Firefox marked the forum as an "Attack site" [RESOLVED]

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Chrome Sandbox's the whole "enchilada" anyway. (..though it isn't exactly frugal with memory as a result.)

Anyway, Merry Xmas!

Sandboxes can be broken. And are. They help, they don't prevent. Actually Chrome is working on a sandbox breach right now.

It really worries me how many people seemed to continue onto the site while Jason was still fixing it. Google does not black list lightly. There is usually a very good reason. It is all too easy, not because of the SA's being lax, but because of the sophistication of the attack software available. We are long past the days of simple "I LOVE YOU" and "Nigerian money transfers." Unfortunately, a few real jerks are ruining the internet for all of us. The penalty is Google and others have to spend a LOT of money ( and we all pay for it somehow) to protect us the best they can. Don't get mad at them because we were interrupted a few hours, get mad at the hackers. They messed up Jason's day too.
It really worries me how many people seemed to continue onto the site while Jason was still fixing it.

I run ghostery all the time, so, google can blacklist the site all it wants for some ad or link, but I'll never see it...and if you do, you aren't being proactive enough.

Anyone browsing the internet without ghostery or noscript nowadays should really have their head examined.

Always make sure you have your internet prophylactic on.
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Okay,here are a couple screen shots of what I'm seeing.
I come to the page and the first thing I see is this:

If I click on the "Why was this page blocked?" button,I get this
(posted before,in plain text):

It doesn't seem to do it every time.
If I navigate away from this site,and browse another one,When I come back,it may or may not show the error.
If I close the browser,and wait a while..and re-open the browser,and navigate to this site,it may or may not show the error.

If I log out of this site,I don't seem to get the error message at all. But when I go to log in,or am already logged in,it may or may not appear.


Thanks for the images - yes this is what I was after, in order to avoid the links going into the thread itself.

Great, well, the good news is that all the stuff mentioned on that screenshot was dealt with long ago and is done and dusted.

The bad news is for some reason you're still getting a warning about that same, now fixed, problem. I'm not sure what can be done about that - as far as I can conclude at this stage, I'm guessing either your browser has some setting that will continue to throw this warning for the next 90 days (the info page itself says the site is not listed as suspicious, but was flagged in the last 90 days), or your browser is accessing an old/cached malware database. I'm not sure there is anything I can do about that.
Joined 2000
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6:12pm CST On Firefox 17.0.1 Still getting site warnings. trickle down DNS issue?

Possibly. I'm really not sure. It could be your ISP caching something (even a hard refresh may not give you the ability to refresh something stuck in your ISPs cache). You could try switching to a different ISP (for example, tether / hotspot your phone to your computer if your regular internet company is different from your phone company), doing a hard refresh once you are using the new ISP, and see if you still get the warning.

Everything has been done now for - it's clean with Google, and it's clean with StopBadWare, which is the totality of advice from Mozilla (Firefox Phishing and Malware Protection).
Joined 2004
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If you receive a warning please do a screen capture of the alert information and post it here if at all possible. The site has been clean for days, this seems to be a Google issue.

Strangely enough I have FF 17.0.1 at home and at work, and at home in both Linux and Win 7 flavors. I have not received an alert at work, but have received them at home on browsers in both OS as recently as two days ago - will have to check as I have not been online at home since Wednesday.
If you receive a warning please do a screen capture of the alert information and post it here if at all possible. The site has been clean for days, this seems to be a Google issue.

actually, i am getting this on this page.


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Joined 2004
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You may get it on others, but to be useful you need to read the actual google page with the reported links and take a snap shot of that. The red screen of death (as I call it) is generated by Firefox.. Click on the button I've illustrated in my attachment next time it occurs, copy the resulting screen and post here. And thanks!


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Just another Moderator
Joined 2003
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I just got one too. was clear all yesterday. Only the one so far. and as has been the case almost every time it is when clicking on a link from within the user control panel to look at a subscribed thread. Looks like the same message as before.

Firefox 17.0.1 Windows XP SP3.



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