Does this explain what generates gravity?

Asteroids containing Amino Acids

Samples of rock scooped up from asteroid Bennu in 2020 have been found to contain thousands of organic compounds.

These include amino acids, which are the molecules that make up proteins, as well as nucleobases - the fundamental components of DNA.

This supports the theory that asteroids delivered these vital ingredients to Earth when they crashed into our planet billions of years ago.


Full story here:

P.S. There's mention of Bennu, spacecraft Osiris Rex and the sample return back on page 92.
I thought Amino Acids were everywhere in the Universe? Nitrogen, Oxygen, Carbon and Hydrogen atoms doing their tendency to clump together?

Not many people know that the Eiffel Tower was built upside down for the first three weeks, until somebody spotted the mistake.

I know this from reading the Large Hadron Collider Lab News when I was looking for an explanation of Chirality.

It is extremely funny, and definitely for the Physics Nerds and those who love defacing posters:

LIGO Result Explained.jpg


I was also reading about the Great Planetary Parade currently showing in the skies near you:

Conjunction 25 Jan.jpg

I have fact-checked this picture, taken on the 25th January 2025 in North Carolina with the map from Greenwich:

Venus Saturn Neptune.jpg

I really can't see anything special happening on that date though. Neptune is also too dim at Magnitude 7 to pick out, but you can work out where it ought to be.
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I was looking for an explanation of Chirality.

To put it in simple terms, the left and right hands of a human are chiral.

A left hand is different from a right hand in the same way a left shoe is different from a right shoe, and you wouldn't want to mix your shoes up!

A chiral object can not be superimposed on its mirror image.


Whereas an achiral object can.

P.S. I read that the weak force interacts with left-chiral particles and with right-chiral antiparticles, but not vice-versa - which explains parity violation. However, that is beginning to get above my pay grade!

P.P.S. I've just noticed I can't spell for sh*t!
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Is Sabine Hossenfelder trying to scare the sh**t out of us?
I have probably already had bird flue. I catch every airborne virus first. 6/1/24 to to 6/6, 3 degrees of fever, dizzy, ears hurt. No runny nose or sneezing. No bacteria odor or color in lighter than usual nasal discharge. Matches symptoms of H5N1. H5N1 was reported in chicken flocks in Illinois & Missouri, upwind of here. Europeans, be glad you have the Neanderthal genes. I have fewer Neanderthal genes than 93% of people tested at 23andme.
As for contact only transmission theory of CDC, Ha! I touch no birds, cook all meat except tuna to 140F in a microwave or skillet.
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Don't worry, Galu. Scientists have discovered that people who gripe about spelning and gramma are retarded, and are to be labelled Gramma Nazis.

Thankyou for explaining Chirality to me. In fact, I and the mighty Dirac are thoroughly on top of it already:

Anti Anti Particles.jpg

This is why Dirac found two positive and two negative solutions to the electron, but didn't think to mention it, I suppose. The Standard Model is a Chiral Theory.

In fact, Nature already employs only Left Chiral molecules in Life on Earth. The other ones usually pass through you unmetabolised, as with factory made Viramin C.

I have been looking into the forthcoming Bird 'Flu Pandemic. Should Captain McNuggets be concerned?

Captain McNuggets.jpg

Bird Symptoms.png

Naturally, I am well informed about the human symptoms:

Bird Flu Varieties.png

It seems obvious to me that we should call the latest one HEN-85. That way we can upgrade to HEN-95 and HEN-98 as the occasion arises.

It's gonna be 2020 all over again, except this time we will have red eyes.

Already our Government is cancelling Vaccine Factories:

So it's situation normal. I quite enjoyed lockdown as it goes. Clear skies, quiet streets, a chance to read more Physics.
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Great link, but with all that talk of chirality and helicity, no wonder my head is spinning! :spin:

Nature already employs only Left Chiral molecules in Life on Earth.

Yes, life only uses one form of molecular handedness - not the mirror image form.

Louis Pasteur first discovered this homochirality in 1848. Since then, scientists have debated whether the handedness of life was driven by random chance or some direct influence, such as cosmic radiation from space:
All sorts of mathematical calculations were done tonight by the Physicists of the Lord Palmy in Palmerstone Road, Portsmouth. Well, mainly yours truly in any sensible effort....

It was proposed that a high velocity bullet has more Energy than a Truck travelling at high speed. Square law of kinetic Energy of speed an' all that. 😢

What Piffle, I said. I quickly did the calculation, and it turns out a bullet hitting Captain America's trusty shield would have no more impact than a bag of sugar lobbed at 4 mph.

Frankly, I think a speeding truck would be more hard hitting!

Somebody spotted some stars. Those are Jupiter and reddish Mars I explained.

Not the Space Station then?

No, No, No, you can only see that at sunset occasionally in a window of a few minutes before it enters the Earth's shadow.

It is generally agreed that we are all mostly empty Space in our atoms, and Space is even emptier. IDK, think 5 protons per cubic meter.

How big is Space? I decided it would be interesting to see what 3 million miles looks like, which is the approximate distance Mars at 60 million miles distance has moved in the last three days with corrections for retrograde motion.

Recall it is approximately on a line extended from Beta Gemini (Pollux) and Nu (the v thing) Gemini:

Gemini Constellation.jpg

Now this is how Mars looked on Thursday:

Mars in Gemini Thurs 30 Jan.jpg

Voila, it has moved 3 Million Miles by today, Sunday!

Mars in Gemini Sun Feb 2nd.jpg

And that is the end of the Nus. 🤣
One of the reasons I no longer spend any time in the wretched multi-way loudspeaker forum is that nobody there has any understanding of Quantum Mechanics.


I have argued this with such forum "authorities" as Joachim Gerhard and Lynn Olson, and realised it is the blind leading the blind. Or the deaf leading the deaf. Or something.

Mr. Feynman wisely said that if you fully understand the double slit experiment, you understand most of Quantum Mechanics!

The mighty Dirac gets off to the right start with his usual precise thinking in his book:

Dirac on Photons 1.png

See waves don't interfere with each other, particles interfere with themselves from a state of superposition defned by the wave function. Tell that to loudspeaker designers!

The Classical picture is wrong, and is to be replaced with a statistical one. I inadvertently discovered an illustration of Quantum Superposition here:

Anti Anti Particles.jpg

Do that cross-eyed stereo view thing here, and you will see 5 chiral particles in a sort of 3D thing. Numbers 2 and 4 are in a state of Quantum Superposition until the measurement is done.

Spin (a purely quantum effect) is identified by the blue or red arrows, and anti-matterness is identified with the mustache or lack of it, and electric charge with + or -.

Here we see the Quantum as it really is! Not many people can claim that. 😎
One of the reasons I no longer spend any time in the wretched multi-way loudspeaker forum is that nobody there has any understanding of Quantum Mechanics.
Events consisting of billions of molecules at a time, such as sound waves from a speaker, ending at an ear diaphragm, IMHO do not exhibit quantum effects. Boundaries, diffractive surfaces, stuffings that change speed of sound, driver characteristics exhibited in standard tests, are easily modeled by equations or software that does not require the randomness exhibited at the quantum level.
sound waves from a speaker [...] IMHO do not exhibit quantum effects.

Just as a photon can be thought of as a quantum of light energy, a phonon may be regarded as a quantum of vibrational or sound energy.

Below is an image of a frequency dependent phonon.


You may remember my MicroPhonon© transducer research.


My goal is to generate a modulated phononic sound field in the listening room that will render loudspeakers obsolete.

Sadly, development of the MicroPhonon© is on hold as I work on the household cold fusion reactor that will be required to power it! 😉
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Do that cross-eyed stereo view thing here, and you will see 5 chiral particles in a sort of 3D thing.

That worked for me as I'm quite good at viewing stereograms!

In fact I've got a couple of old stereogram books in my cupboard, including this one:


Attached, is a simple, but effective, stereogram on which to practice.


  • Stereogram.jpg
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Diy audio forum needs a laughting face reaction one can tack onto a funny post as #5293.
I imagine the quantum phonon will become important when physicians discover a way to grow a cochlea sensitive to minus 250 db. At the moment they cannot even grow new cochlea hairs to replace the ones the Army broke off in 1969 with the howitzer I fired. Following orders is not optional in the US Army.
Anybody read Varley's Steel Beach about the micro-medical-manipulators?
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Anybody read Varley's Steel Beach about the micro-medical-manipulators?

I haven't yet, but I can supply a Wikipedia link:


"Steel Beach" refers to Earth's Moon which has been colonized by human refugees fleeing alien invaders.

A central computer runs every aspect of every person's life, but is found to have been performing secret experiments on people.
Whoah! I detect trickery by Indianajo there....

He posted a perfectly understandable "Quantum Skeptical" post on which I was about to enlighten him, but suddenly added extremely random stuff about Aliens controlling our brains!

Surely everyone knows that Bill Gates, an Alien of the Illuminati, has already planted his micro-chips via Covid-19 Vaccines and G5 aerials or something.

Classical Physics, such as employed by the Charlatans of loudspeaker design is not only inaccurate, but actually totally wrong.

Sidney Coleman proved this years ago in "Quantum Mechanics in your Face":

Anton Zeilinger, who devised the GHZ state went on to win the Nobel Prize for Physics in 2022. So that's that.

TBH, I really see little need for loudspeakers. If you devised a perfect one, all you need to hear is "DA-DA-DA-DUM" bu the famously deaf Beethoven the Fifth and you have grasped the entire thing:


If it helps, I have devised a suitable syllabus for further discussion in this thread:

General Relativity.png

Let's get on with it.

Ah, you cannot have read the link! The Invaders did know where the human refugees could be found.

Humanity was simply booted from Earth when the Invaders, whom I suspect were marine creatures, claimed the watery planet for their own.

The humans were allowed to set up house on Earth's Moon and other Solar System bodies that were inhospitable to the Invaders.
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Whoah! I detect trickery by Indianajo there....
He posted a perfectly understandable "Quantum Skeptical" post on which I was about to enlighten him, but suddenly added extremely random stuff about Aliens controlling our brains!
I was posting about fictional medical micro-robots repairing my damaged cochlea. Also maybe producing cochlea that could detect quantum phonons. Not that I would want to listen to all that random noise.