fountek fullrange speaker!

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The fountek fullrange on the web:
I got 2 samples.
An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

Interesting for the Specifications:
Voice Coil Diameter 25mm
Voice Coil Height 4.0mm
Voice Coil Former aluminum
Voice Coil Wire Copper ribbon
Number of Layers 1
Magnet system type Neodymium
Magnetic Gap Height 10mm
B Flux Density 0.88T
Bl Product 3.313Tm
Max Linear Excursion 3mm +/-

It's a underhung voice coil motor design!

More detail comming on.......
I install it to the IEC baffle,and mearsure it.
An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

The fig shows step response and FR,and use MLSSA to get the CSD:
An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

The CSD is a "stereophile like" style, use the blackman-harris window and 0.15ms risetime.
The driver install to a bassflex box,like it:
An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

Now, run in......
no whizzer cone, hmmm good
looks very promising,
other details please
if , yes if, I'm moving to Shanghai end of year .........:smash: :smash: :smash:
that's the reason I'm a Fonken fan now
all others way too complicated
to build for a girl like :smash: :smash:
At about 35 bucks (according to a russian Fountek site)...this seems like a good deal. The drop in the 7K region should make it nice and relaxed.

The inefficiency could be seen as a benefit in use on an OB. I think this plus an augie (3db more efficient) on OB would make a nice speaker ala martins OB.

I'm having a hard time finding a supplier for this driver.  Everybody carries the ribbon tweets, but nobody has the little fullranges (ex-ranges, actually; 110Hz up is not fullrange).  Yes, it's cold, but a 4-array would do okay, about 91dB; so it's down to cost per, which I have not been able to find.

The only shop I can find is bmm electronics. But that's a shop from the Netherlands.
I think the shipping costs will be very high to the US.

I wonder if the tolerance of the parameters would be better than Tangband.

(I measured some W3-871s, and the VAS, for example, is 0,88. The VAS from the datasheet is 1,66)
Zerstorer said:

Any updates on the Fountek FR88EX?

I'm running a pair of FR88s in my car now, wondering if the FR88EX would be even better.

The FR88EX used BIG Neodymium but the FR88 used ferrite as the magnet system, so the FR88EX is a underhung design,it has +/- 3 mm linear excursion! It's a small gun.

Perhaps you get the old version FR88?

Is the color of the cone black?And the color of the cap black too?
If it's,I think you get the old version of FR88.
But now, the final version of FR88 EX is use aluminium cone and cap.The same material of these two part offer difference sound.
Especially in highs,more nature,more composure and more detail of full range.
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