Hypex Ncore

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Y caps: as have been noted, they capacitively couple the mains to chassis. In AES48 compliant balanced systems this is no problem because they keep signal and ground well separated. In an unbalanced system the leakage current will also flow through the ground wire or shield of your $$$$$ RCA interlink and thus add noise to the audio.
As such, Y caps are difficult to avoid, they serve a purpose after all (to keep rubbish generated inside the box from getting out), but what it means is that it pays to try minimizing them. There are small Y caps in the SMPS600. Since they wholly suffice, there is no reason to compound them with external ones.

Cabinets: we scrounged the demo cabinets off MM audio. We don't have a stock full of those to sell.

Angled spades: I got straight ones from Farnell and took my pliers to them.

All that and not even an update about next weeks stock :(
Hello everyone, I have managed to slog my way through this entire thread. Quite a great read!

...Very excited by these amps. I am building my first system and the moment I found out amps like these were even possible at this price... too exciting.

I must say I've especially enjoyed following Bruno's posts, he has quite an insight into many things. I think I will build my system based on his philosophies. It's because of his no nonsense explanations, and the sheer credibility lent by his achievement here.

About cases: Some people on another forum were discussing the benefits of using non-metal cases to hold amplifiers in that they allow the fields created to "breathe". Is there any merit to this and would the amps benefit from an acrylic or plastic housing rather than metal?

And given the enormity of this thread, would it be possible to start a new thread containing only chassis options for NC400?

My current Pre is a Warpspeed Octocoupler. I hope this device is compatible. If it will benefit, I will buy another with balanced connections to go balanced all the way to the Ncore.

Thanks! And way to go Mr.Putzeys!
Questions for Bruno

1) What is the difference between the DIY Ncore and the OEM version?
A) Is there any sound quality differences? Power? Customization?
B) If there is a sound quality difference what and how big.

2) On bi-amping, I use a PS Audio Perfect Wave Dac that is true balanced. I use the balanced outs direct to my mono amps. I use the PSA PWD volume control which is digital. My speakers are B&W 802D. I bi-wire from my mono amps to the B&Ws using a Synergistic Research Galileo Universal Speaker Cell and Basik Cables.It is a single cable that uses a box and you can single, bi, or tri-wire at the speaker. I also use the Galileo Universal Cell as balanced interconnects.
A) Is the above acceptable to use with Ncore?
B) Is there a way to increase the power output of the Ncore modules as pertains to mono blocks? If so, how and by how much?
C) Using the above layout (2), can I take the balanced single left, right output to each single left, right mono block amp input and have each mono block internally bi-amped with two sets of speaker output posts per mono block?

3) As a one Ncore and one SMPS per mono block, is there any add ons that a DIY could add that would improve the sound?

I have read this thread but may have missed a previous answer to my questions.

Regards, Al.
Hello New York! Is there anyone in the greater NY area with a pair of Ncore that I can have an opportunity to hear. I have read this post and find the Ncore module very interesting. I own Nuforce Reference 18 mono blocks and find them to sound as good but mostly better as amps costing two to three times as much or more ($15-20,000). Before I try a DIY Ncore I would like to have a chance to hear a pair. I live near Giants Stadium as a reference. I would travel several hours for the right setup.
Also, I belong to several Audio Clubs that meet in the NY Metro area and I know they would love the chance to hear a pair. Bruno, any way to set up a demo? Our meetings are monthly, one on Sat the other on Sun, and are very well attended.
For those who are interested. Here are some pictures of my stereo power amp. The internal speaker wires are going to be replaced with "Van den Hul SCS-12" as soon a I receive that cable. There are still no feet mounted, the postman still has them...
I'm also not to happy about the LED circuit at the front plate. I'll have to design another circuit for this because the resisters are dissipating to much power in my opinion and therefor get a bit to hot. I used 2W resistors, they can have it but still... Perhaps it is a good idea to use a voltage regulator. Any other suggestions are welcome.


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Thanks for the clear photos. How does it sound?

The mid and high frequency range sound great and the low frequencies are OK too. It is a bit cliche, but it is a very transparent amplifier. With this you will hear everything. At first I found it to be a little bit exhausting that everything can be heard, but I think that I got used to it now. My other power amp is a Linn 2100. This is also a great amp, so I used this for comparison. The Linn tends to sound a bit more laid back then the Ncores, and I can not decide yet which one I like more. I think that my Linn has some more control over the lower frequencies and the Ncores have more control in the mid and high range.

:scratch2: So ideally I need to bi-amp: Linn 2100 (low) and Ncore (mid & High) :spin:
Not going to happen.....;)

Well if you ask me, this is an excellent amp. Real value for money. But just as always. Some like may it, some may not. A friend of mine likes tube sound. Though he is interested in the Ncores too because of its transparentsness. It does nor add or leave color to the signal it amplifies. He likes to try it with his tube pre-amp and amplify the tube sound which he likes. This way he can make use of the value for money amp and still have his tube sound.
I've read some reviews in my time but I think it's the first time I see the notion of mid/high control being used. I simply have no idea what that means :confused:

I Noticed that that you always have a answer ready somewhere in one of your drawers. Perhaps there is also a babelfish in one of your drawers which is able to translate the differences in feelings and abilities to descriptions from me and other readers.

READ: mid and high are better compared to another great amp.
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