Don' t care for accuracy, just enjoyment, at lower volumes

A FR is often limited at the extremes (some people ignore that many multi-ways have similar extension), maximum loudness levels are often limited. The fact that everything is coming from one driver can cause issues with doppler — something that is often said to be important or unimportant. Dispersion at higher frequencies is also often limited. Cone resonances/micro-resonance are required to get extension and if the cone is not well controlled there is often some FR irregularities in the top octaves.

There are ways to overcome many of these issues, and many people do not listen as loud as other’s think they should be capable of.

Good value, or budget priced?

I can only comment on what i have heard.

Almost any of the Mark Audios (there are a few dogs IMO), but they keep getting better at making drivers. Fostex FF85/105/165wk/FE108e∑. Initial testing suggests the 3” 16Ω Faital Pro could be really good value. Cheap is the VIFA T9G (the famed TC9 is IMO junk), SEAS FA22.

I have also heard some that are promising but that i’d like to spend more time with to evaluate their potential.
