John Curl's Blowtorch preamplifier part III

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Don't forget, 2 Speakers can only produce a 1D (straight line) soundfield with very low grade beamforming. Everything else is in your head as your brain desperately tries to make sense of what the ears are receiving. All our ears are different and all our brains are different.
I don't agree at all. (Are-your surprised ?)
Nothing is objective in our way to ear, as nothing is objective in our way to see.
It is highly computed by our brain. Always.
Just record what comes out of your speakers at your listening place with an artificial head, and compare the result with what you hear directly.
Noise gates, compression and expansion, ..., it seems our brain is equipped with more DSP than in a big studio ;-)
Nothing "desperate" in our way to listen to hifi. On the contrary. Maybe your system is not good enough ?

Of course, we do not know how other people "listen", but, during a mixing session, as an example, it seems that everybody present (producers, musicians etc.) agree on the same things and share the same feelings.
What you say is exactly as to say we listen in 1D, because we have only two point ears. The perfect speakers (headphones ?), in a "perfect mix", brings to your ears (and not the walls) a complex mix of phases, variations of volumes (instant dynamic) etc... witch, I believe, is not so far from the pressures of the real thing. Otherwise, this make believe game would not work.
if you think to this, you will understand the interest to believe more in what you ear than what you measure ;-)

The point I agree with you is our brain is tolerant, and 'culture' (memory) is always in action. All this ability was made by evolution, I think, to identify the dangers.
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... Albums like this are often more enjoyable in the car as they were not mixed for high end systems but to sell singles.

We're in agreement, but I'm surprised how much I can hear over the ambient noise and from the crappy stock car audio. The difference between 320kps MP3 and 16/44 CD is not subtle. To my ears, while the timbre (frequency domain) is OK-ish, the transients (time domain) is very messy with the MP3.

... Look up presence region. a low Q bandpass centered around 2kHz will seem to move the image forwards of backwards. But only a bit. If you want to shift it back 20ft you require party tricks...

Interesting; I'll try it in time. Until then, I'll have to quote you.:)

... Don't forget, 2 Speakers can only produce a 1D (straight line) soundfield with very low grade beamforming. Everything else is in your head as your brain desperately tries to make sense of what the ears are receiving. All our ears are different and all our brains are different.

Now you're talking! :)
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Don't need to quote me, just look up 'presence dip' or 'BBC dip' or even 'Gundry dip'. The last one has caused its fair share of flame ons on the internet as Mr Gundry neither invented it nor designed it into his speakers. Oddly BBC monitors rarely met the spec and for some reason the production problems became considered part of the design.
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My Heretical solution which I am currently commissioning. The joy (or madness) of this is that you can run each filter as L only, R only, stereo or Mid-Side. Studio guys know that filtering mid and side seperately can have beneficial effects but us poor domestics have been kept in the dark.

I also recommend you read some of Dick Burwen's stuff AUDIO_SPLENDOR If you are not aware of Dick he really can be described as legendary. Anyone with walk in speakers at home has to be taken seriously :)


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Same to you. I said, maybe, the sames thing like you (highly computed) but with opposite conclusions.

You said EXACTLY the same but with more words having said you disagreed with me.

Are you lost? I thought you had spent time on this thread before.

So how is your pet dragon doing?

More a velociraptor than a dragon :)

You really know things are good when you play a mono record in a stereo system and it fools you for a minute because it starts to sound like stereo.
If my mono recording sounds like stereo I know my system is very wrong. Mono on 2 speakers is of course wrong to start with. Garrard 301, 12" arm SPU C and a concrete corner horn is the way to listen to mono. Sadly I have none of these so have to slum it.
My Heretical solution which I am currently commissioning. The joy (or madness) of this is that you can run each filter as L only, R only, stereo or Mid-Side. Studio guys know that filtering mid and side seperately can have beneficial effects but us poor domestics have been kept in the dark.

I also recommend you read some of Dick Burwen's stuff AUDIO_SPLENDOR If you are not aware of Dick he really can be described as legendary. Anyone with walk in speakers at home has to be taken seriously :)

Has anyone here used Burwen's Audio Splendor?

Can it be used as a plug in on DAW such as Reaper?


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At home I only have to please myself and my wife. Music comes first. Messing around with audio equipment is just a hobby to give me something to do with my hands as I'm too hamfisted to make clocks and I don't have a garage to keep a project car in.

But 2 channel stereo is a parlor trick, a musical trompe l'oeil.
... I also recommend you read some of Dick Burwen's stuff AUDIO_SPLENDOR If you are not aware of Dick he really can be described as legendary. Anyone with walk in speakers at home has to be taken seriously :)

Yes, I've heard of him; he designed the modules that went into the early Mark Levinson LNP with a zillion knobs, which was superceded by the JC-2 with 4 knobs and the rest is history.
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I want music. Michael Gerzon worked out how to record and reproduce a realistic soundfield but no one was interested. So we are in the sad state of affairs where the film industry puts more effort into sound quality than the music industry, with the gaming industry a close second.

As I posted a few days back Floyd Toole is experimenting with upmixing stereo to 9.6.4 surround with very good results on the right material. Gives me some hope that forward motion will get made. But Rachmaninoff playing his own piano works in glorious lofi mono still sends shivers down my spine.
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Yes, I've heard of him; he designed the modules that went into the early Mark Levinson LNP with a zillion knobs, which was superceded by the JC-2 with 4 knobs and the rest is history.

He designed a LOT. Including one of the earliest Analog Devices opamps (Can't find out which one tho. Scott should know). The Cello Audio Palette is of course a famous one. Don't make em like him anymore.
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