John Curl's Blowtorch preamplifier part II

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What a waste, I happen to own both an Acura and an old Porsche. I note the differences, the difference in cost, features, or lack of. For example, my Porsche doesn't have any cup holders. The Honda has 2.
I am not as familiar with the BMW and its price point, so I don't use it for comparisons, much.


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Being a "Honda", the JC-2 is a darn good example of how good it ca be made!
You almost "waste" golden JFETs for a Honda...

I actually find it easier to make a Rolls Royce than a mass produced Honda, and I ahve been in projects for both SOTA amps and mass produced cell phones (1e7+ units).


I don't select the relays specifically, except that they must be sealed and gold on gold contacts. I am interested in what many here think are BETTER relays than the Omron, for example. Please remember that the Parasound JC-2 is a HONDA not a Porsche.
I like Shallco silver on silver switches best, and that is what I listen through, there are no 'stinking relays' in the CTC Blowtorch, for example.
However, to be fair, and even reasonable, a good telcom relay is pretty good, in practice, IF you chose the right contacts, proper drive, etc. Usually we use 2 contacts for a single connection to 'improve' performance. Keeps Xtalk problems down too.
PMA, you often speak about EMI protection, but where is the EMI protection parts in the JC-2 schematic?

I only see the input cap but that is deep inside the JC-2 meaning that EMI will enter the amplifier and then to be removed by the RC-filter but then the EMi is all over inside the box....

Thanks for your reply, it is good that Parasound fixed the circuit. JC-2 is a very nice design.
No ones here want helps ?

can this filters work for tinnitus ?

Aes paper

thanks for the OT.....ciao

I have chronic tinnitus in my right ear from an explosive accident. I don't think this will help.

Nice very technical paper but in the conclusions, "We discussed practical considerations for the design of filters with reduced time dispersion which have been reported to offer improved sound quality." is offered without a single reference to any controlled test.
What a waste, I happen to own both an Acura and an old Porsche. I note the differences, the difference in cost, features, or lack of. For example, my Porsche doesn't have any cup holders. The Honda has 2.
I am not as familiar with the BMW and its price point, so I don't use it for comparisons, much.

Probaly has cup holders that break, they certainly don't hold those McD's 32 oz. drinks.
What this has to do with analog design, I wonder, but it is interesting how the 'questions and comments' fell away, when a REAL audio design is put up for discussion.
This is not surprising: Many people feel that as they went to college and/or worked in industry, they could do just about anything in audio. They forget, that we had to specialize too, decades before, until we developed our design skills to a high enough level to 'stand out' in the audio community.
I'm sure that many of my critics are perfectly suited to whatever they do for a living, I just wish that they did not attempt to exceed their actual experiences when criticizing the designs of my associates and myself.
Once again, IF you or your colleagues can make a super successful audio product that objectively sounds to people who listen for a living a true winner, then please: Go for it!
I have put away my vast collection of video tapes, because progress has been made in the video realm that makes it almost pointless to watch a video tape, except for content, sometimes.
My MAC computer, purchased in 1992, stands alone, not plugged in for years, even though I might have a 100 programs that will only work on that machine, including a schematic program, because I have moved on.
When digital audio, FOR ME, does the same, I too, will move on, but until then, digital is for computers and video, and true analog is still the best for music reproduction. That is what I am into. Your opinions may differ, but I would appreciate that you keep your criticisms to yourself.
yeah, because designing high quality discrete amplifiers (a fact nobody has ever disputed) has always been central to our criticism... not...

on the contrary John, nobody has ever spoken ill of the amps, its the handwaving, mysticism and rampant egotism I object to, which has NOTHING to do with your skill as a designer of discrete amps, though it may relate to some of the parts choices, which are not illustrated in the schematic.

The constant need to speak with authoritative voice, using this skill, your clientele, 'famous' friends and 30 year old anecdotes to justify unrelated, unproven and often ridiculous claims. Posting a schematic of a nice amp does not somehow give you a blank checkbook to say anything you like, no-matter how dubious and put all of our past disagreements to rest....

by posting here, you are fair game just as anyone else is, your psuedo scientific claims WILL be questioned, as they should be and yes sometimes even ridiculed.

The way you post, you very much ask for it.
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Qusp, my 'proof' is my 'success', nothing more, nothing less. If people like my stuff so much that they are willing to give me awards, pay up to double what it initially cost when I first made it, etc, then I suppose that I might have something to contribute to 'you all' when it comes to my personal opinion of 'the secret to my success'. Heck, I am trying to 'give it away', not hypnotize you into buying something.
And what is it that I am trying to 'give away'? My methods, as well as my topologies. That is all.
Now, here I am accused of 'name dropping', famous friends, etc. Well they are MY FRIENDS and colleagues. Yes, they are the people who have I called up, hung out with, and have generally befriended over the last 50 years, from well before the internet. I don't know too many others, as this is both my hobby and avocation, perhaps to my detriment. Still, I really don't appreciate attacks on my reason for sharing, my friends, or even my personal weaknesses, as perceived by others, especially as I am not allowed to respond in kind. I will leave it at that. I still learn, mostly from the links contributed by others, from this website, thanks for all that info. everyone!
I am hopeful, coresta, for digital. It sometimes works very well. It is just the 'magic' that I get with all analog, I find difficult to get. Some of the new computer downloads, at 192, or even higher sampling rates, MIGHT give us about the same thing. What I need is the best way to transfer that info to my OPPO 105. Then I will be able to evaluate the next level of digital, properly.
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