Funniest snake oil theories

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diyAudio Moderator
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I see we won't be star grounding them today.


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never ending supply of people who gobble this type of crap up. I bought a pair of Soundlab A1's a few years ago and I remember that in the base of each speaker was a rectangular piece of plastic that said "Bybee" I left them in their wooden and electronic sarcophagus and forgot about them till I pulled the plates out to replace faulty L pads.

Posted them on audiomart and within a few hours Two people messaged me and they were on their way to a new home... amazing
I also use SoundLab speakers. Don't know who would attach Bybees to them. According to a couple of full time professional high end audio designer friends, they say Bybees can have some effect on sound, especially if enough current is run through them. On an FFT what they do is have some effect on noise; they don't exhibit HD. One of those guys said Bybees usually make better systems sound WORSE, but that they can make less good systems sound better. The subject has become kind of academic now since Jack Bybee passed away last year.
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Hi Mark,
Bybee "devices" are largely ineffective and I would suggest they operate on the mind of a person more than the signal. They have been tested by people I actually know and trust (and have met in person) and found to be a low value resistor wrapped in materials claimed to have an electrical effect. Those materials are completely inert at audio frequencies up to 1 MHz.

These are another example of products aimed at people who are not experts. Defenders only rely on reports from other people and say "they could affect the sound" and generally try to point at the supposed inadequacies of our ability to measure things. Well, this situation is not the current state of measurement reality, and we have been able to easily measure things to below -140 dB below 1 watt. I am currently able to do that in my lab with careful test setup. In the old days our limits were around -80 dB or a little better, but for many years now our capabilities have improved greatly.

Unfortunately, snake oil products will continue to plague the industry as long as there are people willing to prey on others. The average person trying to keep an open mind may fall victim to this, it is only human nature.

"High End"
That term in itself, is part of the Snake Oil sales force.

And such terms like
Etc etc....
Even "Doctor Recommended"

Are all handy terms that the human brain associates with Quality.
And so these are used by manufacturers who know full well that impressing the public with fancy terms sells products.
The same thing goes for cosmetic appearance, since society, from birth, is conditioned to be drawn to the powerful world of superficiality.
An unconscious sense of desire that lasts forever in most people.

To break away from these mind-controlling effects is naturally impossible in most cases.
But once a person can become, and control the draw of these powerful suggestions, a sense of freedom becomes clear, along with an individual form of happiness and solitude, and a fresh outlook and focus on life itself.
I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you and according to a couple of full time professional high end bridge designer friends...

Here is the difference: You know exactly who my audio designer friends are.

Also: You complain if I name them because I named them, and you complain if I don't name them because I failed to name them.
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Joined 2004
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Hey Mark,
Does it really matter at all?

Most people cannot hear any difference. Advanced electronic testing shows that any effects are both below audibility and above the human hearing range. So it is then claimed there is a difference that cannot be measured.

If you can actually hear, as in your senses detecting a difference, we can for certain (and easily) measure it. If the claim is made that the difference occurs in your brain, then what is really happening is that the input is from your eyes and thoughts, not from what you can actually perceive with your senses. Simple, open and shut.

Purveyors of "snake oil" type devices for audio always hide behind something amazing that can't be measured - as in the case of Bybee devices. If these things were actually true, the industrial-military complex would either use these devices in common practice, or they would be hidden as a national secret and there is zero chance you would even be aware of it. So even common sense proves it all to be hype, smoke and mirrors.
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