King of snake Oil

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From the first page of their website:

What you can measure is not important, and the important cannot always be measured...

There is quite a lot of truth in that sentence, even if it is not completely correct.
We at Entreq trust more what we hear and experience than what the gauges tell us. If this sounds better than anything else, then it is. It is that simple, even if you perhaps cannot explain it scientifically with measurements.

We remember back in 70, when all should be measure in lab. At that time it was DIN 45 500 that tell us everything. It was DIN Watt, IM dist, HM dist etc,etc.If it not measure good enough, it been solved with negative feedback and all good .
Many times the stuff sounds bad, but if the measurement was so good, it must be good, that´s it.
It was a sensation when Matti Otaala from Uleaborg university explain why some amps that only give 20 W by Din 45500 sound so much more powerfull than amps that give 200w by same norm.
What we mean is that we sometimes dont know what to meassure and what make sence.
And for you who say everything can be messured, could you kindly inform us of how you exactly measure the speed of an object in motion ?

Over the years Entreq has consistently recieved plaudits from around the world for its innovative products. The quality of design, craftmanship and most importantly, musicality, have been recognised as the heart beat of every product.

We are proud and delighted to say that the editors and writers of " The Stereo Times " have awarded the accolade " Most Wanted Component 2012 " to not only our entire line of Apollo cable products, but in addition, our current top of the line Silver Tellus Ground Station. These awards are reserved solely for exceptional products that offer only the highest standards of performance

Clearly, their (Entreq) undermining of measurements is out of convenience. And WHAT you measure is just as important. They obviously gave up on that but at least they unequivocably state it!

Any time I see a "Stereo Times" review/endorsement, I start getting extremely nervous...notice how none of the reviews are ever negative or objective...there is plenty of back scratching in the industry. So sad.

Joined 2014
Paid Member
Entreq allow you to pick your earth cable according to the sound you want! That worries me on so many safety levels.
Eartha Cupper. Produces a warm effect.

Eartha Konstantin. Produces a warm and little more detailed effect

Eartha Challenger. A hybrid Copper/Silver that is rather neutral and with good details.

Eartha Silver Produces a very detailed effect, especially at high frequencies

Eartha Apollo Neutral, but very open and detailed.

Eartha Atlantis Very detailed, neutral.
They are completely off base.

What is important *can* always be measured, even if it is subjective, by using a blind listening trial.

Subjective data becomes objective data when it is collected without biasing influences.

eg. 19 out of 20 listeners preferred the sound of our model II to our model I in double blind listening trials.....

It is just that those preaching for the supremacy of the purely subjective reaction wish to include any and all biasing influences in their assessment of sonic performance. That position is simply wrong.
There's not shortage of products out there, made for the gullible audiophile, that don't flow electrons.

For sure. In this case though what seems to be the basic concept behind the Entreq - in nature's wood boxes - proved to be the only solution to clean up microphone lines in a studio rebuild on the 25th floor of a steel building full of computers and printing presses, facing two high power AM transmitter sites a couple miles away. Twenty five floors of copper ground wire is right around the length of an AM tower.
I recall doing it for a lot less money though, granted sticky wall dots weren't attempted.
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