Do you know what I hate?

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You sure that was not in the movies? A 3 foot fish, out of water, taking down a 40 or 50 Lb dog? Sounds like a U-TUBE video to me.

In Maryland, every prediction of snow brings a run on milk and toilet paper. Rather comical, not hate worthy.

I now officially hate Audessey. It can't find reasonable crossovers, can't ID correct phase, can't correct major room modes and can't give flat bass.
You sure that was not in the movies?

Is this real enough????? Local10 is the ABC affilliate in Miami. It was on the other channels and in the newspaper too. The snakes have become a real nuisiance for those of us that live about a half mile from the Everglades, although I have never seen one. A gator in the back yard, yes, but a big snake, no.

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62dB slow response C weighted right outside my door. *

It is below 50dB inside the house.

Noise is bad enough, but the bastadges swooped down and desimated my greens. Not a green left, nothing but stalks. I can't plant my winter greens garden till they are gone.

I hope the farmers are not getting hit bad with them.

* - cheap RadioShack sound level meter
If the Cicadas didn't do it, I wonder what did? It happened over night.
My first guess would be deer.
The cicadas here are small and easily ignored.
The ones in the Texas Panhandle where I grew up were giants in comparison, and incredibly loud. Plenty of those big Cicada Killer wasps, too.

Reminds me of something I hate... yellowjackets.
They'll nest on any overhang they have a chance to, ready to launch an attack.
diyAudio Moderator Emeritus
Joined 2001

62dB slow response C weighted right outside my door. *

It is below 50dB inside the house.

You still have cicadas?

We were hearing about these all winter, (which lasted into late May), then early summer was supposed to be Cicada Hell.

Didn't hear anything, maybe they just didn't find an apppropriate tree nearby.

Then they announced they were gone. Never even knew they were there.
Last night they hit 78dB slow response C weighted.

We usually get them from late July through the end of August. This year has been strange for weather and they apparently are running late.

They make their presence known from about two hours before sunset until about a half hour after sunset.
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