Highly recommended German Amplifier Schematic !

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re anadigit ....there is no high end amplifier with VI limmiters ....op amp in the input and darligton output ....at least to my understanding

your amlifier is a 1985 amplifier probably very well built .... but technology of it is far from today or high end \

This amplifier used +/-45V for opamp ! and some input function of darlington amplifier is not shown in my schematic :D

Please do not care on topology or technology, I never seen input of darlington power on the other model, brand.

Darlington Transistor is only electronic parts such as Switching Mosfet in other Class-A Amplifier with simple more than this amplifer :)
re anadigit ....there is no high end amplifier with VI limmiters ....op amp in the input and darligton output ....at least to my understanding

your amlifier is a 1985 amplifier probably very well built .... but technology of it is far from today or high end \

I totally agree , high end must be "straight wire with gain" plus drivers , REAL outputs (like in picture). I built P3A's , self amps , and others. It seems the speaker makers on the forum like symasym's , so I chose that and made it bigger.

anadigit - But I have to pay more than 1400USD

Oh my god , and that is all you get .... darlingtons and a cheap op-amp , $50 per channel and possibly $2-300 more for the rest got me all of picture 2 below. Separate + - 50v LPT/VAS supply and + - 77v OPS (2 toroids) and a real output stage :flame: . The symasym has been shorted twice and only blew fuses . I could build 4 of them for $1400... WOW audiophools..

As far as "1985 amplifiers" .... what is wrong with 1985 ??? good year ! :D Just use some modern parts , "tweak" the original design , and you have very reliable /musical amplifiers... most of the popular designs on this forum (self ,leach, RCA/DX , etc.) ,originated in that era. Whether you get .05% or .005% .. does it matter ?? I have built , simulated and tested a "DX clone" and it does .06%THD at 50 watts (mine had a real CCS and better parts). They all sound good (at least mine do) , my symasym does .02% at 200 watts and I can only hear it's superiority on demanding classical material.



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I don't understand all the fuss, opamp input stages are the common thing for MBL power amps from the beginning.

The power amp section of the 7008 is basically an MBL 8006, i gathered they use the TO99 version opamp.
You pay for D-build quality, not SOTA circuitry, same-same for companies as SAC, AVM and the likes.
German manufacture brands as Sovereign and Aaron are far more State-Of-The-Past.

Eva is amusing, as usual.
It is a interesting amp , my first DIY project used Darligtons BDW83C BDW84C from ST. And yes sounded great , unfortunately these Darlingtons no longer in production .


hmmm lets analyze this a bit more .... no project with bdw 83-84 c ( and especially if elektor based ) can sound grate .... it can sound but not grate...

and then on the other hand that is a 20-25 year old project ...so at the time with konwledge we had we thought that sounded grate .... ...now days we know e few things more ...

correct me if i am wrong please
happy regards sakis
Hello Sakis
We already had a conversation about these .
At the forum posted by me My first DIY amplifier 20 years a go .
I know how does the amp sounded ! We com pared many great amp cost $$$$ and tube amp also .
I do not want to go into these again .
Even a German guy posted his commercial amp with 3 pair BDW83C BDW84C . Please take your time and look it up on the forum .
We make big mistake when we think we know everything ever was designed .
These not offence against you , with all my respect I recognize you know more 100X about amplifiers than me !
But still far away to know everything !
Instead please help me to find orig ST BDW83C /84C parts if U can . I would appreciate more that!:p
I know you work with amps etc .
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