Help - My Speakers Are Too Small

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Opps don't know how I missed this, apologies Caz

The xo is on post #54, did make use a smaller tweeter resistor, 3.3ohm (which is tucked under the large red cap). Still need to install these; I found making up two smaller woofer/tweeter boards works nicely for installation another mtm project.

The 2.2 coil just looked interesting on the PE site and the cost wasn't bad, but don't need 15 gauge wire, 16 or 18 also worked fine. [ended up making 5 boxes]

Second question is; would a wave guide for the XT25 tweeter be a good idea, or change the xo crossover point?
I've seen some flaring done with routing the wood baffle/front; don't know why I didn't think of that.


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The xo is on post #54, did make use a smaller tweeter resistor, 3.3ohm (which is tucked under the large red cap).

Second question is; would a wave guide for the XT25 tweeter be a good idea, or change the xo crossover point?
Resistors can get quite hot, having one in contact with a capacitor is not a good idea, makes both hotter yet.

A wave guide will raise sensitivity at the low end of the tweeter's response, but will do little at the top end.
If you want flat on axis response, a waveguide will require a different crossover design, with more attenuation at the low end of the response and a HF bypass capacitor to make the HF response equal to the increased sensitivity around the crossover point.
The impedance curve will also be different than the tweeter has in a flat baffle, so different value capacitors and coils will be required for the same crossover point to be achieved.

The depth will change too, being deeper may be better for time/phase alignment, but definitely would be different.
If your acoustic crossover actually is around 3150Hz like the simulations show, the wavelength at the crossover is about 4.3 inches, small changes in depth can make some fairly large differences in the frequency and phase response.
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Thanks weltersys, very informative.
Would certainly like to do something with the ring tweeters, I think they have some very nice highs and ended up with several of them on the shelf.
As mentioned did not think along the lines of wood flares; have some very wide/shallow cutters that might make an interesting dish.
That would be nice and working on that now another thread.

There's a sub plot here - the speakers on post #1 may not have been too-small!!!
The xo was wired or designed wrong all along; or one of the components shorted out on the board (if that is possible). I.e. tweeter rolls off about the same time as the woofer, but there's nothing wrong with the driver(s).
Could use some advice :scratch:
Looks like the xo point is right on target, but a 5db dip.

The series tweeter cap is a 3.9uf, would a larger cap level the dip without creating another problem?


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Trying everything now :scratch2:
Reverse, old 2-piece board and new 1-piece board with same parts.

I'm certainly no expert in these matters, but unless you are testing in an anechoic chamber, there is a chance that dip is a room node. Try moving the speakers and/or microphone and see if that effects the outcome.

Could you explain the testing procedure, what mic, what software, where are the speakers placed, where is the mic placed, how big is the room, how is the room furnished, and so on?

I'm not saying it is the room, only that that is something you must consider. Though I am assuming these are tests and not simulations.

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Ugh, as hard as this to post, the loud button was on :ill:
getting much better results now
if any mods were to be made, my guess would be a slightly smaller woofer coil to bring up the mid a little bit.

There's plenty of bass that's for sure.


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