It's better to start with what one can afford, then spend what one doesn't have...

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Da5id4Vz said:
They look great! Any new thougths about the tweaters?

Did you just score that HP scope?

- Dave

Well.. I wanna keep it cheap.... so... cheap tweeters... I don't think I need a mid... but that means I should have gone with WTW... :bawling: ohh well.... I think I'll go with a Vifa tweeter mounted in the baffel, and be done with it... lol

No, I've had the scope for years... I was trying to get a switchmode powersupply to work.. I still have no idea how to use the scope properly.. lol

wintermute said:
Nice Job! Did you spray them yourself or get them done professionally?



Done "myself" the woodwork teacher did them... HAHAHA!! proper spray booth... :) the finish cost $15... :D hehe
they aren't that great... i ran out of time, there are scratches, and rough patches.... wish I had more time.... and the there are small gaps at the joins... something about my clamping method me thinks... HAHAHA
Au contraire, they're awesome! Since my jaw dropped so low, I just could not use my keyboard... no one ever told me that drool would make the keys all sticky...

I like the look, but do you like the sound? (which is far more important in my opinion)

Perhaps if you think they're worth it, you could do a DIY How-to? (I'd be interested in that)

tool49 said:
Au contraire, they're awesome! Since my jaw dropped so low, I just could not use my keyboard... no one ever told me that drool would make the keys all sticky...

I like the look, but do you like the sound? (which is far more important in my opinion)

Perhaps if you think they're worth it, you could do a DIY How-to? (I'd be interested in that)


Well.... I haven't really been able tosee what they sound like.. I'm having a little trouble with bolting the drivers in... haha ohh well.. I'll work something out... :p

a DIY how-to for what? the finish, or the boxes?? the finish is nothing special at all.. its just a black stain.... 4 or so coats... glossy.. :)

cowanrg said:
maybe i missed it, but why do these need to be done so soon? why dont you have time to finish them???

I didn't have time as they are a school project and had to be finished last week... so.... I didn't have time to be picky.... I got an alright mary for them, and you can't see the scratches from your listening seat... lol
Its very hard to take good picks a black speakers with a bad camera... :p


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Da5id4Vz said:
Put-em on top like the Basszilla. It will give you more flexibility in the future and still sound respectable in the meantime.

BTW is that Skinny-Dad in the first photo?

welll.. if I do put them ontop, I won't be making boxes for them... its not worth it...

yes... thats SkinnyDad... :p lol we'll have to make sure he doesn't see that pic then.. lol
Well.... I haven't really been able tosee what they sound like.. I'm having a little trouble with bolting the drivers in... haha ohh well.. I'll work something out...

I'm sure in time you'll figure it out. You've got this far, you can't back down now! :devilr:

a DIY how-to for what? the finish, or the boxes?? the finish is nothing special at all.. its just a black stain.... 4 or so coats... glossy..

To the whole thing, from the start to the finish. From the drivers choice to the stuffing to the finish. :D

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