John Curl's Blowtorch preamplifier part II

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The thread stays up for many to see who do not comment. There is not just technical information here, but a good commentary on style.

I have not expressed my opinions on the personalities in public, that does not mean I do not have them. When I see someone "add" to a topic under discussion that is in an area I have explored, I just smile to myself when they show complete ignorance and pretend they are contributing.

The reason why you should continue is that although some here may think you are in error, time and additional work may show them to be in error.

I of course never make mystakes.

I suspect, Joshua, that you understand me, and while we have never met in person, we have talked on the phone.
You are also an admitted 'technician' that I have come to believe actually essentially understands what I am trying to say here. Trust me, that is a relief, when I get so much 'static' from many others.
I try to convey, without math or schematics, HERE, because I have no good and direct way to put them up. Also, I don't like to publish my latest schematics, or even patent #'s by others, as this leads to intellectual loss of trade secrets, that my associates and I don't want to give it out to our direct competitors.
Also, most of what I wish to convey here to 'help' others is expressed as ideas, anyway, unless someone demands PROOF! Well, take it or leave it, everyone, I can't give more info. than I give. If it is not 'enough' then change to another thread. Is that so hard?

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

In fact it is very :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:


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I said before and I'll say it again.
After 45 years experience in electronics and audio, from your input in this thread, I learned about SOTA audio gear more than in any one other single place.
Your voice is not lost in the wilderness.

We all are temporary passengers in a space ship called Earth, traversing space at enormous speed, going nowhere.
This happens a lot in my world, also, Wavebourn.
For everyone else, I don't know what to say about the inductance variation. It can be very important, I'm sure.
However, I am in a situation where I can't address this topic here.
I will try to continue on a separate topic, once one comes up that I can contribute to.
It is interesting that I brought up this topic with one of my associates, and he said 'What inductor is actually linear? Apparently he has looked deeper than most, but I brushed it off, saying that we have to use 'something' and air coil looks pretty good to me, compared to many other types.

Hi John,

That's right, an air core inductor for the output filter of a class D amp will help eliminate PIM caused by the inductor. The air core takes up more room, but can probably justified for a high-end class D amp. Make it a toroid air core to better confine the magnetic field and EMI.

Make it a toroid air core to better confine the magnetic field and EMI.

Bob, I have a stupid question. How does one wind an air-core toroid? Or more specifically, isn't there a problem removing the form? I'm thinking of this in comparison with the solenoid case where the form might be, say, a dowel which you can just slide out when done winding.
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Joined 2004
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Hi Joshua,
Who appointed you to "help" others against their will?
All you had to say was that you disagree with me. But then again, John does need his glee club, and you seem to need a mentor for some reason.

Tell me, what have I said that was untrue?

Over the years, I have helped many people. True, it was without asking permission to help them first. I guess I'm that kind of guy.

Who appointed you to determine for others what's right and what's wrong for them, what's good and what's bad for them?
I haven't done that. I have made some observations and no one is bound to take my advice unless I post in an official capacity. You will note that I seldom use "the hat".

It is possible your mentor may have been distressed a little.

Who appointed you to educate others?
Now, there is a curious statement!
It is up to people experienced in the industry and art to help pass on what they have learned. Civilizations build on the knowledge of those who came before them. Being a good member here means that you assist and contribute.

My take on all this is that you have a problem with the exchange between John and I. Let it be said that I'd much rather learn from a helpful and cheery person, but alas, John ain't that person.

Don't you see you are a self-appointed righteous?
I guess I am to a degree, but I have never tried to be anything but helpful except when I see a need to stand up for our membership. So, how are you going to enrich the experience here Joshua?

I love to see all you may contribute to technical issue.
Well, just go ahead and read in other posts. I must admit that I am unable to post as much as I used to do though. I'd like to see you post things that are generally correct, not unless your experience and knowledge is also a secret. This, I just have to see for myself Joshua!

When you have nothing technical to contribute – do what's appropriate in such cases (shut up?).
The cool thing about rules is that they apply to everyone Joshua. Which means that if we did apply this suggestion of yours, you would be unable to post most of what you have, and John would also have the number of posts he makes greatly curtailed.

A suggestion for you Joshua, think ahead before your fingers strike the keyboard. Try and contribute to some threads, rather than attack a perceived foe.

We all are temporary passengers in a space ship called Earth, traversing space at enormous speed, going nowhere.
From where I sit, that pretty much describes your contribution here!
Again with the fingers! Think first old boy.

-Chris :D
Joined 2004
Paid Member
Hi John,
I really was going to ignore this thread for a bit, waiting for some science or truth to be tabled, but your "bodyguard" came out to play and you went for the sympathy vote. You never change and it's so very transparent.

I am only out to make sure your claims are true.

I try to convey, without math or schematics, HERE, because I have no good and direct way to put them up.
Now, this is hogwash.
You are trying to convey information without math or schematics so you can't be tripped up. If there is no information to work with, you can't be proved incorrect. That, is the real reason for no schematics, which leads to no math. Is one to assume that you do release schematics on some public forum somewhere as you are inferring?

You have received offers to help post your material by more than one member here. I have been one of those people, so I know that you do not pursue anyone's offer to assist you. So this entire statement is patently untrue - call it what you will.

Also, I don't like to publish my latest schematics, or even patent #'s by others, as this leads to intellectual loss of trade secrets, that my associates and I don't want to give it out to our direct competitors.
Fact: Patents are public knowledge and your competitors are far better at mining the patent office for information than people will be here as a group.
Fact: If you had any patent information worth protecting, it would be filed under your name, an easy search. The information is not in your name. You did not invent the secret you say you are protecting. That makes sense if you consider most new developments are rehashed old ideas.
This statement is just a smoke screen John. Maybe you don't want the patent holder to realize you are infringing on their patent.

Just guessing here with logic. Why else would anyone hide the IP they have "patented" which is easy to find? John, I am dying to know the real reason, because your stated reason doesn't hold water.

Also, most of what I wish to convey here to 'help' others is expressed as ideas
...And a schematic is a form of design shorthand that most of us can read. Posting a schematic to illustrate an idea is a time honored method used to teach others a concept. Block diagrams are often used as well.

Well, take it or leave it, everyone, I can't give more info. than I give.
Once again you have trouble with the English language John. No, it's more info than you will give. It's an entirely elective thing on your part. This is the way you have looked at your involvement for years.

If it is not 'enough' then change to another thread. Is that so hard?
They did, and you showed up there as well. :rolleyes:

More basic is the requirement that if you make a statement, then it is entirely up to you to show evidence supporting your viewpoint, unless it is a basic thing that is accepted generally. I had to put that in for Joshua there.

So, why would anyone begin another thread to discuss anything that you advanced and refused to support? Does that make any sense to you, because it sure doesn't make any sense to me.

John, I'm really sorry and depressed we don't get along better. Everyone here who doesn't agree with you is seen as your antagonist, and that's sad. It's also untrue.

Here's hoping you find a technical topic that you can discuss without limits and secrets.

Hi MJL21193,
The lost wax method...
Ear wax!

That's right, an air core inductor for the output filter of a class D amp will help eliminate PIM caused by the inductor. The air core takes up more room, but can probably justified for a high-end class D amp. Make it a toroid air core to better confine the magnetic field and EMI.

Hi Bob;

as I asked before;

when eliminating source of PIM we replaced the filter choke by an air core one, then surround the whole thingy by feedback, do we create PIM as the result, since the amp is not ideally linear?

What is better:
to leave an inductor that creates PIM on the place, then reduce PIM using feedback (as you said a negative feedback reduces pre-existing PIM);
or to replace it by an air core one, then generate PIM applying a negative feedback?
By andy C. - Bob, I have a stupid question. How does one wind an air-core toroid?

I have only seen this in a PC SMPS , only a few turns , but it was toroidial (wrapped around a plastic former) . Was PE or a teflon- like plastic.

Just went away for a few hours to get some mushrooms in the park and.. WOW, the reason I always go to the thread "erupts" again. If all followers of this thread had to "click through" an adserver , most would .. :headshot: If DIYA could make even $.02 off each "click" , that would be $24,000.

My point is , this thread is a core component of DIYA ( biggest thread in the biggest forum) . All the moths are attracted to the light ,and this thread is the best technical soap opera around .. irreplaceable !! :cool:
Personally , I will come back to the site , SUBCONSCIOUSLY look to see who was hollerin' at who and sift the few technical "gems" from the brawl ;) .
I must say, this is amazing! Never, have I been 'trashed' so hard by another professional.
It is amazing to me to be called a liar, a blowhard, etc.
Now, let me address a couple of things.
I have contributed to websites similar to this for the last 20 years. No, not just the internet, but similar sites.
I have ALWAYS had trouble with putting math up on line. How do people do it? Cut and paste? Copy from textbooks? I certainly don't know how, and I doubt that it would do much good. I don't even know how to make a square-root sign. Perhaps I am obsolete, or something.
When, weeks ago, I first mentioned that a friend of mine, a former employee from more than 30 years ago, now a video designer, found a way to measure PIM, (in a way, not yet discussed here) I get inundated with demands for patent #'s etc. My friend got very upset with me, and told me to keep my mouth shut, at least for several months. He has HIS reasons, and I have a big mouth. While it is true that patents are public, you have to find them first. That is how many companies cheat people by finding patents and actively attempting to break them. So, I shut up about that venue of measuring PIM.
Then, another individual showed me what appears to be PIM in measurements that I had done, myself, decades ago, that PASSED peer review! Wow, what a concept. I brought it up here, and all heck broke out.
Why? Still, the numbers don't match, but oh well.
Now, why is my honesty impugned? I go overboard to be honest, to a fault. Who is calling me a liar, behind my back? Anyone?
Now, if you, Anatech, were a well known designer, with design credits that I would know about, maybe I would take you more seriously, but frankly, I don't know what you are talking about, half the time, except when you are attacking me directly. This is how I see it.
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John, I'm really sorry and depressed we don't get along better. Everyone here who doesn't agree with you is seen as your antagonist, and that's sad. It's also untrue.

Come on... It actually does not matter, do we agree with him, or not: The Show Must Go On!
He commanded me to shut up several times even when I expressed an agreement with his point of view. That's why I got a strong impression that John plays the role of some very progressive inventor who is against the whole world. It is just the role. No inventions, no ideas. Just empty statements about how progressive he is, and how the whole world opposes him.
Wavebourn, since we are exposing our laundry, let's talk about our difficulties.
Personally, I originally liked you, and wanted to help you in any way that I could. I found, however, by talking to you directly by phone, that you wanted to keep a distance between us, and that even my telephone presence was not appreciated. I have helped people from the USSR, in the past, and you seemed to need some help in getting work, etc. However, now there is no social interaction between us, and yet you still write your own version of reality on the Blowtorch Thread, rather than starting your own. When I have a direction that I am trying to go here, I find it not useful to be continually interrupted by someone who appears to be selling his own design philosophy, developed generally in the USSR, and is interesting enough to be put on another thread.
What's the reason in few turns around toroidal non-magnetic material?

I did not have the chance to ask the Chinese designer ??? :eek:
but I will research this , I am curious...

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

this is similar to what I saw , but with fewer windings and a plastic former.
and this explains why ...
This was a newer 800w SMPS , with 50khz + freq. very different from my older ones ( 2003 ).

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Wavebourn, since we are exposing our laundry, let's talk about our difficulties.
Personally, I originally liked you, and wanted to help you in any way that I could. I found, however, by talking to you directly by phone, that you wanted to keep a distance between us, and that even my telephone presence was not appreciated. I have helped people from the USSR, in the past, and you seemed to need some help in getting work, etc. However, now there is no social interaction between us, and yet you still write your own version of reality on the Blowtorch Thread, rather than starting your own. When I have a direction that I am trying to go here, I find it not useful to be continually interrupted by someone who appears to be selling his own design philosophy, developed generally in the USSR, and is interesting enough to be put on another thread.

I'm selling nothing here. I agree with you that PIM were generated, but what you said about non-harmonic sidebands on your picture is a total b()t, no matter in which country such a "design philosophy" was originated: a plain elementary physics is international
Wavebourn, since we are exposing our laundry, let's talk about our difficulties.

My single difficulty was, I could not understand why from the beginning you kept saying that Wavebourn is not good designer because does not design "No Compromise" things. It was the real difficulty, because I am a hundred percent sure that if you John got a formal education as a professional designer, no matter where you got it, in U.S.A., in USSR, or even in Burkina Faso, you would learn all the time how to optimize, it is the core of the design, and a marketing slogan about "No Compromise" has nothing common with real design.
Thank you for trying to teach me to design "No Compromise". You've tried and failed, because before you've started to teach me I was already spoiled by a former education as a professional designer and technologist of radio and electronics equipment, and I know that "No Compromise" is an imaginary thing that does not exist in the real world.
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