Funniest snake oil theories

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I can accept the unexpected and measureable, but in my experience the repeatable is straining it.
1.5dB @ 10kHz difference between measurements can be caused by such innocent things as a person at a position difference of 1/2 foot, or a coffee mug on the coffee table slightly re-placed.
This kind of measurements is, almost in principle, unrepeatable.


Jack says that you have to try something, before you can judge whether it does anything useful. Engineers are often frightened about devices that might be useful, but are poorly understood in the textbooks. I think he is right.

Has he sampled NASA, or one of the big medical imaging firms? How come this stuff only works for audio (not just JB's stuff)? :rolleyes:
Jack says that you have to try something, before you can judge whether it does anything useful. Engineers are often frightened about devices that might be useful, but are poorly understood in the textbooks. I think he is right.

Then both you should try skydiving without a parachute. We'll be the judge as to the usefulness..:D


You don't need a parachute to skydive. Only if you want to do it twice.
Just to counter the impression some are giving that everyone who tries the Bybees hears an effect, here are some quotes found via a short google search to two threads:
(BTW, there are also many reports of hearing astounding differences in both of those threads, so it's not universal in either case. No reports of successful detection in a blind test, either though).

you can buy Bybee's , those who have them hear a difference

it seems clear to me from the reports I've read here that they have an effect

Bybee Quantum Filters & McIntosh [Archive] - Home Audio Stereo Discussion Forums
I tried them and I don't hear any difference. I have one for AC filtering and another on analog out right at the RCA out.
My wallet felt the difference.:thumbsdn: I'd rather put the money on an RGPC product.
I have them installed in my modified Denon 3910 unit. I can't tell if they are helping or not, though I have read a lot about them and it seems to be based upon sound science.
We added the purifiers one at at time. After each addition my friend would comment how different aspects of the music were improving (insert adjectives here). To me it sounded about the same. He was incredulous, but claimed that when all tweaks were in and we started *removing* them, that I would surely notice what was already so obvious to him.
I didn't. The system sounded the same to me with all Bybees removed.
I will confirm with you that I didn't hear any difference with Bybee in my system. The only difference between you and me, is that I actually paid for the snake charm.
Bybee Quantum Purifiers

FWIW, I've done A/B testing with the Bybee speaker thingies and could hear absolutely no difference. My friend, who owned them, could hear a Big Differerence until I tested him blind. Then, amazingly, the difference disappeared. Go figure. ;)
My friend put Bybees in his DIY speakers and was absolutely raving about the clarity and improvement in the sound - "blackness between the notes," etc. I was a skeptic so I challenged him to a blind test. He was certain he could pass and agreed. He had external crossovers so it was easy to switch the Bybees in and out. We started with me telling him when the Bybees were in the circuit and when they were out. He could still hear Big Differences. Alas, when I switched them in and out without telling him which was which, he coudn't tell the difference. Likewise, when I tried it, I couldn't hear any difference either.
FWIW, I've done A/B testing with the Bybee speaker thingies and could hear absolutely no difference. My friend, who owned them, could hear a Big Differerence until I tested him blind. Then, amazingly, the difference disappeared. Go figure. ;)
Alas, when I switched them in and out without telling him which was which, he coudn't tell the difference. Likewise, when I tried it, I couldn't hear any difference either.

This is why the posse's stay on their own turf. You'll be told these are "old" Bybee's, which begs several questions.
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Jack says that you have to try something, before you can judge whether it does anything useful. Engineers are often frightened about devices that might be useful, but are poorly understood in the textbooks. I think he is right.

"Mama says happiness comes from magic rays of sunshine that come down when you're feelin blue." Bobby Boucher

I think there's Something Wrong with Jack and John's Medulla Oblongata
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There should be little difference between 'old' Bybees and new Bybees, but I have not tried any new ones in my own system recently. Hopefully, I will soon get a Bybee-Curl unit, and I can find out for myself.
One thing that is important: For AC operation, usually 2 Bybees are used. One for the live, and one for the neutral. This, apparently is important.
There should be little difference between 'old' Bybees and new Bybees, but I have not tried any new ones in my own system recently. Hopefully, I will soon get a Bybee-Curl unit, and I can find out for myself.
One thing that is important: For AC operation, usually 2 Bybees are used. One for the live, and one for the neutral. This, apparently is important.

Jacko , claim much better than series 1 , ask again ......
RE my previous post, only a certain category of people hear a difference.
Yes, in the rest of the last posts mention is made of numerous people not hearing anything. However, there are a significant number of people who are chasing a certain quality in the sound, and they're the ones who pick up on the effect - Dan, for example. I use the word "convincing" because it's a simple adjective encapsulating the quality I'm after - something that always sounds like, is obviously a hifi system is not very interesting to me, just plain tiresome in fact.
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