[INDIA] Group Amp project

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Rahul said:
Tarun presently I am at Mumbai. Would like to meet you if possible do SMS me your phone number on -0522-3244414- Reliance.
SMS sent. I'm in Navi Mumbai (Vashi). If you can drop in, that'll be great. Currently I'm so incredibly tied up with work that I'm cancelling new official appointments, let alone any personal activities. :( I'd be very happy to see you if you can drop in at Vashi. :)
Need help with TDA2030A MOSFET

Hi friends, I am Ravi from mumbai, I have a very decent 5.1 home theater system of which the rear channel does not work. After checking it I realised that one of the MOSFETS-TDA2030A (ST-Microelectronics) is split into two due to heat.
Can anyone tell me the location where I can get it from mumbai?
Is this mosfet aviable at Laminton Road or not?

Thanks a lot.
I'm a bit late entering this thread, but would like to offer some constructive comments.

I don't understand why, living in India, you chaps want to build a class A amp, even if it is only 10-20 W. Unless the climate in India has cooled since I lived there, :D :D :D :rofl:, the JLH will run really hot. This will certainly shorten the life of your components. Seems to me the money you will have to spend on a large, large, heat sink can be put to better use elsewhere.

If I were to build an amp to use under adverse conditions, I'd like it to have low dissipation (class AB), and be as bullet proof as possible. I'd avoid mechanical relays and rely on AC coupling to protect my speakers. One amp that fits is the Renardson MOSFET. May I suggest you have a look at the 6 & 7 transistor designs at Mike Renardsons site:


I've not built either one, but if I were living in India and wanted a high quality and fail safe design one of these would be my choice. As you will see from Mike Renardson's site, the project is thoroughly documented and is not too expensive to build. Kindly note, I am not saying the class-A amps mentioned earler in this thread are unworthy designs, rather the Renardson might be better suited as a general purpose project, given the conditions that prevail in India.

In any case whatever you decide to build, so long as Hugh and the other members of this forum are in your corner, you should do well.
al2002 said:
I don't understand why, living in India, you chaps want to build a class A amp, even if it is only 10-20 W.
Strange though it may sound, there are people even in India who might want to aim for excellence over pragmatics. Do you remember seeing this trait when you were in India last...?
Unless the climate in India has cooled since I lived there, :D :D :D :rofl:, the JLH will run really hot.
I don't know which little corner of India you've inhabited before exporting yourself, but India includes Rajasthan, Cherrapunji, Siachen, Ladakh, and various other extremes. IIRC, temperatures range from +55 Celcius to -40 Celcius, depending on which part of India one is referring to. Having lived in India all my life, I find your comments about India very... well, interesting. I didn't know, till I read your post, that India has a climate that can be summarised in one sentence. I'm beginning to now appreciate how ignorant I was. :)

I have a serious question for you: would you have made the same suggestions, in the same tone, if someone in Nevada or Arizona had expressed interest in a Class A amp? Or should I be stupid enough to assume that the entire US has a cold and temperate climate, the kind they show in Christmas movies from Hollywood?

I've not built either one, but if I were living in India and wanted a high quality and fail safe design one of these would be my choice.
Your opinions here are as interesting as the rest of your post. As a small suggestion, may I offer the following:
  • Build something before recommending it.
  • Don't summarise India (or any other country of this size and diversity) in one sentence. Even if it's only the climate you are summarising.
  • If someone is building item X, don't suggest that he's silly to try it, and then ask him to build item Y. Help him with his quest if you can, or keep off his back.

It was nice knowing you.
tcpip said:

Strange though it may sound, there are people even in India who might want to aim for excellence over pragmatics. Do you remember seeing this trait when you were in India last...?

Thin skinned aren't we? And why the gratuitous "even in India...." bit where you imply that to recommend, in good faith, an alternative amp is to deny you excellence? Did it ever occur to you that, perhaps, excellence and pragmatics could co-exist in a good design, and that I might actually have had a JLH in my system, and that my post was based on actual user experience?

FYI, I briefly had a JLH in my system, nearly 3 decades ago. Main speakers were of good quality: Quads and Rogers LS3/5a. The JLH clipped often (its main failing), ran hot and did not offer any audible advantages over other amps. If anything the constant clipping was quite annoying. About the same time a friend had built the Nelson-Jones class A ,which also appeared in Wireless World in the late 60's, and he preferrered the NJ to the JLH on his system. I had no interest in the NJ as 10 W are 10 W, NJ, JLH or anyone else.

I don't know which little corner of India you've inhabited before exporting yourself, but India includes Rajasthan, Cherrapunji, Siachen, Ladakh, and various other extremes. IIRC, temperatures range from +55 Celcius to -40 Celcius, depending on which part of India one is referring to. Having lived in India all my life, I find your comments about India very... well, interesting. I didn't know, till I read your post, that India has a climate that can be summarised in one sentence. I'm beginning to now appreciate how ignorant I was. :)

Clearly I inhabited better bred corner of India than you. Oh, and I don't think with my fingers typing away on the keyboard while my mind is on vacation either :bs:.

Let's look at these two comments shall we:

From post 89:” JLH was a Britisher, who may have been quite clueless about Rahul's Lucknow summer”

From post 90: “GULP ! heat, Bangalore this year is already cooking.”

WOuld you like me to translate the comments above (including your own) into Hindi so you can understand them better? Given these remarks if you still want to build a high power JLH, feel free to do so. I certainly do not intend to stand in your way. Do tell me, please, how many posts on this thread are from Cherrapunji, Siachen or Ladakh, residents?

I have spent summers in Delhi, Bhilai, Calcutta and Kharagpur (in your corner of India perhaps you might have heard of a rather highly regarded institution of higher learning there), and when I re-import myself back to India I expect to spend many a summer in Delhi again. You may rest assured that a class A amp will NOT be part of my music system.

I have a serious question for you: would you have made the same suggestions, in the same tone, if someone in Nevada or Arizona had expressed interest in a Class A amp? Or should I be stupid enough to assume that the entire US has a cold and temperate climate, the kind they show in Christmas movies from Hollywood?

Every suggestion is made in context, in this case based on coments like posts 89 & 90 above, and also the posts below.

From post 1 : “Imported quality stuff was beyond my pocket, Chinese stuff I was not interested to put money in.”

From post 13: I don't want to go for Class A, because I'm a beginner and I want to build an amp without messing around with all that heat dissipation."

And you still want to know why I advised against a class A? Had a group of posters in AZ or NV posted the exactly same comments, then the answer would have been the same!

Your opinions here are as interesting as the rest of your post. As a small suggestion, may I offer the following:
  • Build something before recommending it.
  • Don't summarise India (or any other country of this size and diversity) in one sentence. Even if it's only the climate you are summarising.
  • If someone is building item X, don't suggest that he's silly to try it, and then ask him to build item Y. Help him with his quest if you can, or keep off his back.

To answer the points above:

I am not looking for an amp just now, have a closet with several unused ones, so why do I have to build an amp just to satisfy your needs? It is DIY, not YDIFM (you do it for me). Having said that, let me reassure you that I would never advise anyone to build something that I would not build myself. That's why I mentioned that the project was well documented. What do you expect me to tell you after building it that the author has not already documented? The same goes for the Leach, or Self, or Eliot amps.

Never generalised about anything. You appear have a complex about this.

I am by nature plain spoken. if someone is seeking advice on building X, and I think Y is a better alternative I shall say so. In what way was I on anyone's 'back'?

It was nice knowing you.

Actually, TCIP you don't know me at all, a state of affairs with which I am perfectly content and have no desire to change :bored:.
Gentlemen please cease and desist


Please cool off...

Since I personally know some of you and-tcpip, corbato, and al2002, may I request that better sense prevail? Getting personal is not helping any of us in this dialogue, and knowing that two of you guys are IIT guys, its far more constructive for us to join hands than get into this kind of discussion.


Re: Gentlemen please cease and desist

gjo said:
Please cool off...
Okay George. If you say so.

I still think the choice of words and general tone of that post was very condescending. His subsequent reference to his IIT background was a repeat of the same condescending attitude. But I'll just forget the incident. It, and he, are not worth my time.

Let's do something interesting. Like your KT88 amp. :)
George bhai ney bola maamla khallaas karne kaa to khallaas. Koi tension nahi ;)

But George I had a response drafted this morning and hoping to post this afternoon. I will only second TCP/IP’s words. Not worth it.

Yes the KT88 sounds interesting :) BTW my 845 monoblock’s are also taking shape quite ok. I finished building the PSU yesterday. At 1KV DC this is something that takes all your attention.

BTW I must announce to janta here how cheerfully you lugged a pair of Fostex drivers for me all the way from US.
I see no problem with using Class A in India. In fact it is particularly useful in the monsoons in Mumbai.

Keep the amps on the floor and arrange a clothes drying rack over each amp. THe warm updraft allows you to dry your clothes faster. :) Just Kidding.

Even so unless your Class A amps are unusually large Class A amps should not increase your ambient room temps by more than a couple of degrees. Nothing that a suffciently good airconditioner cant compensate for.
navin said:
Even so unless your Class A amps are unusually large Class A amps should not increase your ambient room temps by more than a couple of degrees. Nothing that a suffciently good airconditioner cant compensate for.
That's what I'd think, at least in the India that you or I live in. But then... what do we know? :D

If we leave hyperbole aside and look at the math, then a Class A's efficiency varies between 12.5% to 25%. If you operate a JLH 10W, then your total power dissipation will probably be much less than a 100W incandescent lamp. Till yesterday, I'd not known that this degree of heat dissipation would be a serious problem in India.
Pinkmouse wrote

Hey, if you guys want easy to build Class A, how come we never see you over in the Krell thread?

The krell dissipates about 900Watts and is big wattage and big energy bill.

As for me, I cannot put my stereo volume above 30watts total. This is the highest I will use. Don't want to annoy neighbours and my liking is classical and not interested in chest thumping bass.

One more reason IMO is that the prices are exorbitant in Indian standards.

The torroids and good drivers are terrestrial bodies, whose darshan is possible only on pc screen, not in shops. Import it and customs...u can't believe them. Ask how many indians have imported something on person..., & count the number on fingers.

It's a balanced aproach for economical reasons IMO.

This in full is my own view for myself and not to be generalised.

Gajanan Phadte
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