John Curl's Blowtorch preamplifier part II

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Now if you took a random resistor and put it in the ac cord or anywhere else in a circuit I could buy that it may make a change to the sound, it does in fact change an electrical circuit by its very nature.
Yes, that's the guts of it, exactly ...

Personally, I have found that when I'm achieving close to an optimum sound that it can become a nightmare - the slightest variation in some area can alter the sound. Not a nice place to be, but rather than pretend this behaviour is not there, just wish that it would go away, I've persisted in trying to get a handle on it all. And found some interesting ways of managing things as a result ...
Originally posted by Fas42
Dear o' dear ... just because I acknowledge that some device, object, material can have an impact on the perceived sound, it means that I become fair game. Strangely enough, places like RS and Farnell are full of such things, but they have an approval sticker on them, so it's OK ... . Of course, the problem here is that the device is expensive, and the explanation sounds wacko -- which means that under all circumstances it must have zero impact on sound; if it was cheap and had a technically very impressive but ultimately BS explanation for its operation then it would considered legit ...
Nope sorry to disappoint you but they are full of real components, not fantasy resistors.
When you are talking about real circuits and especially your own I and others listen. When you talk about the Bybee device you are blowing smoke, you have no more explanation for how they really work or what is in them than one of those hucksters selling magic potions on TV. Funny how you use them on your TV and not on your audio equipment! When I see one scintilla of evidence that this device is real I'll apologize, until then you have no more credibility than any other faith healer on this count.
And we know from numerous debates and dismantling of the devices etc that there is nothing to them. There have been numerous measurements performed by Sy amongst others that show nothing more than a resistive element.
You and other s that support this fraud have provided not one shred of evidence, or description of what this devices is and does. The military hush hush stuff holds no weight because otherwise JB would be in big trouble (ITAR).
The reason why this device is only sold to audiophiles and can not be bought from any electronics suppliers is because it would be laughed at. All electronics engineers I work with laugh at both the description and the claims made for the device.
You claim to know more here yet in past threads you claim not to know the workings of the device (I can go get links if you want) so which is it! I don't hold with any secret materials or any other hand pseudo science regarding the device or any of its magical abilities.
The supporters have not given one iota of evidence to support this device, just the endless well someone heard a difference so it must work, and us mortals don't understand the workings of these magical devices created by the audiophile gurus...
Why because most of them are recycled cow dung, surrounded by magic marketing, another devices was rumoured to be created by aerospace engineers moonlighting. Now all this technical mumbo jumbo may work for the audiophiles who can afford it and have no technical understanding, but scratch beneath the surface and there is very little substance to this and other devices other than soothing words for the victim.
Actually, I think some here should hang their heads in shame ... Parts ConneXion, who apparently have the bold faced temerity to advertise here, have made a pact with the devil! Those who wish to rise up in arms against this great evil, should organise 24/7 denial of service attacks upon this organisation, until they are forced to purge this unsavoury swill from their shelves ...

What? That retail company is just following the great American tradition of selling anything they can if it makes a profit, even their own grandkids ...?? Nonsense, I say, stone them until they beg for mercy ... only total submission is good enough - I demand it!!
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Since people have indicated that it helps reduce the impact of high frequency noise in the environment upon the components I can only surmise that in some fashion that it is dissipating or absorbing some of the energy in that part of the spectrum. Like a ferrite, I have already mentioned as a thought, but SY couldn't find any evidence of such behaviour - perhaps there is some time delay or other dynamic aspect to the characteristics ...

What makes sense to me is that a company can't be selling units on an ongoing basis without at least a few people finding them worthwhile ... placebo has only so much value - if you bought a part that cost $100 from Farnell that had zero effective impact on your design would you conclude that the part was a fake ... or that perhaps you didn't need it, or your understanding of the situation wasn't totally correct?
Since people have indicated that it helps reduce the impact of high frequency noise in the environment upon the components I can only surmise that in some fashion that it is dissipating or absorbing some of the energy in that part of the spectrum. Like a ferrite, I have already mentioned as a thought, but SY couldn't find any evidence of such behaviour - perhaps there is some time delay or other dynamic aspect to the characteristics ...

Except you're wrong because John has hinted it "works" (unlikely) on 1/f noise. Well, you're more likely wrong because the device is an overpriced resistor and it's impact is commensurate with that.

SY looked at it with a VNA if I am not mistaken.

I'd go so far as suggest maybe everyone just stops discussing them, because it's dominating the thread and a compromise will never be reached.

This whole thread has become a joke. Bybee is laughing his way to the bank. I would never buy a product from anyone supporting or selling these devices. Shills or morons, take your pick.
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Joined 2002
Paid Member
I'd go so far as suggest maybe everyone just stops discussing them, because it's dominating the thread and a compromise will never be reached.

This whole thread has become a joke

I agree. It is a waste of time IMO.

The tendency to reshape customers way of thinking is evident to me in this “White paper” for their active device

Although this device lends itself to technical description, the text is an anthology of smooth words, water flowing and the like analogies.

The “white paper” is boosted in importance by the reference of their Senior Development Engineer and their Senior Research Physicist, the Engineer’s Data Sheet , no.

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I'd go so far as suggest maybe everyone just stops discussing them.

Very nice, unfortunately it will pop up it's head again after a while, as it has done so many times before.
As Ponzi's, Pyramid scams, and Airplane seat 'investments' have, and do.
A small ripple of critical height, suffices to trigger an excitation, with a self-sustaining nature.

I'm not an EE (though I would imagine that 'dissipating or absorbing' might read somewhat odd to one), yet I understand the motivation for someone in that field to raise a protest flag whenever called for.
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diyAudio Member RIP
Joined 2005
I agree. It is a waste of time IMO.

The tendency to reshape customers way of thinking is evident to me in this “White paper” for their active device

Although this device lends itself to technical description, the text is an anthology of smooth words, water flowing and the like analogies.

The “white paper” is boosted in importance by the reference of their Senior Development Engineer and their Senior Research Physicist, the Engineer’s Data Sheet , no.

So I admit to being disappointed that this particular product doesn't sound more wacky. One at least has a statement of function as a filter, however garbled. But such devices should be readily testable.

I was told by the resident audiophile who uses the sonic purifiers that they employed carbon nanotubes. I guess I need to do more searching.

But I agree hashing over the intentions of the company and personnel seems to be going nowhere in here.
yes and it tests very badly. just ask/thank our friends at linear audio.

bybee is the most consistently … well let the pics speak, its the last in just about all of them, starting out the worst at low frequencies in all of them and only matched by the burson in others. really noisy AND peaky and with very average PSRR. quite an achievement.

btw these pages were put up for free download on the site, I havent scanned them


  • V4 JW F5.pdf
    22.9 KB · Views: 95
  • V4 JW F6.pdf
    23.8 KB · Views: 75
  • V4 JW F7.pdf
    29 KB · Views: 65
  • V4 JW F8.pdf
    25.9 KB · Views: 71
  • V4 JW F9.pdf
    25.5 KB · Views: 71
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Joined 2002
Paid Member
But I agree hashing over the intentions of the company and personnel seems to be going nowhere in here.

Human endeavor to observe phenomena and define form, substance, potentiality and actuality, the act of forming logic and extracting causality, have a history of thousand years on it’s back (and still going).

The intention -when expressed in engineering world- to turn back to “feng shui” way of thinking, just makes me feel dizzy.

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diyAudio Member RIP
Joined 2005
yes and it tests very badly. just ask/thank our friends at linear audio.

bybee is the most consistently … well let the pics speak, its the last in just about all of them, starting out the worst at low frequencies in all of them and only matched by the burson in others. really noisy AND peaky and with very average PSRR. quite an achievement.

btw these pages were put up for free download on the site, I havent scanned them
I must not have read that article yet. Which issue of LA?
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