Inductance value?

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Sorry those numbers don't mean anything to me. Perhaps post a picture? Also, a little context. Did you pull them from a speaker? Did they fall out of the sky? These could help.


Thanks Erik,

Yes they are pulled out from speakers, with a 2.5 way cover like this:

I'm telling you the following facts..

The value of inductance that resonates with 3u9F at 4kHz is 400uH.

The load value that damps this LC for -6db at the knee happens to be 5 ohms, just saying.

You haven't given us enough information to be any more precise than this, it just isn't that simple.


However, I think it is an excellent guess considering that many 8 ohm tweeters are at approximately 5 ohms and near resistive around where they are typically crossed, and reasonably flat in their response. 390uH is a commonly available value.
What might 4104 and 4117 mean? 😀


Well, IMO, 0.4mH might be a reasonable value for a tweeter coil, but 1.7mH would be excessive as a bass coil in an unspecified parallel MTM bass circuit. 0.5-1mH makes more sense.

So whatever those numbers might mean, you really just have to measure. Buy an inductance meter. About £70. 😎

Better than Ouija Boards, magic pendulums, numerology and all that other guessing. 🙄


  • Coil Interaction 1mH 0.2mH 3.3uF.jpg
    Coil Interaction 1mH 0.2mH 3.3uF.jpg
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