John Curl's Blowtorch preamplifier part III

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My work has nothing to do with emotion and is not about audio equipment. I study multisensory perception and how the engineers can improve equipment to produce multisensory stimuli.
Are you saying Markw4 didn't know what he was talking about?
What is his commercial interest? If you can't back it up, it's a claim.
You've been reading and posting on this forum since 2015 and you don't recognize who / what Jakob2, JC and Merrill are? :boggled: Sorry, I can't help you.
Read Rule 1. I guess you don't realize the mods don't read every post, and as Markw4 pointed out, this thread is considered a little less strict.
Shill is a legit term, not one used in name calling that you were thinking of. Same with snake oil.
Please explain how criticizing certain DBT practices (not all) benefits anyone's business if we don't even know his business? Do his presumed customers buy more stuff because he mentions controls in DBTs? DIYAudio!?!?
See my second paragraph above.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Thank you for making my day!
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But I'm open to new ideas if they are backed up.
Have you asked Markw4 about backing up an audibility claim of DACs?
One of those is an eccentric if outspoken objectivist. The other is in a league of his own that highlights all the ugliness of being an ignorant pseudoscience purveyor.
How accurate are you in the assessment of 2 forum members?
As far as I can tell, most people here would agree: Properly performed DBTs are useful. Poorly done DBTs are useless.
How would you know if test was done properly or poorly when a poster who claims of audible difference between DACs won't reveal how the test was done?
Yah, positioning is just a little part of the answer/problem.....minute differences.
Just a thought, I like taking the room out of the equation as much as possible

We have little control over the microphones, but we do over the speakers/room!
I'd bet the biggest influence in the next decades will be spatial sound, and I'll predict the solution will include IEMs with head tracking.
Does that explain your handle? :) Possibly since people like to plug themselves into tech and disconnect from everything else ;)
Are you saying Markw4 didn't know what he was talking about?
Markw4 doesn't know me. I must have been unclear in something I wrote. No harm!
You've been reading and posting on this forum since 2015 and you don't recognize who / what Jakob2, JC and Merrill are? :boggled: Sorry, I can't help you.
Sorry I have no tinfoil hat or dowsing rod to figure things out... I try to be evidence-based in such matters. I'm happy to admit my errors, if you can provide evidence that I've missed.
If all you can show is that any of them sell stuff, I'll admit I'm wrong, but it won't change my ability to read their posts for their content, and decide if I find the content valuable or not.... maybe even a response.
No apology needed for your inabilities.
I laughed too!
Sorry I have no tinfoil hat or dowsing rod to figure things out... I try to be evidence-based in such matters. I'm happy to admit my errors, if you can provide evidence that I've missed.
If all you can show is that any of them sell stuff, I'll admit I'm wrong, but it won't change my ability to read their posts for their content, and decide if I find the content valuable or not.... maybe even a response.
No apology needed for your inabilities.
I'll try just once to help you.
Link 1, link 2, link 3.
You are on your own from this point on.
With regard to this whole subjective vs objectivist thing.........the problem in all this arises when people coming from the subjective emotional side try to explain their experiences in electronic engineering terms.

My full time job is being a practicing visual artist, and what you refer to as my subjective emotional side has nothing to do whatsoever with the tools I work with, other than facilitate my creativity. So, in effect I am agreeing with the objectivists on this issue.

But I am compelled to say that the final act of musical creation emanating from a piece of recorded music happens inside the listener’s heart and mind, and has nothing whatsoever to do with playback equipment.

Ever seen a cat dancing to music? Nope! :p ToS
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Does that explain your handle? :) Possibly since people like to plug themselves into tech and disconnect from everything else ;)
Ha! That's great! Well, directly, no, but indirectly you're right. I don't do any work in that direction, but because of my background and interests, I know head motion is central to the brain's internal construction of the 3D world. Solving spatial audio externally with sound fields is difficult. But with head tracking and IEMs, it's a tractable problem.
That method doesn't preclude periaural microphones to allow interaction with others, but if the goal is to disconnect, this idea would certainly facillitate that. stereo is an inanimate object, a machine, a device with one job to do.

Yay! :worship: ToS

I am trying to share something I’m experiencing that seems to be relevant in audio research at this time.

It seems many don’t grasp exactly what I’m saying and the ones that do are on the defensive against constant ridicule.

So in the face of adversity I trudge on :D

Mr Bob, I get it - in spades. :)

May I suggest that what you are experiencing is your own creativity at work? That the act of listening is in itself a creative act? That your own creativity can and does wax and wane, and ultimately can be encouraged to become a full time foreground activity?

I think you need to give yourself credit for this epiphany. :cheers: ToS
I'll try just once to help you.
Link 1, link 2, link 3.
You are on your own from this point on.
Thank you! Sincerely. You get 2 dings and a buzz.
I didn't know about Jakob... missed that post. But as I said, that info doesn't change how I read his posts (what I agree and disagree with). And again, does that constitute snake oil? I don't see how, and I doubt you can show it, but I've used up my help-me card, right?
I guess JC was obvious. No secret really. But also no snake oil.
I happen to know you/Scott are wrong on the third. Merrill Wettasinghe of Merrill Audio Advanced Technology Labs in New Jersey is not mmerrill99.
Two posts in 2015, then silence until these days. Smells like a sock puppet to me, but then what do I know :D.

Perhaps that ^ shouldn't be taken as a joke. :scratch2:

You've both missed your calling. Smearing without any evidence is quite valuable in politics.

You are wrong, but I know that provides zero deterrence for you.
You didn't read my post very well (that's the sort of straightforward thing that Jakob has trouble with too)
What did I miss? "Alleged"? You don't believe mmerrill99 would make something cheesy looking?
To Mountainman Bob's direct question, you give a link, and some hedging words. And EvenHarmonics also cites you as evidence.
Misleading, at best.
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