John Curl's Blowtorch preamplifier part II

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What is the cost of that Blowtorch clone?

Have you found anything on that clone that measures poorly or doesn't match your original design? I imagine they didn't clone the case or many physical things but is the circuit an actual clone of your original design or are there circuit changes? Could make a nice preamp to use with an old turntable for those of us who have retained our vinyl to go with or digital media.
Dead Kennedys generally and REM What's The Frequency Kenneth....masterful mastering from the point of view of VU meter constantly pinned at 0 VU....big sense of power and breathing space/dynamics.
Played at max level these tracks separate men systems from boy systems.

Very true. High intensity rock music is one of the endpoints when I assess how a system performs, I don't want to expose embarrassing shortcomings straight off, :) - so lead it in nice and gentle like, ;).

The raw power and impact of very "aggressive" pop/rock is amazing stuff, but the vast majority of systems are woefully inadequate, fall badly at the first hurdle or two - when I went around and checked out active studio monitors I was quite astonished at how p!ss awful they nearly all were ...
Thanks George.
That is the direction I have been going except for the wireless component. At least they finally put the horns in a vertical line, I hated the first horn systems they had in the past.

On the crossover section that may be a bit farther than a consumer product price would make reasonable but if it can be done for a reasonable cost I am surely game.
If you are actually going to listen to the Dead Kennedy's who cares what you listen on, pure noise in my mind. Glad I never listened to punk, atrocious.

Lighten up there, I love Coltrane at his most extreme free jazz style too. Plenty of folks consider this noise.

I even do the Frank thing and play it at 11. IIRC at burning amp someone put on some room clearing music that I loved.
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There's nothing like Vegemite on toast the morning after a big night out.
You Poms clamour for Fosters beer...we exported it because we reckon it's junk, girl's beer. :p


I'll have you know, we knocked down the Fosters brewery about 3 miles from my house. Is now a good time to quote the monty python Australian table wine sketch?

Confession I am a real ale bore given half a chance.
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