John Curl's Blowtorch preamplifier part II

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1st, some measurement artifacts may or may not be audible.

2nd, this thread is about a commercial product and the designer participates as do some other professionals. They will talk about their stuff. Might as well get used to it, eh?

3rd, it's my observation from years of reading these fora that when accusations of commercial avarice or sales effort start up, it's the hifi equivalent of of a Godwin's law bombing raid. Nobody cares about "I've got some of that for sale" kind of posting unless the writer is also saying other things they disagree with, THEN all of a sudden accusations of commercializing effort are made.
Well said FrankWW. IF one is a both a designer AND a manufacturer, it is almost impossible to separate the two when discussing audio subjects.
I also TRY to avoid discussing a design that is still in production, and which I get a royalty from every sale, but sometimes I have to defend it from criticism , here, or I have to use it to make a point. However, I try so hard NOT to commercialize that many here think of me as just a crazy old man, who, past his prime, who is just talking about his past successes, and is not further involved in today's design of audio equipment.
I have to talk about the past for two reasons. THAT is when the design breakthroughs were made, by my colleagues or myself, and that is ALL that I can talk about, without letting go of today's latest design 'breakthroughs' to the world at large.
This makes my critics think that I am living 'in the past' and chide me for it, here. For example, I see, just within the week, new examples of the Vendetta Research phono preamp schematic on this website. I NEVER published this schematic, so it is reverse engineered from an existing Vendetta Research SCP-2 phono stage. Yet, the SCP-2 has NOT been built and sold since 1992, as a new product, or over 17 years ago. Now does that make me 'living in the past' when I discuss this design, on this website, with eager amateurs? Perhaps, but I am still designing phono stages, where, one in fact, was just released at RMAF last month. Yet, I cannot discuss this design here, without giving away one of my latest design efforts, or the other two phono stages that I have in the process of design. Am I just a tired old man, living on his past design breakthoughs? Hardly.
Many here, well qualified academics, better educated, in fact, than I am, are constantly on this website, attracting 'followers' and for what reason? Because they 'love' audio amateurs? I would presume that they, also, have something to sell, or at least promote: Their approach to audio design, which may sometime make them a consultant to a future company who would want to build THEIR design, rather than one of mine. This is competition, which I accept, so long as we keep a level playing field and realize that my critics have 'feet of clay' as well, and their reasons for contributing here are nor more 'altruistic' than my reasons for contributing, even if they claim 'amateur' status, as if it was something rather special
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It truth, I would not like to have 'unconditional supporters' as I cannot learn from them. I prefer people who hear what I do when they listen to hi fi equipment. I need critics, as you do, Syn08, to keep a proper sense of perspective as to how successful we really are at doing what we do.
diyAudio Chief Moderator
Joined 2002
Paid Member
I see such a HUGE varity of topics taken up here, that I do not understand what is wrong in my answering a question regarding tube amps, and getting censored by a moderator for it. When so many outright rude personal attacks are let go.

And as this is my hobby as much as my business, I find a complaint that I am being commercial is just silly, most of us in this thread are audio pro's, and I would never expect to sell something to a DIY forum member anyway.

Regards, Allen

This is true, in accord with my observation. It looks to me that the moderators here have a stand in most matters discussed here. They seem to be very lenient to personal attacks coming from people with similar stands to their own and very strict with people having opposing stands.


Read again what I kindly asked. To not continue about how those products sound when declaring that you were NOT about to provide some technical evaluation of the good subjective driving references. Censoring is when removing or restricting. I did not remove anything, content type OT is light OT, you guys know how much you can take in the threads you participate. Or what you try to achieve. The moderation in that was CALLED by member Dimitri, to evaluate specifically, stating suspicion about possibly showcasing against asked for technical contribution too in that instance. When suspicion arises is our duty to appear.


See my post about ESL dipoles and reasons of possible good ''marriage'' with valve amps just there after Allen's subjective impressions posts. I don't see opposing stands as members. Your theory just can not be supported.


I repeat, the threads can be vast, moderation is not about not letting you talk about whatever you like, but if there IS CALL to evaluate some controversy or suspicion between members, should reply and evaluate. And even ask to stop the subject, BEFORE you all start calling names to each other. Please continue in a civil manner.

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