I want to build 2-way surround channel speakers for home theatre purpose

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Which material is good for building speaker box?

I have heard MDF is good becoz it dampen the sound much more than other wood material. But whats about Plywood, i have seen lot of DIYers used Plywood for speaker building.

:cop: This thread combined from 8 threads on the some topic.
I think some people believe that MDF can "deaden" the sound.....or take some of the life out of it. There is also a concern about health issues from the dust when it is machined/sawn etc.
If you put MDF in the diyaudio search unit you may get some more comments.
Some people like concrete.....some sand filled panels...some constrained layer damping...it is a big topic.
Cheers Jonathan
I want to build 2-way surround channel speakers for home theatre purpose. In my local region, pa speakers companies are available as follows -

1. Studio Master
2. P Audio
3. NX Audio
4. Fane International

Please suggest me out of these which has good reputation in the market.
Sealed Vs Ported Enclosure, Does it have any merits or demerits ?

I have read through below mention websites -

Sealed enclosure explained in detail - Audio Judgement

In the Website, it says that sealed enclosure will have good transient response as compared to others.

1. Is that true or it only depends upon speaker driver and its damping factor?

2. Does a speaker driver with a sealed enclosure will have linear frequency response as compared to ported ?

3. Does the sealed enclosure will have little effect to comb-filtering and cabinet resonance as compared to ported ?
Yes, sealed box with Qtc=0.7 has better transient response than ported box.
Ported box with the same woofer has much lower F3 (the frequency at which the driver's output is 3 dB below its "flat" response.)
It is all about compromises. Ported box with low Qts woofer can sound very good.
Ported box with the same woofer has much lower F3 (the frequency at which the driver's output is 3 dB below its "flat" response.)
It is all about compromises. Ported box with low Qts woofer can sound very good.

1. That means ported box is only being build to get deeper low frequency for lower f3?
2. Instead of building ported box for front LR channels, we can get low f3 from ported Sub-woofer?
What i am trying to say that we can get mid-bass and high-bass from sealed box which will also result in good transient response. For low bass, we can get from separate Ported Sub-woofer enclosure. What do u think about it?
The port increases efficiency at low frequencies but you can xtend a seales speaker to lower freq if you drive it harder, just have to make sure the driver has enough xmax and can handle the power plus you'll need an amlifier that can delver increasd output at low freq i.e. A bass boost filter. This is according to what I understand from reading as I never tried it out myself.
Ported enclosures are usually larger which makes them more expensive to build and they take up more room. Ported enclosures tend to 'huff' or fart at the resonant frequesncy.
I prefer sealed enclosures. The original Advent loudspeaker put a ten inch woofer in a twelve inch basket to use a larger magnet and frame to give it more xmax. They were power hungry but sounded surprisingly good for an inexpensive speaker.

There is also the line array. (If I have the correct name.) The enclosure decreases in volume as it moves away from the baffle board usually folded back on itself. I've read it gives the best cancellation. And it gives the option of sealing the enclosure or leaving the small end open. I think they mimic an infinite baffle enclosure.

Zen And the Art!!!
1. That means ported box is only being build to get deeper low frequency for lower f3?
2. Instead of building ported box for front LR channels, we can get low f3 from ported Sub-woofer?
What i am trying to say that we can get mid-bass and high-bass from sealed box which will also result in good transient response. For low bass, we can get from separate Ported Sub-woofer enclosure. What do u think about it?
1. Yes, if you are comparing the same woofer in a optimally designed sealed and ported boxes for that woofer.
But, if you seek the most appropriate woofer for a given box volume and a given efficiency, than ported box with the appropriate woofer will give a little bit lower F3 (but also steeper 24 dB roll-off). No clear advantage here.
2. Yes, one big subwoofer box and two smaller LR speakers are OK.
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