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GB for RTX6001 Audio Analyzer with AK5394A and AK4490

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Just, I received my RTX6001!

I have an installation problem with the driver rtx_v4330_2017-10-11_setup on Win'XP 32 bit.

Here is the error message. Any suggestion?


Been using my RTX to test a very low noise and THD analogue active crossover I designed. RTX (and X over) results are impressive. Done many hours of very informative testing with usually no probs but occasionally, with no change in the physical test set up, I loose L & R analogue output (L &R inputs still OK) signals for no particular reason. I use AudioTester so could of course be that or something on the PC. Previously to fix it I have reset PC and RTX and twiddled a few AudioTester settings on and off and it recovered (don't ask me exactly what I did it was a bit suck it and see).

Anyway question is: is there an easy way to identify if the problem is the RTX or the PC / Audiotester as the test set up is currently not working and no amount of resets seem to cure it this time (will try reinstalling RTX SW and ASIO as cant think of anything else).
Been using my RTX to test a very low noise and THD analogue active crossover I designed. RTX (and X over) results are impressive. Done many hours of very informative testing with usually no probs but occasionally, with no change in the physical test set up, I loose L & R analogue output (L &R inputs still OK) signals for no particular reason. I use AudioTester so could of course be that or something on the PC. Previously to fix it I have reset PC and RTX and twiddled a few AudioTester settings on and off and it recovered (don't ask me exactly what I did it was a bit suck it and see).

Anyway question is: is there an easy way to identify if the problem is the RTX or the PC / Audiotester as the test set up is currently not working and no amount of resets seem to cure it this time (will try reinstalling RTX SW and ASIO as cant think of anything else).

Do now have it running without reinstalling ASIO or RTX SW (reset seems to have eventually done it) but in anticipation of it happening again would still like to know if there is an easy way to know if its the PC / Audiotester or the RTX.
Hi etlasr,
Try and play some music through it if you have an amplifier available. Just play any digital file, or even the PC sounds. Change the sound device in the control panel.


Anatech, thanks for your suggestion. When ever i get the problem I do select one of the non ASIO (forget which one) DLL's in Audiotester and the test tone comes out of the PC speaker. Still learning the finer points of drivers and the like (I'm more of an analogue man than digital) but took that to indicate Audiotester was working, well at least locally on the PC.
I really think someone should turn this design into a high end DAC! Currently listening to the RME Babyface Pro, the sound quality is not as good by not a small margin! I am glad I got two. Comparison of both units use the same interface cabling. I am getting spoiled! But I really need to site down for a couple of days and do different measurements to see where the difference shows up in data. I have never heard and audio system with such realistic piano harmonics! Just one aspect out of many to mention. This really completes a collection to look into the differences through measurement.
+1 to the good sound praise. Good work Jens! Even if that came as a 'side effect' to good measured performance... it would indicate that good measuring device can translate to good sound too.

In my case I was using the Soekris dam1021 multi-bit DAC built into a case together with Bruno BPBP preamp and ICE power amp. RTX has now taken over the DAC duties :)
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