Jordan Eikona 2 vs MarkAudio Alpair 10.3/ 10p

Don't think you were unclear at all.

As for the presence and sources of the distortion bump in papers vs metal - perhaps further refinement of the design might mitigate that to some degree, but whatever degree exists and remains is certainly likely to be a factor in each one's "sonic signature" - a lovely vague term that I think can be packed with a not readily definable or agreed upon combination of measurable parameters / distortions .
Hello. I haven't heard MarkAudio speakers, but I have Eikona VTL built a couple of years ago out off baltic birch ply and I love them run full range but occasionally I remove the back panel and run them xd over at 125Hz open baffle with 4 HiVi M12s in U frames, even better. Regards the cost difference, over time it's peanuts....
Yes, that's what I mean. It looks like it is a one person cohort so far.
I'm actually surprised, given the interest in single driver speakers there seems to be out there.

It's my understanding Jordan took on Fenlon (a distinguished designer in his own right) as an apprentice and planned to pass his torch to him. At some point their relationship soured for reasons unknown to me. A few people around the forum seem to have taken their break-up very personally. I don't really care. I just want to listen to music, and for full range, I've found the Jordans fit my needs best.

When I listen to the Jordans, I don't miss the extra 4kHz of treble the Alpairs offer, and I don't miss their 4/5 dB of extra sensitivity. But when I listen to the Alpairs, I sure do miss the Jordans' 10hz of bass extension and cleaner high treble.

The rest of the differences between the two come down to difficult to achieve, but small refinements. And most of their advantages -- in my opinion -- fall to the Jordans.
Thanks for that revelation- having been close to Mark and Bob Reimer since those early post-Jordan days, not much of that is news to me, and I've always discerned some of the tension between members here to which you allude.
I didn't say much, as it's too easy to be misinterpreted.
Bloody shame, really - talented minds both. Ted has clearly passed on the torch, and Mark is trying to enjoy a more relaxed work load these days - I trust we'll see their work continues, and DIYers will enjoy their products for decades to come.
Frank - I forgot to compliment your eloquent little terpsicore - dancing around the point on those last couple of posts this thread.
Be that I had the hobby time remaining and budget to be able to play with another class of drivers such as the Jordans, I'd be in the same enviable position from which you're able to share.
65 in my case, with screaming tinnitus and a pronounced dip in the 3-5K range. My son was playing with an iPhone app the other day called Dog Whistle, or some such thing - I could still make out to about 11.5K

So the slightly less extended HF response of the Jordan might not be missed on my part, and the extra detail of the Alpair metals vs say a Fostex paper unit (even the FF-WK series with the ridged metal dust cap) might be explained by what is seen on their measurements.
The audiologist who conducts our annual WorkSafe hearing tests notes that driving with the window down on the highway contributes to a very large degree of FR & overall loss on the one side (left for us here) - and is not restricted to those of us of a certain age.
Another tinnitus sufferer here - left ear. I've taught myself to ignore it. I'm a musician so constant exposure to stage amps and drum kits.

Anyway, I tried The Jordan 92s and Alpair 10 gen 1 in the same column and I can say for sure that the Alpairs are better all round - more detail, more musical, better treble, everything. But no knowledge of Eikonas I'm afraid.

Still listening to the 10s. The bass has loosened up quite a bit and I can run them infinite baffle, which is a better sound for me, and still get adequate low end.
I'm pretty sure that Colin would opine that the Eikona was a substantial upgrade over the 92 - so the question for some might still be a matter of diminishing returns.

Of the few folks who may have experienced both, I think we've heard a very diplomatic expression by Frank as to the "comparison", or should we say - relative merits of each?