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Genesis Class A heatsinks (will trade)

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Have these monster 5lbs heatsinks (4) , each one could dissipate over 200w of Stealth class A heat using plain convection. Would like to trade for supply caps
(8 X 80/100v - 6800uF or higher) or other stuff that could be useful to me. It seems a shame to waste them.

photo's below...



  • stealthHS1.jpg
    100.1 KB · Views: 381
  • stealthHS2.jpg
    111.4 KB · Views: 381
People sure are fickle. First time I used this part of the forum, may be the last.
No one wants these good heatsinks ,maybe send them out for scrap. All I want is parts (below)... output trannies , drivers ,100v caps input caps, FR-4 .. anything to make more high voltage amps.

Send the parts with prepaid box (USPS) , will pack and ship heatsinks.
Sinks all measure 3-1/2" X 4-1/2" X 7" .. 10 X 10" box would be sufficient for packing of all 4 , they weigh about 15-16 pounds all together.



  • need parts.jpg
    need parts.jpg
    120.2 KB · Views: 266
Hey - I am very interested in these heat sinks. I am not sure I have any parts that you are looking for but if you have some specific ideas on the caps or transistors I can look around. I do have a nice selection of opamps if that is of interest. You are in the Smoky's? My family and I spend a week in Townsend each spring at a little cabin. Been doing that for close to 10 years. One of the best places there is. Lucky you.
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