John Curl's Blowtorch preamplifier part II

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Joined 2012
Or that the measurement instrument falls apart once an individual is far from the mean.

Or the limited value of the assessment in the first place breaks down with these unique individuals.

Or numerous other factors. The value of the number (and the tests to determine it) is debatable in the first place, and likely to have its greatest value around the center, rather than the fringes. Incredibly smart people are incredibly smart. The end.

You dont like IQ tests? OK. Fine.

That girl who got 162 IQ said the test was easy for her. What is her true number then? That says a lot, to me. I was impressed. That's already 20+ points beyond me.

Any way it was good news, I thought, as there are a lot of intellectual minds here..... maybe not quit so easy for us to go beyond ourselves.... but just imagine it.

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First of all it isnt a ridiculous number. But it is an IQ test number with limitations.

>200 IQ is absolutely a patently ridiculous number. No matter if all the general stats and measurement we like to use break down, you're still talking an extremely, extremely, EXTREMELY rare event.

"Oh, that was a pretty good rumble--just tore half the Earth's crust to bits. We'll get on fine."

As for the girl tested with a 162 IQ--good for her, I guess? I hope that she isn't overly pressured and pigeonholed in to some expectation and is allowed to explore the world based on her own interests, whatever they may be. I have no doubt she's extremely brilliant.
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>200 IQ is absolutely a patently ridiculous number. No matter if all the general stats and measurement we like to use break down, you're still talking an extremely, extremely, EXTREMELY rare event.

"Oh, that was a pretty good rumble--just tore half the Earth's crust to bits. We'll get on fine."

As for the girl tested with a 162 IQ--good for her, I guess? I hope that she isn't overly pressured and pigeonholed in to some expectation and is allowed to explore the world based on her own interests, whatever they may be. I have no doubt she's extremely brilliant.

You are still talking about projection and might making right. It is going circular to some degree. It's about limits and then evolving the capacity to see beyond limits. The error lies not with other.
know any funny jokes to tell us?

An engineer died and stopped at the Pearly Gates. St. Peter looked over his chart and had bad news. "According to my records,
you are not scheduled to be admitted to heaven. You go to the other place." The engineer was disappointed, but followed
the path down, down, down, past the creaky iron gates to Lucifer's fiery abyss.

A couple weeks later, St. Peter found the missing log entry. The engineer was supposed to be in heaven after all!
So he called Lucifer. "You know that engineer we sent you, that was a mistake. He's ours. You need to send him back."

But by this time, Lucifer was getting used to having an Engineer on staff. "Send him back? Are you nuts? You've got plenty of engineers
up there. This is the first one I ever got. And since he got here, things have been improving rapidly. The gates no longer creak.
Most of our heat is run into giant generators that power the air-conditioning, The remaining heat is run into hot tubs everywhere!
We have cool water piped all throughout Hades! The network stays running! It's like heav--, I mean, it's great! Not only that,
but the clocks now all read the right time; nothing is blinking 12:00, which drove me nuts! I'm going to keep him and there's nothing
you can do about it!"

St. Peter was insistent, though. "If you don't sent him back, why, I'll sue. I promise you, I'll sue."

Lucifer laughed. "Sue? Don't be silly. Where are YOU going to find a lawyer?"
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Joined 2012
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The only uncanny thing I see about IQ tests is that my brothers and I all scored (we are 5 years apart and were all tested around 2nd-3rd grade, respectively) within 2 points of each other.

I failed to see why it has to be "uncanny". Unless the values are far from the median of course. Many test schemes are simplified and are accurate only within limited range around the median. And when you think about it, if the questions are only 10 then only 11 scores are possible.
rayma, that WAS a goodie.
an oldie, but a goodie.
it's hard to go wrong with a lawyer as the punchline.


An engineer died and stopped at the Pearly Gates. St. Peter looked over his chart and had bad news. "According to my records,
you are not scheduled to be admitted to heaven. You go to the other place." The engineer was disappointed, but followed
the path down, down, down, past the creaky iron gates to Lucifer's fiery abyss.

A couple weeks later, St. Peter found the missing log entry. The engineer was supposed to be in heaven after all!
So he called Lucifer. "You know that engineer we sent you, that was a mistake. He's ours. You need to send him back."

But by this time, Lucifer was getting used to having an Engineer on staff. "Send him back? Are you nuts? You've got plenty of engineers
up there. This is the first one I ever got. And since he got here, things have been improving rapidly. The gates no longer creak.
Most of our heat is run into giant generators that power the air-conditioning, The remaining heat is run into hot tubs everywhere!
We have cool water piped all throughout Hades! The network stays running! It's like heav--, I mean, it's great! Not only that,
but the clocks now all read the right time; nothing is blinking 12:00, which drove me nuts! I'm going to keep him and there's nothing
you can do about it!"

St. Peter was insistent, though. "If you don't sent him back, why, I'll sue. I promise you, I'll sue."

Lucifer laughed. "Sue? Don't be silly. Where are YOU going to find a lawyer?"
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That girl maxed her test at 162... what would her estimated 'true' IQ be closer to?

I don't think there is true "IQ". But if you talk about "intelligence", yes it makes sense...

But I haven't seen IQ test question that is too difficult. Only speed is the limit. But it won't be "fair" IMO to increase the IQ limit by adding more questions of the same difficulty level and then use speed as the determinant factor (You know about chess, so, do you prefer playing blitz or 40/120? The competition is slightly different).

IMO IQ should measure an ability to solve complex things (such that preparations should not skew the result much).
Yes Joe I read comic books and I'm proud of it.

Great, vive la difference.

I have heard people say it is a form of art.

This is art too:

The Stanford Binet IQ test has a standard deviation of 15 points. When you eliminate birth defects and other issues the average IQ today is around 115.

Different tests do yield different results and often much higher than the Stanford Binet.

I know one family with three kids. The middle child topped the test in second grade, the youngest in fifth grade and the oldest took until eighth grade. The oldest was both embarrassed and relieved.

Joe where did you get the picture of my winter cottage? The artist did turn out to be a bit of a... Well I can't use any correct descriptive word for him without incurring the wrath of the thread cops.
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