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good replacement for ECC82

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diyAudio Chief Moderator
Joined 2002
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I have a couple and they work easily in phase splitters designed for 12AU7. The gain of the phase splitter is a concern compared to the grid overload margin. They won't blow any amp since they only tax the heater supply with an additional .3A.
In most cases they present a sonic bonus. Proceed with caution.
Tunsgram sounds best but 9.9/10 you will only find goldpin made by Amperex factory (NOS) for Philips. Anyway you gonna see them marked its the same item. Even CEI. (Calveret Electronics Inc.) for history about those in doubt http://www.arrakis.es/~igapop/philips_miniwatt_sq.htm
diyAudio Senior Member
Joined 2002


I have a couple and they work easily in phase splitters designed for 12AU7.

Yes...If you're a tad lucky they'll work and you'll notice a difference in favour of the E80CC 9/10.

But rarely under optimal conditions for this formidable valve.

They won't blow any amp since they only tax the heater supply with an additional .3A.

O.K....So we only risk a xformer or a winding on it, great.

Tunsgram sounds best but 9.9/10 you will only find goldpin made by Amperex factory (NOS) for Philips.

I also happen to prefer the Tungsram on this type and I'm still kicking myself for looking down on that brandname being convinced for many years it was just cheap eastblock junk...My mistake.

However, Philips made valves for Amperex. Not the other way around.

The link you post even supports that too...

Even CEI. (Calveret Electronics Inc.)

Calvert specialises in big transmitter tubes and other industrial tubes such as carcinotrons, thyratrons, photomultipiers, etc.

They're part of the Richardson group (REL) last time I checked...One of the biggest around but they don't know a rat's *** about audio tubes, and don't care either.

Either way, an E80CC is just another great tube that corresponds to the 9A Jedec pinout and that's about all it has in common with a 12AU7A.


Cheers, ;)
diyAudio Chief Moderator
Joined 2002
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I have CEI 12AT7, 12AU7, E80CC. All rebranded for the Army. Each goldpin E80CC is a Philips/Amperex. Each plain metal pin is a Tunsgram. Most commonly branded Siemens or early Mullard.
Amperex and Mullard were under Philips. Still they had different techniques and facilities.
I dont stick valves as a hit or miss. I studied my (own) circuit well, thank you.
diyAudio Senior Member
Joined 2002

Amperex and Mullard were under Philips. Still they had different techniques and facilities.

Sure...Now find me one, only one Amperex E80CC with an Amprex manufacturing code etched in the glass.

Find me a single Telefunken E80CC with TFK plant codes in the glass and a diamond on the bottom of the glass.

Yes, Mullard, Philips and a raft of other daughter companies had plants all over the world, so these are likely to show at least some differences and may sound different too.

Pssst...Don't tell anyone I told you so but the better Philips small signal tubes were made in Belgium...

Being a Belgian you can chalk it up to chauvinism but I know better.

Cheers, ;)
ok, i'm convinced

You got me, I got to try the E80CC. Can someone point me to some circuits that use this valve on the splitter.
Oh.. and could someone explain me something that I must have missed: if the heater of the E80CC draws .3A as the ECC82 does, why could it damage the xformer???

Thanks and forgive my ignorance(I'm trying hard to overcome it :xeye: )

diyAudio Senior Member
Joined 2002

Oh.. and could someone explain me something that I must have missed: if the heater of the E80CC draws

In the case of the ECC82 versus the E80CC the heater requirements are exactly alike.

I just don't want to see people putting the entire Jedec A9 range into service as a replacement for something else...

They're all going to sound "different", sure...If a circuit was designed for a certain type and that tube needs replacing, stick to the same tube or a true equivalent.

Not many so called equivalents actually are.

Cheers, ;)
Re: ok, i'm convinced

tiagor said:

Oh.. and could someone explain me something that I must have missed: if the heater of the E80CC draws .3A as the ECC82 does, why could it damage the xformer???

No no no ... it draws *another* 0.3A, ie 0.6A total compared to the 0.3A of an ECC82.
So use with caution in a unit built for the ECC82; the extra current could easily overload a regulator chip (they usually shut down gracefully). In an unregulated supply the voltage is likely to drop out of spec. In extreme cases there could be damage eg to the rectifiers or transformer.

If you fancy trying the E80CC i.l.o. ECC82, consider adding a little toroid tx for the heaters. Maplin and RS do them, 2 x 6V 2.5A, for very little money; they drive a regulated dc supply very well.
Ah.. I had misread the part that it draws another .3A The addicional toroid seems like a nice option.

As we're speaking about replacements, could someone enlighten me about replacing EL34's with KT88's? Should the cathode resistors be changed? any other optimizations to get the best out of this replacement?

Thanks again for all the help

diyAudio Chief Moderator
Joined 2002
Paid Member

Hello all,

Got some Tungsram made SIEMENS label E80CC along some CV4003. Interchanged them in my phase splitter along with the Philips made CEI E80CC.
1. They have absolutely no problem playing there.
2. The E80CC is better there than any 12AU7 or equivalent (I have checked Rolls Royce grade as long as mundain ones)
3. The Philips is fuller, the Tungsram is clearer but drier.
4. They fit so nicely that the character of each E80CC is as clearly showing as any 12AU7.
5. They absolutely play a synergy game with surrounding valveware, their friends or foes manifest their feelings strongly.




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The E80CC is a gem.

I had a Mullard CV491 as the gain stage in my preamplifier before, the best ECC82 look alike I could find in my collection.

Right now I have a Valvo E80CC in, an old pull from an industrial amplifier I found somewhere.

The Valvo is a Philips type, gold pins and no holes in the plates. It runs just fine in the same circuit that was designed for ECC82. 100k plate resistor and 2.2k unbypassed cathode, B+ 250V, directconnected to a 6201 cathode follower.

It's totally transparent. Even surrounded with cathode followers. The CV491 has a warm touch to the sound but the E80CC is like it wasn't there. Incredible detail and natural sound.

The E80CC is conservatively speced, maybe to live up to the 10000h lifetime. I'm sure you can scare the E80CC up to around 4W plate dissipation without problems.

I think the E80CC performs best as amplifier and LTP splitter, any other use is abuse. Treat the E80CC with respect. It does draw twice the heater current compared to the ECC82 so make sure you have the reserve.
I have RT, Philips and Tungsram E80CC, the Tungsram is the best to my taste very clear detailed mellow top and large soundstage
It's true that seldom characteristics will match exactly to the functioning point of the ECC82 but this is the miracle it always works better (of all the ecc82 NOS I've tried) even in bad conditions ! providing you don't go over 250v and 6mA on the anode.
I obtained them through Hungary to such a small price that i'd feel ashamed to divulge it !


Use E80cc instead. Made by Amperex mainly.

Urban myths continued....

Ah, so Amperex is actually a manufacturer now?

And a E80CC, good luck to you to get your hands on some_ is like what?

A 12AU7A on steroids?

Get real, please before I call you all rude names...


Dear, oh dear.........


youre right there Frank, since I started looking at valves again and doing a little research on things, I couldnt believe some of the B.S. Ive read on the subject!

There are so many Websites, that state this and that, claiming all sorts about a certain valve, and quite often its b...ks, often followed by a buy it here before stocks run out, at a rediculous price!
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