First Watt F1 Construction Diary [pics]

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Thats a nice layout you have there, what tool did you use? I'm literally drawing squares in paintshop pro for metal, and I made templates for the C,R, and Q. I plan on using a star point-to-point grounding scheme.

I like that my layout (l-channel, r-channel, PS1, PS2) all fit on a single 6x9 PCB so I can develop one and cut it apart afterwards.

I realized a couple of simplification in the R18,9/11, area where all teh crossing happens.. I'll put it in tonight.

I have too a single sided F1, it works very good.
As option you can use 3x 1 Ohm (=0,33Ohm)resistor by upper CS instead 1+ .47 Ohm (=0.32Ohm)



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I've got no money at this time , but we can arrange for a sort of gastronomical ( italian stuff) vs. hi end exchange if you want
Pamaz, if it was me you asked, I would say yes right away. Italian food is the best;) If I am allowed to go a bit off topic, the Italians are best at lots of things:) Designing for one!
I am driving an Alfa Romeo:D :D Great stuff:)

mmmmaaaannnyyyyy THANX

Thanks a lot. You've been really kind and I think I will not be the only one that is appreciating your work.
If i can say thanks with some fine noodles( not the normal one that you buy at the mall) let me have your address via pm.


My heatsinks finally arrived :)

They look sweet, except somehow the heatsinks ended up being bigger than the whole chassis. Not sure if thats a drawback or an advantage quite yet ;)

I'm finishing up my PCB layout using ideas from Adam's pdf file - Nice job BTW

I hope to get PCBs and the chassis finished over the thanksgiving weekend :)

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