• WARNING: Tube/Valve amplifiers use potentially LETHAL HIGH VOLTAGES.
    Building, troubleshooting and testing of these amplifiers should only be
    performed by someone who is thoroughly familiar with
    the safety precautions around high voltages.

handwound transformers.com

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Double C core SE OPT

Hi guys!
I am now doing 813SE UL amplifier working with 900v/90ma.(45watt per channel). For this reason i tried to bring 6,5kiloohm Hammond OPT transformers(because, cheap) abroad but, it was difficult due to custom charges and prosedures in Turkey. With shippment and custom charges OPTs would be very expensive for me. Than by the chance , i found a local transformer and tube amplifier maker here. He is an old man.I discussed and explane my project to him. After he listened me, he said that for best quality he can prepare 30Watts DOUBLE C CORE OPTs with 0,25mm steel laminations. I was not imagining to hear this! I really surprised. He said that, his transformers frequency range will be 5 to 55000Hz. He guaranties 20-20000Hz (max -1db) at full power. Than i wanted to try my chance. I thought, i can not buy any double c core from abroad because they are very expensive. And i believe that any DOUBLE C core transformers more better than any EI laminations. He promised to give them to me first week of august. After i received them i will check them and inform you about result.
Last word: Nobody can learn without try!
Waiting WAY too long!!

Can anyone tell me where Lucas Electronics (AKA Handwound Transformers) is located in Pennsylvania? I would like to see if I can file a small claims suit against them long distance. I Paypal-ed them $259.00 almost 6 months ago and have received nothing but excuses, lies and empty promises for my money. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thanx- Al
Still Not as what Promised


I just e-mailed them today asking for a tracking #. Dave didn't get back to my e-mail I sent over a week ago.

I was suprised to hear he has another guy "Karl" that replied to my last e-mail and mentioned that Dave was out of town.

Yes my last order with him was around $300 and i'm not convinced that they were shipped already.

For awhile his secretary 'Jane' was telling me Dave was out of town. Then his best winder was sick for weeks, then his laminations were back ordered. Twice he promised they would be sent, "this week"!! All the while Roy Mottram(tubes4hifi)got his orders processed and received(same things I was ordering)so I know it's all bull!! I'm convinced this Dave Lucas has no conscience or intentions of honoring our contract concerning my x-formers.
Handwound trannys

Its the same old story, I waited over 9 months for a pair of custom power transformers. emailed at least once a month,endless excuses, power outages,flooding, your order was lost, should ship next week,death in the family, found your order on the loading dock will send it right to you! I ended up reporting Dave to the BBB and a Web fraud association. I don't care how good the quality is or how cheap the price is, My advice is shop elsewhere!!
Hello Sy- If you let me know your e-mail addy, I'll forward the correspondance that I've had thus far with Mr. Lucas. I doubt there will be any fruit of a calm, lawyerly letter. By now, I'm convinced it will take legal action to get anything out of Mr. Handwound!! I've even been so soured by this whole thing that I've given up the whole DIY concept. I bought a Cary Rocket 88R instead of building my own amp around Roy Mottram's driver board after spending close to a grand on BlackGate electrolytics, Auricaps, Caddock and Vishay caps and resistors, gold and ceramic tube sockets, 3 matched ECC801S Telefunkens, Vampire RCA's and Five ways, WonderWire and WonderSolder. The transformers were, of course, the biggest single investment(and loss). I'm just fried by this whole thing.
You (or any other member) can always email me by hitting the "email" button.

You'll agree that avoiding legal action is always the best, but if it's necessary, you have to understand that the chances of collecting are pretty dim. So that's why I suggest just worrying him that legal action is next, just to see if that gets you anywhere. The registered letter often does the trick- if you know an attorney who will look at your letter on the cheap and make some suggestions, so much the better.

I don't have any experience whatever with these guys, but if what you're saying is accurate, they're doing themselves no favors by having an unhappy customer making a lot of noise on popular forums.

One dumb question- how did you pay? Via credit card? If so, there's an easy path.
Unfortunately- I used Paypal. Mr Handwound states on his site that orders take 4 or more weeks to process and good old Paypal won't ever look into a claim that is over 4 weeks old(which makes their "buyer protection" worthless in virtually any case of fraud). If I can find out where he is located, I'll just go ahead and file. Why bother with attorneys and the time it would waste? Again- Can anyone tell me where Lucas Electronics is located? Thanx- Al
Waiting WAY too long

Can anyone out there tell me in what city and state Lucas Electronics(alias: Handwound Transformers) is located? I Paypal-ed them $259.00 almost six months ago and have received nothing for my money but excuses, lies and empty promises. I intend to file a small claims suit but need to know where to file. Thanx for any info- Al

Count me among the many who eagerly plunked-down my hard-earned cash for what seemed like an awesome deal- only to be screwed in the end. Like previous threads, I too have repeatedly emailed this guy (girl, whatever) only to have been told my order was shipped back because UPS had torn-off the shipping label, then he was re-testing it (because of the extensive damage inflicted by UPS), then he was out-of-town. Strangely, I haven't gotten the email yet stating that he couldn't ship my order because he's full of S#$%!!

I will willingly be part of any legal action that has been decided upon.:mad: :hot:
Lookup data on their website....

Here ya go...

Domain Name: handwoundtransformers.com

Created on..............: 13 Feb 2002 11:15:14
Expires on..............: 13 Feb 2005 11:15:14

Registrant Info:
Dave Lucas
Dave Lucas
Po Box 211 33 Main Street
Strattanville, PA 16258
Phone: 8147643092
Email: abcd1@penn.com

Administrative Info:
Dave Lucas
Dave Lucas
Po Box 211 33 Main Street
Strattanville, PA 16258
Phone: 8147643092
Email: abcd1@penn.com
Just remember, it's easy to file in small claims court, it's easy to win if you've got the documentation, it's darn hard to actually collect a judgement, and it's fairly impossible to collect a judgement out of state.

It might be interesting to ask an attorney if the interstate aspect of the transaction (I assume you're not in Pennsylvania) gives you any more leverage or clicks in the ability to make it a federal matter.
Sorry for the repeats- I just figured out how to get around on this forum(I hope)and what's been happening on this thread. Anyway- Thanks for all the feedback and Lucas' addy. I'm going to try and pursue the thing legally and if I have to hire a collection agency in Pa. It'll cost him a bunch if he has to pay their fees in addition to a judgement. Anyone else want a piece if I can find the "in"?
Here is the good solution! Double C Core OPT

Hi all!
I Received my Double C Core high quality SE 40% UL transformers a few days ago. They built in Istanbul by a local transformer and tube amlifier maker. The shape and workmanship is very good looking to me. Air gapped and very thin laminated with hi quality silicon steel. I checked its sound quality (by my ears) with my EL34 SE UL amplifier. I admired it! It is 6kiloohm to 4-8 ohms. Primary inductance 60H, primary resistance is 380 Ohms, works with 900V/90ma, 25 watts music power. Weight is 4.0Kgs. I connected 4 ohms speakers to 8 ohms commectors of transformer. It reflects 3 kiloohms in primary windings. The result satisfyed me too much. When i finish my 813 tube amplifier i will connect them and listen their Hi-End sound. Now, i decided to distibute Double C Core, Torroidal Or EI core OPT, Choke and Power transformers with reasonable prices. If anyone needs them please write what do you need technically then i will give you info about technical questions and price and sfippment fee. For example, Photos attched 25-30 Watt Double C Core OPT price is only 150 Usd. Manufacturing time will be not more than 10 days. Be sure that shippment will be instantly! I am an audio fanatic like you and i can understand that, waiting for goods is a torture!


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