DLH Amplifier: The trilogy with PLH and JLH amps

i'm on jlh's thread for many years and I am super fan of simple schema.
I discover this theard and this DLH with great pleasure and I think I'll try it because he's a good candidate.it is so simple that a P2P assembly is needed for me !!
I finished an umpteenth version of a jlh and I start that one to see.
thank you for this project which looks very promising ! :cheers:

Welcome huggygood !!!.

I am convinced that the DLH will be one of your favorite amplifiers. You will be able to experiment with many distortion profiles until you find the one that most convinces you, without the need for expensive hardware changes. In the DLH, you are not forced to carefully pair active elements to obtain outstanding results. In the DLH, you can even use common components discarded from other more demanding projects.

Founder of XSA-Labs
Joined 2012
Paid Member
Thanks xrk for confirmation. Probably you Will be the first to test this pcb version-xrk+Gabor+prasi mods.

@ huggygood, Welcome aboard the DLH wagon..

I am a bit busy with the ALPHA project at present, no free heatsinks left, and am resorting to CPU coolers (which work great, btw).

Here is Dell FD841 heatsink in action - this one has a huge copper pad and can handle 130W dissipation.


Maybe when this one clears, I can redo the DLH on a proper Prasi PCB :)
Welcome huggygood !!!.

I am convinced that the DLH will be one of your favorite amplifiers. You will be able to experiment with many distortion profiles until you find the one that most convinces you, without the need for expensive hardware changes. In the DLH, you are not forced to carefully pair active elements to obtain outstanding results. In the DLH, you can even use common components discarded from other more demanding projects.


I am always happy to find new projects especially when they are well born like this one.
I finished the jlh which is under construction and I start this one
Thanks Prasi, also for the BC550BP and BC560AP, can I use any other series of BC transistors as locally I could not find 'C' series that XRK was referring to, although I found on the RSDELIVERS site but expensive as the minimum order quantity is coming to around 200 pieces which does not make sense for this amp build that needs just 2 per board.
Thanks Prasi, also for the BC550BP and BC560AP, can I use any other series of BC transistors as locally I could not find 'C' series that XRK was referring to, although I found on the RSDELIVERS site but expensive as the minimum order quantity is coming to around 200 pieces which does not make sense for this amp build that needs just 2 per board.

Just read my earlier linked post regarding designer's comment on transistor hfe... if you cant get hold of c grade, you could still use b grade, but as per Horacio's recommendation for npn and pnp hfe.
So very likely would be these
I did not etch those boards yet, busy with the disability support extension procedures.:violin:
Busy I can do almost nothing... :eek:

I understand your difficulty and its very unfortunate, as I expressed in JLH thread.. let me know which PCB I designed and manufactured that you require... I shall ship you free of cost..

I want you to be able to keep yourself busy with thing that you have been doing all your life, i.e. DIYA!. I am convinced you are the original designer of VSSA and its derivatives, just you didn't get proper credit.
I have
1. CRC PSU that I am doing GB (Project16).
2. JLH 2003 PCB
3. Juma CM
4. A CRC PSU I designed and which has not been posted here and which will be only available commercially to others
5. plus few more
we can take this further in PM..Hope you recover at earliest....

I understand your difficulty and its very unfortunate, as I expressed in JLH thread.. let me know which PCB I designed and manufactured that you require... I shall ship you free of cost..

I want you to be able to keep yourself busy with thing that you have been doing all your life, i.e. DIYA!. I am convinced you are the original designer of VSSA and its derivatives, just you didn't get proper credit.
I have
1. CRC PSU that I am doing GB (Project16).
2. JLH 2003 PCB
3. Juma CM
4. A CRC PSU I designed and which has not been posted here and which will be only available commercially to others
5. plus few more
we can take this further in PM..Hope you recover at earliest....


Thank you Prasi. Wery kind of you!
Under no circumstances will take advantage of your offer.
Yes, greatly appreciated and never forget your goodness.
I have to solve my problem. We all have something to fight or carry for someone has more others less, I trust in God he will turn around somehow all these messes.
Thank you one more time from the bottom of my heart.

X, you built these amp and many others any similarities soundwise between the Alpha and some other amp? Thanks
Founder of XSA-Labs
Joined 2012
Paid Member
Hi Gaborbela,
It’s really no problem for us to give you some boards in exchange for your substantial contributions through the years, most notably, the VSSA as it is now called.

The best way to describe the ALPHA20 is that it’s like a very muscular Aksa Lender Preamp / Headphone amp. Now able to drive 30vpp into 8ohms vs 7kohms. Very direct or immediate sound reminiscent of a zero feedback amp, superb soundstage and imaging, it goes without saying that the sound is clear and engaging. The noise floor is very low - a quiet amp. Similarities to other power amps? Perhaps a more transparent (lower distortion) version of the Ranchu Aksa Quasi But with improved 3D holographic spatial imaging. So really it’s in a new Class of amps by itself.
Joined 2010
Paid Member
Prasi's PCB share

I have placed PCB order for this amp for a gentleman and thought of sharing the design through PCBway's website for ease of those that are not familiar with the process.
Anyone can now directly place the order by clicking below link, adding it to cart and checkout.

DLH Amplifier-Trilogy with PLH and JLH Amplifiers- Share Project - PCBWay

I have also added stuffing guide images and schematic to the pcbway webpage. hope this helps.

Thanks for sharing the DLH pcb Prasi,

I went to the website, and noticed the deal for 5 pcb's. Thought about it for a moment and bought 10 pcb's for $27 USD including shipping by courier to my place in Mexico. Smoking deal I thought. They arrived about 5 days later.
I plan to build for myself and friends
