I got this in the mail:
The green class A
For the first time in history -
true class A runs with high efficiency
Introducing CSS(tm)
the patented semiconductor class A circuit
Over the years, countless attempts have been
made to design true class A circuits with a
reasonable degree of efficiency. None have
been successful.
Until now.
Crystal Sound System (CSS™) is the name of
a new and patented class A transistor amplifier
circuit which combines the high linearity and
accurate sound of class A with the high efficiency
of class AB. The circuit is ingeniously simple
and brings the sonic performance of audio
amplifiers to a higher level than previously
possible, without sacrificing efficiency or
producing excessive heat in the way that
traditional class A designs do.
Due to it's simplicity, the CSS(tm) patent can be
applied to virtually all applications now using
class AB amplifiers, including everything from
integrated circuits to high power public audio,
with only minor alterations to the original
design. The result is a more linear and accurate
sounding amplifier, which puts less stress on the
power supply and reduces high frequency
interference, while retaining the stability and
high efficiency of the original design.
In every product where audio quality is of concern
and an amplifier is present, CSS(tm) can
dramatically help improving sonic performance
without affecting manufacturing cost.
The green class A
For the first time in history -
true class A runs with high efficiency
Introducing CSS(tm)
the patented semiconductor class A circuit
Over the years, countless attempts have been
made to design true class A circuits with a
reasonable degree of efficiency. None have
been successful.
Until now.
Crystal Sound System (CSS™) is the name of
a new and patented class A transistor amplifier
circuit which combines the high linearity and
accurate sound of class A with the high efficiency
of class AB. The circuit is ingeniously simple
and brings the sonic performance of audio
amplifiers to a higher level than previously
possible, without sacrificing efficiency or
producing excessive heat in the way that
traditional class A designs do.
Due to it's simplicity, the CSS(tm) patent can be
applied to virtually all applications now using
class AB amplifiers, including everything from
integrated circuits to high power public audio,
with only minor alterations to the original
design. The result is a more linear and accurate
sounding amplifier, which puts less stress on the
power supply and reduces high frequency
interference, while retaining the stability and
high efficiency of the original design.
In every product where audio quality is of concern
and an amplifier is present, CSS(tm) can
dramatically help improving sonic performance
without affecting manufacturing cost.
Here's the rest:
The amplifier includes a transistor pair (T1, T2),
whose effective emitter is connected to the output
(OUT) via a resistor (R1) in parallel with a diode
(01). A constant load circuit, consisting of a
second transistor pair (T3, T4), a resistor (R2)
and a bias circuit (T5, R3, R4) is connected between
the negative supply (VEE) and the output (OUT).
The constant load circuit includes a shunt line
between the emitter of the first transistor (T1)
and the base of the second transistor pair(T3, T4).
This shunt line has a bias circuit (T5, R3, R4)
which is adjusted so that the output diode (D1)
will not conduct when the amplifier idles. The
constant load circuit ensures that a current
continually flows through the output resistor (R1).
The current through the first transistor (T1)
will always exceed a lowest value and due to this,
T1 will constantly operate in a delimited, generally
linear part of it's working curve. The first
transistor (T1) can handle both the positive and
the negative polarities on the output. By definition,
the amplifier is therefore a class A design.
They have email: info@tunerlux.com
The amplifier includes a transistor pair (T1, T2),
whose effective emitter is connected to the output
(OUT) via a resistor (R1) in parallel with a diode
(01). A constant load circuit, consisting of a
second transistor pair (T3, T4), a resistor (R2)
and a bias circuit (T5, R3, R4) is connected between
the negative supply (VEE) and the output (OUT).
The constant load circuit includes a shunt line
between the emitter of the first transistor (T1)
and the base of the second transistor pair(T3, T4).
This shunt line has a bias circuit (T5, R3, R4)
which is adjusted so that the output diode (D1)
will not conduct when the amplifier idles. The
constant load circuit ensures that a current
continually flows through the output resistor (R1).
The current through the first transistor (T1)
will always exceed a lowest value and due to this,
T1 will constantly operate in a delimited, generally
linear part of it's working curve. The first
transistor (T1) can handle both the positive and
the negative polarities on the output. By definition,
the amplifier is therefore a class A design.
They have email: info@tunerlux.com
no website comes up for tunerlux.com
I didn't try to send e-mail
I'm usually leery of unsolicited info that comes in the mail.
When it comes to hard copy spam and spam, I'm a skeptical cynic. Except on even numbered weeks. Those weeks I'm a cynical skeptic. It really doesn't matter a whole lot if I lose track of which week is what.
Do you think this has good potential ? Or is it more likely file 13 stuff? When it comes to circuits I'm still learning my ABC's -
Ken L
I didn't try to send e-mail
I'm usually leery of unsolicited info that comes in the mail.
When it comes to hard copy spam and spam, I'm a skeptical cynic. Except on even numbered weeks. Those weeks I'm a cynical skeptic. It really doesn't matter a whole lot if I lose track of which week is what.
Do you think this has good potential ? Or is it more likely file 13 stuff? When it comes to circuits I'm still learning my ABC's -
Ken L
For the first time in history -
Uh Oh looks like you're out of a job. I bet you wish you had thought of this. Who knew it was that easy
we will miss you
Uh Oh looks like you're out of a job. I bet you wish you had thought of this. Who knew it was that easy
we will miss you
whois lookup on tunerlux.com reveals the following:
Domain Information
TunerLux AB,
Ekebybruk a1,
S-75275 Uppsala,
Sweden Sweden
Created : June 13 2002.
Last Updated : June 13 2002.
Expires : June 13 2003.
Admin Contact
Hazelius, Christian (NIC-67252)
TunerLux AB,
Ekebybruk a1,
S-75275 Uppsala,
Sweden Sweden
Phone : +47 85 06 10 00
Fax : +47 85 06 10 00
Email : c.hazelius@telia.com
Technical Contact
Carambole registry (NIC-31395)
Carambole Sweden AB,
Box 5274,
SE-65 005 Karlstad,
Phone : +46 54 17 63 63
Fax : +46 54 17 63 90
Email : registry@carambole.com
Billing Contact
Carambole, Invoice (NIC-31396)
Carambole Sweden AB,
Box 5274,
SE-650 05 Karlstad,
Phone : +46 54 17 63 63
Fax : +46 54 17 63 90
Email : invoice@carambole.com
Domain Name Servers
Domain Information
TunerLux AB,
Ekebybruk a1,
S-75275 Uppsala,
Sweden Sweden
Created : June 13 2002.
Last Updated : June 13 2002.
Expires : June 13 2003.
Admin Contact
Hazelius, Christian (NIC-67252)
TunerLux AB,
Ekebybruk a1,
S-75275 Uppsala,
Sweden Sweden
Phone : +47 85 06 10 00
Fax : +47 85 06 10 00
Email : c.hazelius@telia.com
Technical Contact
Carambole registry (NIC-31395)
Carambole Sweden AB,
Box 5274,
SE-65 005 Karlstad,
Phone : +46 54 17 63 63
Fax : +46 54 17 63 90
Email : registry@carambole.com
Billing Contact
Carambole, Invoice (NIC-31396)
Carambole Sweden AB,
Box 5274,
SE-650 05 Karlstad,
Phone : +46 54 17 63 63
Fax : +46 54 17 63 90
Email : invoice@carambole.com
Domain Name Servers
I shouldn't touch this one......
But what the hell:
Where they are located says it all.
Open up the sin bin......
But what the hell:
Where they are located says it all.
Open up the sin bin......
I haven't read Nelson's patent on the Aleph current source, but boy, this looks dangerously close to an improperlyn granted patent, or downright infringement.
So is this a joke, or what? Who would be silly enough to send such an advertisement to the man who owns what may very well be a prior patent on the same thing?
I'm baffled! 😕 If this thing is real , I'll bet they'll be in for a little surprise when Nelson (or perhaps Nelson's lawyer?) phones up with a polite "excuse me, but..."
The fly in the ointment is that defending a patent can be a major PITA, actually, an expensive PITA... Nelson seems admirably calm... I'd be right pissed if it were my patent! 😡 But I guess this isn't the first time NPs had to defend his IP... the price of being an innovator (unless, of course, your Bill Gates, in which case you don't actually have to innovate, nor defend yourself from competitors you can just buy or strongarm into bankrupcy, depending on how you feel that day! hehe).
So is this a joke, or what? Who would be silly enough to send such an advertisement to the man who owns what may very well be a prior patent on the same thing?
I'm baffled! 😕 If this thing is real , I'll bet they'll be in for a little surprise when Nelson (or perhaps Nelson's lawyer?) phones up with a polite "excuse me, but..."
The fly in the ointment is that defending a patent can be a major PITA, actually, an expensive PITA... Nelson seems admirably calm... I'd be right pissed if it were my patent! 😡 But I guess this isn't the first time NPs had to defend his IP... the price of being an innovator (unless, of course, your Bill Gates, in which case you don't actually have to innovate, nor defend yourself from competitors you can just buy or strongarm into bankrupcy, depending on how you feel that day! hehe).
Where they are located says it all.
LOL! Jocko, you fiend! Still steaming over the recently dredged-up issue of CE certification, are we? 😉
OMG this forum's been entertaining lately...
I saw a small report in a swedish / danish hifimag about that somebody hade made a new amp "topology" didnt gave it much thought as there where no schematic published....
so what happens now?..
so what happens now?..
So what does the master think?
I actually examined the patent when I saw a small note in a swedish Hi-Fi magazine (Hi-fi & musik). Interesting for sure but I'm not qualified to say if it's worth anything at all.
What does the master think? 😕
//Anders from Sweden
I actually examined the patent when I saw a small note in a swedish Hi-Fi magazine (Hi-fi & musik). Interesting for sure but I'm not qualified to say if it's worth anything at all.
What does the master think? 😕
//Anders from Sweden
No, it just reminded me of someone who used to post here. I think that there must be something in the water over there. [joke]
(A certain forum member, from a neighboring country, who probably would not want to be "outed", thinks it is time for another Viking invasion of that place. I really think it is because he wants their women, though.) [joke]
No, it just reminded me of someone who used to post here. I think that there must be something in the water over there. [joke]
(A certain forum member, from a neighboring country, who probably would not want to be "outed", thinks it is time for another Viking invasion of that place. I really think it is because he wants their women, though.) [joke]
Depending on component values this circuit will work. I made a simulation and got reasonable result at iddle current of 1.5 Amps. But a green follower?? I do not think so 🙂. Just a standard class A follower in a Darlington or CFP version. I speak about Nelson's images, not Ciclotron's one.
For the record, this is real, and I quoted verbatim.
It was a solicitation for licensing of the circuit.
I have not wrapped my mind around it yet, so I
don't have a comment at this time.
It was a solicitation for licensing of the circuit.
I have not wrapped my mind around it yet, so I
don't have a comment at this time.
Dear Nelson, I am not too much worried about this mail you received.I think they send it to you kindda proud thing over you,but even if the article is true,I don't see why it should get a better sound than the Zen and Aleph simple designs. (...)
I had a magazine article on Elektor describing a new way to amplify audio signal.Even if the article told the end of big linear supplies and heat,it hasn't got over the others on amplifiers marketplace.Heard about the BASH (tm) technology?
We still have to pay our electricity bills in order to be good citizen
I had a magazine article on Elektor describing a new way to amplify audio signal.Even if the article told the end of big linear supplies and heat,it hasn't got over the others on amplifiers marketplace.Heard about the BASH (tm) technology?
We still have to pay our electricity bills in order to be good citizen
Nelson Pass said:For the record, this is real, and I quoted verbatim.
It was a solicitation for licensing of the circuit.
Interesting. Can't find any patents issued to, or applied for by any company called "Tunerlux." And I wonder if they're aware that "Crystal Sound System" is already being used by Philips for a technology they use in their cellular phones to improve sound quality?
I have not wrapped my mind around it yet, so I
don't have a comment at this time.
Better hurry up there, Cool Hand Nelson. Boss man's comin'!
<i>My mind's wrapped, boss! My mind's wrapped!</i>
did you search at the swedish "Patentverket"? Otherwise you
are not likely to find anything if they are in the patenting phase.
It is sufficient to start by applying for a patent in Sweden, and
then, when granted that, you can apply for a US patent
retroactively and get it, unless someone applied in the US before
the first application in Sweden was done.
did you search at the swedish "Patentverket"? Otherwise you
are not likely to find anything if they are in the patenting phase.
It is sufficient to start by applying for a patent in Sweden, and
then, when granted that, you can apply for a US patent
retroactively and get it, unless someone applied in the US before
the first application in Sweden was done.
Christer said:Steve,
did you search at the swedish "Patentverket"? Otherwise you
are not likely to find anything if they are in the patenting phase.
It is sufficient to start by applying for a patent in Sweden, and
then, when granted that, you can apply for a US patent
retroactively and get it, unless someone applied in the US before
the first application in Sweden was done.
I checked both the US Patent & Trademark Office as well as this place for European and worldwide applications:
<a href="http://gb.espacenet.com/">The Patent Office</a>
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