I am not HarryHaller!

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Joined 2001

Everyone tries to disprove unpalletable facts especially if they have a vested interest but some predictions are inescapable

(1) World population is rising at an exponential rate
(2) Comodity prices are rising
(3) Fresh water resources are coming under pressure
(4) Unemployment is increasing
(5) Crime and violence is increasing
(6) Global warming is now accepted as fact
(7) Amazon forests the lungs of the planet are being cut at an escalating rate.

Don't you think that with an exponentially increasing population all consuming food and water and electricity and housing that sooner or later every resource will be under serious pressure..

Sticking ones head in the sand and not looking at the real problems is just delaying the inevitable.

We are now looking at the end game. Humans will have to be much smarter than so far demonstrated to survive.
diyAudio Senior Member
Joined 2002


I hate to say so but from my point of view:

(1) World population is rising at an exponential rate

War keeps this in balance.Sad,but true.
It is also an economical necessity.
(I realize this is going to cause a bit of a stir.)

And unfortunately salaries are not rising proportionately,making for more and more poor people.
However the market dictates pricing ,so sooner or later this should collapse.

(3) Fresh water resources are coming under pressure

Well,yes and we're already paying the price for the 60/70's industrial pollution.Even tab water contains way too much oestrogen due to women taking the pill rendering men infertile.(How handy considering 1.)

4.True,the economically ideal unemployment rate is ~13%.

5.As usual when 1 thru 4 are in trouble.

6.At last.Hope it's not too late.

(7) Amazon forests the lungs of the planet are being cut at an escalating rate.

Not so long ago I saw a very alarming documentary on National Geographic channel explaining that the Amozone Forest does not really function as a pair of lungs.It could release an alarming amount of CO2.
Still is still under study though.

Fact is that nature always strikes back.
For the last five years we see phenomena taking place that were just not happening twenty years ago.

Deep sigh,:rolleyes:
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Joined 2001
Hey guys I dont want to give the impression I am a pessimist. Far from it. To me everything is either a good opportunity or with a bit more work turns into something useful.

Its just that I see rightly or wrongy that earth, the place we live on is in trouble. I could be completely wrong about that and just around the corner is some kind of power supply that produces unlimited energy at very low cost with no polution. Unlikely but it could happen.

My contribution if thats the right word to improvement is on my web site but it fair to say virtually nobody takes it seriously. Not in our Governments anyway.

Just as an example I live in a small town 60 kms from our largest city Auckland. 25 years ago everyone in my town was employed locally. Last few years that employment has gone as firms relocate to Auckland to get more business. That means all the people wanting a job have to commute to Auckland. Then they find the commuting too much so they shift to Auckland. But many more wealthy people in Auckland get tired of the city so they move out to my town. They push the housing prices up which increases the rateable values so I end up paying a lot more in rates. Not only that but these wealthy people demand the council provide more housing land so all the valuable cropping land inside the borough will eventually be taken out of productive cropping for residential sections.

All the best land now has houses on it and is growing people instead of crops.
diyAudio Senior Member
Joined 2002


This happens all over the globe IMO.

Read through your webpage last night,you do have some very valid points.
Maybe we should all go into politics and show them buggers a trick or two.
It won't happen and we all know it.

Don't loose faith,;)
hey fred who are you by the way? you sound kinda like harry but not really. :p i was gone from this board for several weeks, i come back, and everything has gone upside down - no harry, odd harry imposters, accusations of "you're harry!!!", moderators, banned members, and random people i've never heard of dishing out harry-esque advice... :bigeyes:
remp said:

Our climate is killing me.

What is wrong with your climate. ?

Half of the ime it is raining and the other half, the sun doesn't shine :bawling:

I've been to NZ twice already, once in 1999, once last year. I simply love it. i suppose you are right and everything you mention on your site is (sadly enough) very true. But at the same time, people in NZ still seem to have a certain quality, one very seldom finds in other parts of the wolrd.
Please, try to preserve at least that.
Than I will be down under again in a couple of years :cool:

Btw, where in NZ do you live, mate ?
Disabled Account
Joined 2001
In Pukekohe about 60 km South of our largest city Auckland.
Population of Pukekohe PUK E KO HE is 10,000 or so. Used to be a farming service town but has changed into a wealthy/elderly peoples dormitary. Lot of people now run their business from home on the internet so we have a good mixture. Sort of town where you know most of them and nearly everyone is related to someone in the next street. But its all changing. Younger people leaving to live in Auckland to be close to employment opportunities. City people coming here for the lifestyle.

Sir Edmund Hillary first man to climb mount Everest came from Pukekohe. He was a bee keeper for many years.

Pukekohe climate all the upper half of the north island is warm and humid for half a year. We have plentiful rain and nearly frosts in winter. From now on Late spring until mid/late autumn we look forward to sunshine most days. January February March extra good nearly no wind. Renown area for growing tomatoes potatoes onions squash kiwifruit strawberries cauliflower cabbage silverbeet lettuce capsicums. Huge overseas business in flowers. All volcanic land. In some parts soil is 10 feet deep.

Good place to live.


Just shut up about how great NZ is, will ya? It makes me want to go back! :bawling:

Seriously, I've been in Sydney for nearly two years, here to make some money because of the lack of decent engineering jobs in NZ. I'll be back though... there's an acre tucked under the hills NW of Christchurch with an old farmhouse and plenty of room to build.

As a relocated Pom (Brit to you non-Australasian types) one thing I noticed in NZ was that it is pretty easy to make a living without a full-time job. Businesses are happy to employ people on a relatively casual basis, so you can be a jobbing engineer/programmer/whatever and a sheep farmer/potato grower.. etc. The downside is that everybody is trying to undercut everybody else, so a bare living is all you make.

When I left the UK in 1993 I was working in industrial electronics, being charged out by my employer at 45 pounds/hr. I got a job in Christchurch doing almost exactly the same work with slightly better pay and perks (on an exchange rate basis) being charged out at NZ$58/hr - about 25 pounds at that pont. NZ tradesmen & professionals have been charging whatever the customers offered instead of sticking to what the job is worth. Such is corporatism and 'free trade'.

Still - I'll be back!

Disabled Account
Joined 2001

Oh New Zealand is a really nice place let me spend several hours telling you about the warm clear beaches with the beautiful white sand and the forests and the.........

Is that a moderator I hear.

Yes its not a bad place by and large but of course the grass always looks greener somewhere else.

Personally I like Brisbane. Lot of Kiwi's there.

On our last visit to Brisbane we went to the art Gallery to look at the nudes oops I mean the paintings. As we went in we noticed there was a bicycle at the front door minus the front wheel.

While ambling around looking at the nudes oops sorry painting we noticed this fellow carrying a bicycle front wheel. I asked him why. To stop it getting stolen.
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