Karlson tube HF waveguides - how many have tried them?

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This might work well.

X this works well !!!

I have used a high sensitive tweeter and such pipe. For the people, you need a compression driver for high sensitivity, tube will softing the tone, it does here and I like the sound.

I record video and let you hear. I am suprised. But first I go on with faseplug, I am go saw it coming week, almost ready. I am busy now with helping people, I am a social worker.

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Kees great news! Freddi will be happy and maybe you solved a tricky problem by poking a pipe into the horn throat to spatially locate that tweeter. :)

Please post photo on Trynergy thread.

Tomorrow. The tweeter is on the mouth, with a pipe. I listen to it now, so nice, I like it, I go buy a good compression driver, (102 a 108 dB watt) and put a pipe on it and test, it is worth it.

sleeep wel, ehhe for me I mean on the other site of the world.
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an "X10" might be a fun project with internal tube - certainly one on top will work. Some Karlsonator could accommodate an internal tube and would require a bolt-on driver attached "in" the stub. That copper tube by Halon looks beautiful - polish and clear coat.

Carl Neuser (big time K-experimenter) has used maple veneer layers to make K-tubes.

one of Carl's K- testbox
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an "X10" might be a fun project with internal tube - certainly one on top will work. Some Karlsonator could accommodate an internal tube and would require a bolt-on driver attached "in" the stub. That copper tube by Halon looks beautiful - polish and clear coat.

Carl Neuser (big time K-experimenter) has used maple veneer layers to make K-tubes.

metal van resonate, pcv is better but less nice looking.

I have use a paper version, I am stunned how wide it go in room, I make picture tomorrow to get a idea.

now I go sleep en dream of a nice wife.

vrg kees
you will have to turn your head I cannot make the picture rotate. Tube at ear level three sided equal sided triangle stage and image are excellent. Best regards Moray James.

:cop: image fixed.

It is old thread but try.

How much efficiency I get left when use a K-Tube in stead of a horn?, idea was to put a K-tube in a horn, injecting through walls to get wide respons and not much beaming.

a little K-tube approximately the same size as the Transylvania tube, has probably a bit more than 100dB sensitivity from 2KHz up as it seems a bit hot with a 99dB woofer. If setting on top of a speaker, then I think a baffle at the compression driver's plane may help offset baffle step fold-backs and low end droop. Get some cardboard and experiment with baffle size.
a little K-tube approximately the same size as the Transylvania tube, has probably a bit more than 100dB sensitivity from 2KHz up as it seems a bit hot with a 99dB woofer. If setting on top of a speaker, then I think a baffle at the compression driver's plane may help offset baffle step fold-backs and low end droop. Get some cardboard and experiment with baffle size.

My plan was put it in a horn mouth, drill a hole is side horn and stick it through it so it is the horn, the wideband do wel until 2.5 khz, and K-tube do rest, the bass injection is also there making a tractrix with single point effect, I did use the trynergy idea from X wich do well it is in room and working, however I did want to try a K-tube so I have more efficienty and width effect..

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