Is high-end audio just lots of gimmicks and high price tags ??

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High-end 'phile' magazines have a standard practice of putting the price next to any product they mention. A un-biased audiophile reviewer or reader should not consider price during the review. Price should be a footnote added by the publisher at the end of the article. Certainly the reviewers are intoxicated with handling super expensive products. In my mind, they are largely responsible for perpetuating the myth that price is a measure of quality. Certainly there is a correlation between price and sound quality. But you don't need to know the price of something before you evaluate it.

In the same spirit, testing should be done blind - poke their eyes out if needed. Shiny bits and matt black are irrelevant - its how it sounds.
But you don't need to know the price of something before you evaluate it.

If you're only interested in its sound quality, then yes. If you're interested in acquiring it for your own use, then of course you need to know the price. That's not just to know if you can afford it, its to know if its any good value-for-money wise. Even billionaires are still concerned about value for money.
But you don't need to know the price of something before you evaluate it.

Oops, I see that I didn't express myself too well. Yes, you need to be aware in advance if something you are evaluationg is affordable. The point I was trying to make is when comparing product A to product B you shouldn't assume the higher priced product is the better one. When audiophile magazines list price next to product names I feel they are doing that.

Of course the people in this forum are not the type who would ever do that.
By MJL - The big advance in 'audio' would be to take all of the gear out of the picture, take the listeners ears out as well and do a direct interface with the brain itself. Of course, we are a looong way away from something like that and rest assured, it would only be an off market of the real research thrust.

Not quite correct...

Cochlear implant - makes the deaf hear. With DSP processing the very rich deaf can have hearing that exceeds ours. Very large market with military overtures.

Neuroprosthetics -direct interface between brain and machine. Research began in the 70's , perfected in the early 21st century. Billions are spent by the US military industrial - complex , my guess is that the "terminator" (cyborgs) already exist , seeing that the military is a decade beyond anything you could google. :eek:

One point is correct , Cochlear implant's are a offshoot of the whole Neuroprosthetics program.
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Then why do people exaggerate about hi end audio, making EVERYTHING a big joke and a financial 'rip off'? What part of DIY gives you the right or need to criticize the interests and efforts of audio designers, who happen to make a living specializing in audio design?
If you want to do DIY, OK. If you want to fix up something broken and picked up cheap on E-bay, fine. I even help, here, sometimes. However, to openly state opinions of cost of production, etc. when you have NO IDEA whatsoever what it costs in time and effort to make something that is both nice to look at AND work well, is not really useful in an objective sense.
My best recommendation to anyone not seriously interested in audio as a hobby, is to buy USED audio equipment (I do), clean it up, and select a compatible group of components. Use your DIY experience to improve or adjust a specific design to be its best. Make your own cables, adding value and attractiveness by buying Mogami or something like it as the wire. With this limited advice, you will be ahead of the pack for very little money, and have some pride in your own personal effort in making it work properly.
What do you expect, JC? This is a DIY forum. We want to do it cheaper, better. Many of us can. So why expect a love of expensive hi end stuff here? It's our hobby, after all.

Yes ,we can (bob the builder) :D Plenty of "tricks" in the high end that can be copied and reproduced for next to nothing. Any "high end" I get my hands on ... is pilfered for ideas. Truly a "love/hate relationship".

John however has a point. Where extraordinary skill and knowledge has been applied using solid engineering principles to produce a high quality product that meets or exceeds the markets expectations then they can (and should0 charge what hte market will bear. If they don't the likelihood is they will go the way of other boutique manufacturers ie broke.

Hard to apply that to the likes of Gain, Bose, and others in even more rarified atmosphere however where a gimmick replaces solid engineering and looks count for 78% of the production values.
John however has a point. Where extraordinary skill and knowledge has been applied using solid engineering principles to produce a high quality product that meets or exceeds the markets expectations then they can (and should0 charge what hte market will bear. If they don't the likelihood is they will go the way of other boutique manufacturers ie broke.

Yeah though I think the metaphor we use in the language 'a price the market will bear' is somewhat misleading. Makes it sound rather like the market is a wall and it will collapse beyond a certain weight of price.

I see the setting of pricing as a kind of optimisation problem - ideally we wish to find the sweet-spot between perceived customer value on the one hand (not only the engineering they're buying but also the status element) versus the need to retain and recruit the most talented designers and invest in R&D and marketing for future products. So IMO there's a sweet-spot to be found.
........."derived from Victorian Technology"

Check out the "Geisler Tube" (1857)
Crookes Tube (1869-75)

Technically, the Thermionic valve was patented in 1904 by John Ambrose Fleming and was called the "Kenetron" and so is in fact "Edwardian" which to my ears sounds metaphorically the same as "Victorian"
Official Court Jester
Joined 2003
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there is a FiFiEnd ...... and real HiEnd

it seems - at least to me - that we are making fun with first one

in any case - I said numerous times - in case that I have enough greenies - I would buy just two modern production gadgets - AN Japan Ongaku , and PL XA30.5

just to have them - from Kudos reasons .

so ........ back to Truck pictures :rofl:


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