• WARNING: Tube/Valve amplifiers use potentially LETHAL HIGH VOLTAGES.
    Building, troubleshooting and testing of these amplifiers should only be
    performed by someone who is thoroughly familiar with
    the safety precautions around high voltages.

handwound transformers.com

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Lucas electronics

Yes unfortunately- they are still in business and still ripping people off. I have a complaint in with ther Better Business Bureau in Pennsylvania about them(filed two weeks ago). Haven't heard anything yet. My order was for a ST-70 set with the choke(Placed and paid for in early March). It's no bargain when all you get are lies for your money. If you get burned- YOU WERE WARNED!!
The BBB will NOT help you at all if the merchant is not a BBB member. Even if they are, their only power is to shame the merchant. If Lucas is actively trying to rip people off, he won't care. In fact, his "sale" could just be his big exit strategy to get a bunch of revenue before folding his company.

To anyone who feels that they have been defrauded your first recourse should be through your bank or credit card company. Even though you were in many cases billed months ago I believe it is not kosher to invoice a sale in advance like that, so you may be able to recover your losses if you have a good bank and talk to a sympathetic rep. Be persistant and polite and it may pay off.

You can write to the Atty General's office and if you are lucky they will send a letter on your behalf, which might get some result. Otherwise if you have exhausted these avenues legal action is all that is left, but it is very hard to collect a judgement.
Add me to the sucker list of people that believed Mr. Lucas' claims through ebay. I ordered and paid for a pair of his 25 Watt 10 K SE xfmers almost a year ago now including shipping. I too have been given a host of lame excuses including, "the holidays have really upset the work schedule", (that was the last xmas holidays). Then it was, "I am waiting for special laminations from my supplier", now it is "very soon, the paint is drying".

I send him a polite email of inquiry every month or so, increased frequency of late. He is at least replying to my emails within usually 2-3 days. He has however taken in the past couple of months to using all capitols in his replies, shouting as it were, as though he is annoyed with my requests that he fill my order as he had promised to do.

I cannot recommend dealing with this person.
I've been resending all my previous e-mails(6 months worth) and his excuses back to him. He has the gall to continue with more promises. He covers his butt with Paypal by stating on his site that it will take 4 weeks to fill your order. By the time you realize you're not getting your x-formers, the 30 day "buyer protection" policy has expired and they won't help you either. Sure wish a way existed(or, I knew how) to get the word out more effectively!! People like Dave Lucas(and his Handwound Transformers) take the enjoyment out of being a hobbyist.
So design a website like handwoundtransformerssucks.com and post a list of disgruntled customers. But seriously has anyone ever tried calling this guy? You can shrug off email all day but a phone call is a little more personal. Hell I'll call the guy myself and see what hes like.
Hmm, such a problem seems to be a lot more usual than it ought to. I believe some of you would remember the group buy from airlink (under the A-X thread). Airlink transformers delivered sub spec. trafo's, poorly packed. As far as I'm concerned they got away with that as well...counting out 4 trafo's ;) The only reason they finally sent me and another danish forum member trafos up to spec. after countless phonecalls and emails, was a real harsh attitude and loads of it. They too came up with all the excuses one could ever imagine..and then some.

It's sad to see that the only way to get fair play in many cases, is to behave in a threatening manner. :(

I have an email into them offering to pay ONLY on receipt of merchandise, if they want my business. And that I will pay only with a credit card over the phone.:smash:

Everyone who is ordering from them now should order using this approach only. If they genuinely want to come back into business and want your business, and more importantly want to clean up, they will agree. If not, the signs are not good...:att'n:

Anyway, so now all those of you who have eventually received your transformers, how do you like them ? Are they good or just hyped up ? How would you rate them as compared to a Magnequest (or similar known for their class quality and performance) or on the other hand a Hammond ?
I never said anything was 'wrong' with it.
If I believed something was wrong with it, I would have never listed it. Its a list of choices that a typical DIYer considers, from transformers that are stratospheric - both in terms of cost and performance - and some that are not so expensive and obviously not up there either, but still put up a good show, ofcourse with limitations.

Let me ask you this -
If the transformer you require was available easily to you from Electraprint, Magnequest, Tamura, Tango, James and Hammond, all at the exact SAME price which one would you pick ? If Hammond, then why ?
No matter what the payment arrangement you make with him, after you've read all that's been said about this guy, why would anyone even consider buying anything from him? I personally know someone who was ripped-off by him.... same story; paid by Paypal and waited longer than the thirty days to file a claim, all the while getting empty promises. If this is the way he chooses to treat his customers, how can anyone have any confidence at all in his product, even if you did receive it. The fact that he's advertising a sale currently is just a further slap in the face to all those who are still waiting because he says he's "behind schedule". These poor guys will never get their orders. There are lots of good, reputable transformer winders out there who are a pleasure to deal with and very willing to help you get your projects done. They deserve your support a lot more that David Lucas or whatever his name is.
I just try to search for their website and address then come to this thread, I am surprised that there are so many victims all over the place. I bid several lot of transformers from them on ebay more than 1 year ago, and already paid for over US$300 for all, but they just give me lie and bull-**** thru out the whole year , sometimes sickness, sometimes out of town, sometimes father die....blah blah, I am really tired to send them emails, I have sent over 20-30 email over the pass year and none transformer received, always excuses.
I am in Canada, so I guess it is really hard to head to head talk with them, I might need to file a report to FBI or some higher authority to stop them from keep on cheating others. Anyone can give me some hints how to do so ?

I'm in the same boat as with you


I feel your pain. I've spent $300 on some transformers earlier in the summer and as usual, he said his orders will be out in 2 - 3 weeks. Well it's been 3 months and still no signs of any transformers.

By the way i'm in Prince George! But heading to NZ very soon.


I've used Dave's transformers last year and have been very happy. However, they were a pair of 6.6Kohm PP UL 20watt type in a 807 PP circuit. It was my only reason why I ordered from him again though somehow I don't expect any iron from him this time.
But making PP iron is far easier than SET OPTs.

Sure there are other iron winders who are prompt on their orders however, for DIY projects, they are very expensive (especially the high wattage SET types). I guess I can see why more and more people are going towards solid state.

actually I should have updated the thread. I got a response from them pretty quick and they agreed to do a COD with a 30 day return. Shipping estimate = 1 week for the Dynaco ST-70 set.

I then requested some more specific technical info about the transformers but havent heard back. Maybe my questions were stupid.
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