F5 Turbo Builders Thread

Typical you is answering question B, instead of responding to question A.
Likely, and as usual, because it's not in the book ?
Wasn't that basically all that you do, read books, and recite from them ?

Out of curiosity, how many times have you been asked to show something you did yourself over the years, instead of criticising others ?
Or, on just how many occasions have you asked others to measure something and post the results ?
Too lazy yourself, by chance, or so much to do and so little time ?

At the least, modesty is not exactly your most prominent feature, isn't it.
Your extremely bad manners and rather arrogant attitude are, as you've been told by some many others, over so many years, time and again.

And what do you actually amount to, If I may be so bold to inquire ?
A retired school teacher, with a civil engineering BSc ?
Posting on a forum 50 times a day, every single day, from 9 to 5.
To play the school whip, ridicule fresh members, to display your vast knowledge and experience.
The Mrs. doesn't allow you to play headmaster after 5PM ?
And provided you're not too busy, having to tend to the rose garden ?

Not exactly impressive, or is it, Mr TymkoWitz ?
At least I don't think so, rather pathetic is a more accurate description.
Main reason to have pressed the ignore button many years ago.
Just an exception, for your particular case.
Cheerio, Tata, Goodbye, and Fare Thee Well, laddy.
Total off thread insulting testostrone that dosent belong in this forum. Not even in a curl thread!
At the risk of being bad, Jacco, you certainly should know, it is a behaviour most like your own!


Joined 2010
Paid Member
Unfortunately too many builders want an easy life without any thinking and without any research.

Not everybody is looking for the same thing here - we are all on different paths, with different backgrounds, knowledge and understanding. This is just a place where some people have found some other people headed in the same general direction.

Instead of writing something that could be taken as extremely insulting, how about just beeing glad that there are people here, interested, and willing to learn. Because when it's all said and done, everybody is here to learn something, whether they know it or not, or whether they actually set out to do that.

I am glad we are all here.
WTF Buzz? were you just in one of them threads were everyone takes shots at JC? so they can one up each other, do nothing but show there off thread intelegense etc. etc. etc. I don't think to many of us will allow that BS here from anyone. Go sit in the corner for a day! no Forum, no music!
This was not an attack, but an attempt to make the point of finding the answer, not just arguing. That is also why i posed the hypothetical situation of the standard F5 vs the F5T. I thought this would be an practical way of showing a difference between the two, considering the DC conditions and load would be identical. I would argue this is very different from the "Blowtorch" thread, in that it leaves open the possibility of a concrete answer. If the variables need to be decreased for ease of explanation, that is fine. I would answer, but based on what has been said, I am not sure I know the answer.


Joined 2010
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Let's get back on track... :D :D :D

Here's a photo of the F5T, with a layout tried for some very specific reasons, but didn't work very well; it has since been changed.



  • noisy.jpg
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Sorry guy's.
Jacco's really good with the tourch so I'm sure I'm toast. Weather he was wrong, out-a-line or whatever.
Your right, Lets get back to an OnTopic discussion, but as I said to buzz (no real offensiveness meant buzz) this whole forum can't match the rule breaking rudness, one upsmanship, OT, insulting argumentative crap that goes on in the JC thread and one of the most antagonistic is a moderator? I connot believe we would ever let this forum catagorie stupe so low? the knowledgable don't always want to jump in but the way some do is as wrong as what I did :cheers:
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Ok. To help further with the explanation, what is the difference in output power between the following two examples into an 16r, 8r, 4r, and 2r load.

Standard F5
32v rails
3.2A Iq

32v rails
3.2A Iq

This was not an attack, but an attempt to make the point of finding the answer, not just arguing. That is also why i posed the hypothetical situation of the standard F5 vs the F5T. I thought this would be an practical way of showing a difference between the two, considering the DC conditions and load would be identical. I would argue this is very different from the "Blowtorch" thread, in that it leaves open the possibility of a concrete answer. If the variables need to be decreased for ease of explanation, that is fine. I would answer, but based on what has been said, I am not sure I know the answer.
Being antagonistic, does anybody have an answer for this?


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does anybody have an answer for this?

I don't have a good enough understanding to explain it very well, but the F5T will pass more current at the large voltage swings because the diodes effectifly make the source resistors smaller. (fewer ohms) So with more current in general, not getting lost through the source resistors, the control over the lower impedance loads should be better... right?

Or am I just as confused as the rest of us? (probably...)
That is how i viewed it. It seems to be a "more efficient" current delivery system. Of course this affects voltage swing and total availablity to the load, but i still have this nagging itch about what makes it different that F5 at same levels. It seems to really show the difference, you have to look at in these comparative
terms. I seemed to grasp Jacco's explanation, but that was shot down by Andrew. Problem is, the answer to the question and with it, a proper explanation remain elusive.
There are considerations I haven't seen mentioned recently when running into low Z loads such as gain is reduced. Since this is a common source output stage the output load is effectively a load resistor. lower Z = Less gain. The same for the diode on the source, it will effect the gain as the signal drives higher currents...
I have often wondered about the reason why Nelson uses so many fets in parallel. I have considered the possibilty that even though each one is biased low in comparison to the Firstwatt stuff, you also have the possiblilty of much more current handling ablilty, as the contribution needed from each fet is reduced in proportion to the number of output fets. I also wondered if he did this to avoid the dreaded IRF9240 Yfs hump, by simply staying below it. Of course more fets means more gain and more DF, but i have to believe there are other reasons. I also consider the "beast" when thinking about such things. Oh well. THe F5T mystry remains largely unexplained, thanks to me:D