Euro Cup 2012

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Germany look like they've never encountered the beautiful game. They need far too much space.

Italy's come on song all of a rush. Hope they haven't peaked too early and that Spain remembers how to get up to speed from the start. Anything might happen.

I hope for Spain. I think it's important that we escape from the billion-dollar superhero striker thing, and that's the most obvious difference between the sides.
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Playing the psychological weird stuff, Jacco? I enjoy football when there's so much at stake (for others, not for me); big matches, when there's glory for the winners and despair for the losers. No possibility for a tie. You can feel when players are afraid of losing and you can feel the tension and the drama. There's also the chess tactics stuff and there's the talent and the tears. Should be interesting.
Don't know why I should care about the fate of Spain.
Patriotism? You know, the love of your country?
I dislike our way of playing, I dislike our couch
A couch is a great place to watch a game. ;)
I dislike the madness and stupid enthusiasm around me.
Personally, I would love to enjoy the enthusiasm. We hardly have that passion here in Canada.
It's just a game.
Oh, but it is much more than a game, it is an event. One that can be shared with family, friends, food, frivolity and a glass or mug of something worth sharing with those you care about.

When Rome burned, Nero at least had the decency to play the violin. Some 2000 years later, in not dissimilar circumstances, we are playing football. Progress grips me by the throat.

Agree, completely the Olympics and other entertainment/sporting extravaganzas intended to obscure reality and distract the public from the real worries and issues of the world, the Euro showcases the excesses and reveals the dichotomy between the few haves and the majority of have nots.

Our mad rush to waste precious public resources of every kind in order to stage a spectacle acts as a distraction of course and I am one of the guilty!

I tune in as I do because, for whatever reason, football seems to be able to bridge cultural divides here in my own community that few other events seem able to do.

The Greeks at the local men's card club offer their condolences to me over the Oranje's poor play, the Portuguese in the West End invite my opinions, as a non-Iberian, on Ronaldo's play, the Poles, Ukranians, Russsians, Czechs and French wave me over to watch the games at their clubs while the Italians, Spanish, and the Germans regale me with their stories of their teams' exploits and soccer destiny. It seems to be the one time (like the World Cup) where the only requirement for fraternity with strangers and your neighbours is simply, enthusiasm for the game.

I agree, the game is not as beautiful as it once was...but I keep looking for glimmers of what once was in those very rare moments when...selflessness, sportsmanship, determination. poise under fire, brilliance, tactics, teamwork and desire reveal themselves.

The prognosis for the future of the Game is probably not a positive one, especially with the news that the next Euro will see 8 more teams among a host of other glaring political, economic and social issues that have been illuminated at this last soccer extravaganza.

Very few have the guts or willingness to confront the reality that these events are carefully orchestrated to lull the masses into the belief that nothing has changed...but I see signs among many of the ordinary fans that they don't fully buy into the UEFA script.

I can only hope that I see something on the pitch and among the fans this afternoon that will remind me of what is best about the game itself.
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