I don't believe cables make a difference, any input?

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ALL wire is drawn through diamond dies these days, its the most economical. And the dies are solid diamond not "coated". Yes, the claims are mostly true, but also true for any kind of wire and in the end makes not one bit of audible difference. This is the classic audiophool claim - true, but irrelavent. Its like the "skin effect" - sure it happens - so what?


You apparently hang out with high end folks. Carbide dies are a bit more common from what I have seen. Although there are some interesting coatings I have seen applied (Green!). I suspect the smaller or more critical users use diamond or ruby. Industrial diamonds are surprisingly cheap, mounted I pay less than $75 a carat. Rubys are really cheap a 1/4" diameter ball is less than $10!

On the low end I have gotten samples of "copper" wire which stick to a magnet! Also I have seen steel dies still used where when the hole gets too big they just whack it with a hammer.

I can see it now "Audiophile Grade Hand Adjusted Diameter Wire!"
Lets see if I have this clear..

No, not one bit. I'm not going to bother hashing through all your bad arguments, ridiculous straw men and paranoid assertion I sell cables or am against DBTs. Honestly, after 20 years of that kind of emotional, irrational outburst I just can't get worked up enough to invest the time. Come back after you've actually read the thread.

When I claim a subtle preference for my inexpensive DIY solid core silver, it's an anecdote with no scientific relevance. I'm not asking for AES or IEEE acceptance, it's a simple statement of my perceptions. Far from being harmful to science, it's completely outside and irrelevant to it. You on the other hand demand acceptance of your statements as 'objective, scientific' fact - including those you invent without evidence - while discarding the most bedrock requirements of scientific process like peer reivew, based simply on the 'side' you're on. It's just not worth chasing.
Yes and you also believe cables cables make a difference, right :) They hand paint the cars because Porsche offers custom painting.

Actually I have proven to myself that I can hear cable differences.So,no,I don't believe cables make a difference.I know.
As for custom painting,it can be done with robots too.It mostly has to do with colours I guess.Unless of course you need green dots on pink base:D
On the surface it appears to be a waste of time, but the single biggest problem in audio are the "faith" based beliefs that preclude the use and success of science in the field.
That cuts both ways. Many here would still reject- without knowing, against Sean Olive - the notion of an expert listener. How long has the field been held back by the insistence anything of consequence should be audible to everyone off the street with 'normal' hearing?
Your point does raise the question though, where do you feel the field would have been today without the 'harmful influences'?
I have said in previous posts how.If you have seen SY's "protocol" it was the same but with one exception: SY was not here to supervise,but someone else was.Since then we have repeated the same test three times.Of course some "authorities" here do not accept any validity.On the other hand,we haven't asked for any.We just did it for ourselves.Tests were taken for Interconnects,speaker cables,and directionality of Interconnects(unshielded twisted conductors to eliminate the influence of where the screen would be connected),and speaker cables.
Linking the post should be enough?

I can't remember where/when it was sent.In fact the first one was in another thread and was for power cables.Of that I may have a copy in my documens,but have to check for sure.It was long time ago.
Alternatively you may look for SY's protocol in this thread.We have followed exactly his suggestions in all three last times.
where do you feel the field would have been today without the 'harmful influences'?

If science had played a more important role in audio then more money would have been spent on it. As it is science is virtually irrelavent and marketing rules and so more money is spent there. Bose (as a company) claims science is king, but I met Dr. Bose (the man) and from the horses mouth I got it that marketing is really king.

Virtually everything that I have done of significance in audio has been done on my own funds without any financial support. There has never been any money for research in audio - not in the US.
i have gained as much as 2dB by changing RCA cables, not sure how much clearer it got. I went from Scoche to RadioShack gold plated.

either case, it was NOTICABLY LOUDER with an RCA cable change.

Its getting interesting again.

Im not even going to bother reading through all this rubbish but what are you all on about???? If cables dont affect your system then it is simple, you have much more work to do in many other areas... It is simple as that! END of story.

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