Funniest snake oil theories

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This might be the wrong thread....but this thread is about theories.
Anyway, I spent a couple of hours ABing my car audio system with/without Large REGULAR Quantum Purifier - Bybee Technologies | DIY and OEM Product List.

My car stereo is nothing special...Sony CD/Radio (balanced speaker outputs) driving Energy speakers via Cat6.

These 'purifiers' do make a remarkable difference.
More later.


What like some empirical measurements or just anecdotal listening....
He can't and won't. We are supposed to just take his word on it. Maybe his wife who was in the kitchen came out and said "Honey, whatever it is you changed made the sound oh so much better!"
It's not the wrong thread, it is about snake oil.

Cars don't have kitchens David:rolleyes:
His wife gagged and bound in the trunk, bit through the gag and yelled "Honey, whatever it is you changed made the sound oh so much better!"
Which is where some of the answers may be ... less than optimum connections do degrade the sound, and the Bybees may effectively be a workaround for this - helps to reduce the distortion inducing mechanisms, if the user chooses not to keep the connections scrupulously pristine.

No, they are a resistor, spare us from more free advertising for one of Audios biggest conns, as to the logic of your reply, a few hundred dollars on a resistor, or re-seat you connectors for zero.......
No proof.
BS claims
Defy physics
And employs Maxwell's Demons.
Do Bybees have arrows on them...
To me it looks dangerously like a diodic junction, ie., it has some slight rectifying qualities. Which is a brilliant way of attracting RF interference, and some low level non-linearity - from experience, if I permanently make good a connection then some of the nastiness in the sound disappears ...

Exactly. So what do you think I worry about next, then?

Possibly attenuating, damping some of the high frequency rubbish that is floating around, and being generated by the bad connections.

Abandon all reality all ye who enter here.:)
Cars don't have kitchens David:rolleyes:
His wife gagged and bound in the trunk, bit through the gag and yelled "Honey, whatever it is you changed made the sound oh so much better!"
LOL, very funny :p.

It's a station wagon with two Energy EC-100 speakers in the room for any women...hearing the same music passage twenty times would induce too much whingin'.
Energy EC-100.jpg

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MIT, your experience is normal. It is difficult to hear Bybee devices, unless you really need one in that location. BUT, if you do need one, then you can improve even a cheap computer sound system. They are very expensive, and I sincerely suggest that people take care of virtually everything else in their playback system, before investing in Bybees. I have been able to experiment because I have been given some, and found this to be so, but since even a single Bybee is about 4 times the price of the computer amp-speaker add on, it might be better to invest in a better amp-speaker first.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

The Bybee-Curl Holographic Power Source is being introduced to the market in early 2014. This product incorporates technology and design from multiple entities. It uses John Curl design and engineering; plus includes an AC Module which is Bybee Technologies filtering technology and a crystal technology that makes air molecules more compliant. The results are a power source that is unsurpassed on the market. It truly makes the listening area 3 dimensional, increasing the sonics and staging like no other device.
MSRP: $5495 (see pricing note below)

Nice John real nice :rolleyes:
MIT, your experience is normal. It is difficult to hear Bybee devices, unless you really need one in that location. BUT, if you do need one, then you can improve even a cheap computer sound system. They are very expensive, and I sincerely suggest that people take care of virtually everything else in their playback system, before investing in Bybees. I have been able to experiment because I have been given some, and found this to be so, but since even a single Bybee is about 4 times the price of the computer amp-speaker add on, it might be better to invest in a better amp-speaker first.

As endorsed by JC, though this sounds somewhat like the excuse used here:
The Emperor's New Clothes
When I first took audio optimising seriously, years and years ago, I went round and round and round in circles for weeks, months, investigating this connection thing - tried every permutation of cleaning, not cleaning, contact enhancer, everything I could think of. At the end of it, one result stood out - the only thing that worked permanently, didn't degrade noticeably, was hardwiring, or a version of that. And that's still my thinking ...

Its called LISTERIOSIS and can be cured.:D
An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

The Bybee-Curl Holographic Power Source is being introduced to the market in early 2014. This product incorporates technology and design from multiple entities. It uses John Curl design and engineering; plus includes an AC Module which is Bybee Technologies filtering technology and a crystal technology that makes air molecules more compliant. The results are a power source that is unsurpassed on the market. It truly makes the listening area 3 dimensional, increasing the sonics and staging like no other device.
MSRP: $5495 (see pricing note below)

Nice John real nice :rolleyes:

JC's advice is good, and I will elaborate later.

The 'air molecules' bit might be stretching it ?.

I for one will be interested in what your assessment of their impact is, and how it compares to the effectiveness of your gizmo ...
Hi Frank.
Ok, I have listened with a limited range of music so far....a 90's Disco Greats,and a CBS test CD with a hand full of orchestral and choir pieces.
Both CD's contain well recorded tracks.

I can't give too much away about my subjective testing methods, but first thing to say is that there indeed a lowering of the perceived noise floor, and perceived distortion.
There is also a perceived change in the way that notes and sounds envelope.....attack, decay and timbre is different.
These changes affect/effect the 'groove' factor, and to my ear not in a totally good way....I noted bass blooming/bloating on some orchestral stuff.

Compared to my 'gizmo' ?....the QP's have good qualities but not quite there yet....mainly because of the 'bloom' effect.
I am comparing the 'standard' version...maybe the other versions are better, but I don't think the silver/gold wires will change the essential behaviour very much.

I could say a truck load more....but not here...IP reasons ;).

I can't give too much away about my subjective testing methods...

Compared to my 'gizmo' ?....the QP's have good qualities but not quite there yet....mainly because of the 'bloom' effect.
I am comparing the 'standard' version...maybe the other versions are better, but I don't think the silver/gold wires will change the essential behaviour very much.

I could say a truck load more....but not here...IP reasons ;).

It's always interesting to see fraud developing in utero.
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