile when I see the painting you sent. If I can return the favor I would be happy to.


I am attempting to do everything I can to get a good man out of a bad situation. Please be patient. With some logical escalation we should be able to get this resolved.

Thanks for the kind words but there is no need to return the "favour".

I just feel we need to get the boards issue solved- even it means putting pressure on Mark. Mark must either provide the boards or refund the people so that a second board run can be considered.

In my opinion it is essential that any forum member must have the confidence to take part in group buys with the knowledge that adequate safety measures are in place.


If Troy has no success are in tracking down Mark in the next two weeks - are you prepared to lay charges?

Question to all

How many people are still waiting for their boards ?

General Comment

In case anybody wonders why I seem to be grinding my axe then the following is some background:

1. I once lost 400 English pounds on a non executed hi-fi order. All I can show of the 400 pounds is a nice letter from the Queen's court representatives to say it was unrecoverable.
2. A fellow South African DIY member (who Pierre and I both know) once did the same except he defaulted on all the groupbuy orders.
3. I have been a X3 crime victim in the last 8 months.

For me it is a matter of principle.


Jozua (beginning to start 2008 on the wrong foot... )
Good news, Mark has been spotted (on the web) as recently as the 28th of December so I don't think he is dead in a ditch.

I will continue to try and track him down and personally contact him to take the load / pain / responsibility of the PCB's from his shoulders and give him a reprieve.

Edit: PS, it was a fellow DIY Audio member who spotted Mark elsewhere and contacted / notified me. I appreciate the notice (you know who you are) and thank you.