DIY Westminster Royal

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Hi gi

I hope you will share your SketchUp-model of your version of Westminister/AutoGraph with all the rest off us Tannoy-dreamers.:angel:

I have also been playing around with SketchUp for a time. Until now I have tryed to make a model off the GRF-coner and the GRF-pro, but I have not being succesfull yet. I will upload them to 3D-warehouse as soon as posible.

SketchUp seems to be an amasing program and the answer for us 'none Adobe AutoCAD freak'.

Dear Qi:

What you have already given me is more than enough to get started.The boss (wife) has pulled me away onto another project, so please be patient

Thanks again for all of your help!

You are welcome :)
I hope she did not complain about size, did she? :D
Explain to her that, when finished, it will look like a high priced piece of fourniture ;) , that worked for me!

In fact, I am also attracted to the idea of this "rectangular Autograph". Of course it will have to wait until my reduced 2:3 replica is completed :cool:

It seems I will have to study some horn theory before attempting the modded Autograph...unless:

you will share your SketchUp-model of your version of Westminister/AutoGraph with all the rest off us Tannoy-dreamers.


PS: this weekend the Autograph's will have their formal inauguration with some friends :cheers: :drink: :drunk:
Hello qi and Chile!

I just tryed to upload my model om GRF-pro to the shared models in 3D-warehouse, but my computer keeps up comming with a notice "An error occ...." ØV! :dead: I Try agin later on my private computer.

I have made the model from print found on The prints are in a bad kvalitet, so I can only read some of the meseaurings.:bawling: I dont know the right high (46" or 48"?) the same with the wide (32" or 30½"?) - And I am going to have it all in millimeter, or else I cant find out :cannotbe:

When I succed in uploading - You guys can import it and tear it apart, using the tape measure.

Hilsen Per:sleep: :sleep:


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Hi Pip :)

Enthusiasm is contagious!

Please, before beginning building de GRF, read what Richard Norris wrote about the comparison between it and the Autograph enclosure:

Having listened to both enclosures I can say the sound is much different to the GRF (corner). The Autograph is noticeably more efficient than the GRF, especially in the mid frequency range. One of the weaknesses of the GRF is that it sounds a bit thin in the mid frequency range. The Autograph on the other hand has a very nice fast mid frequency response. Voices sound full and natural and instruments like Bongos have a fast transient response. These enclosures need to be corner mounted and in a large room in order to get good low frequency bass radiation.

Goto his excellent site, devoted to Autograph, and enjoy is master woodworking capacity! (much better than mine :( )
Excellent comments and photos!

Can you guess who was the fan that pointed him to UCD amps?:cool:

Hi Mauricio:wave:

I have seen Richard Norrish' AutoGraph - Most impresive.

As I have writen before - I am a Tannoy-dreamer. I have a par of the DC6000 model. They play wonderfull, but I in my head, I think that a hornspeaker will give the ultimate "kick", "punch", "klick" or what ever you call it.

That is dreaming - An other thing is, what SHE will allow - I am quit sure, that It wont be a couple of AutoGraph or Westminister!!
2 speakers in about 1½ meter -:eek: :whazzat: (Maybe if I give her some ekstra flowers from InterFlora?):angel:

Next problem is, that I am no good as a carpenter - Me and wood, means that both the saw and wood will be destroyed:bawling:

Ohh, how I want a Tannoy hornspeaker!

hilsen Per
Dear Pip: :)

That is dreaming - An other thing is, what SHE will allow - I am quit sure, that It wont be a couple of AutoGraph or Westminister!!

Yeah...that is allways the problem. You have to think of methods to increase your WAF :D
After a "WAF increasing sesion" you show her photos of an original Westminster and you comment how nicelly it would fit your fourniture ;) , then let her know that you can copy it for 1/20 of the price and that they are GREAT for home-theater, without need for a "5.1" channels ;)
Appart the real fact that Autographs, being corner mounted speakers take LESS space on the living room, than bass-reflex speakers!

Next problem is, that I am no good as a carpenter - Me and wood, means that both the saw and wood will be destroyed

I see it like this: at the end of the built your skills will be greatly enhanced :D When you complete your second pair you will be a master carpenter.

They play wonderfull, but I in my head, I think that a hornspeaker will give the ultimate "kick", "punch", "klick" or what ever you call it.

True. When I heard my dual-horns I realized that we were deceived by the "common type" loudspeaker MFR's.

"The audio-pusher" :angel:
Dear Mauricio

Ad. 1 - I have shown her some fotos of the Westminister, and I have told her, that it is like classic english founitures - Noble, solid and heavy! :goodbad:That did not help. She spotted on the foto, that the were at least 1½ meter high and about the same size wied - I had to confess, that she was right.:blush:

So my longterm stradigy is, first bring in something smaller like the GRF-conner (not so toll), and later on - when she get used to them - Full Speed forward against Westminister or Autograph:devilr: All with lot of precens from InterFlora and weekend hollydays.:cool:

Ad. 2 - Me as a handy-mann or carpenter?:smash: I have tryed with so many things - My homemade speaker-cap always looks - Homemade (thats absolutly not increasing the WAF-faktor in our house). I have enhanced my electrical skills greatly (for renovation of our house I said) - as they say: "Prober tools is half of the work":scratch: I got all kinds of saws - cap/gearsaw, pendelsaws, many different sanders, und so weider. No I must find sombody who can help me - Have you considered production and export? :D

Ad 3. - All I can say is: I will have af couple of Tannoy hornspeakers. :nod:

hilsen Per
Dear Pip:

Sorry to hear :(

Me as a handy-mann or carpenter? I have tryed with so many things - My homemade speaker-cap always looks - Homemade (thats absolutly not increasing the WAF-faktor in our house).

Well, mine are not too neat either :xeye: Low quality pics conceil errors...

The key is to find some good and cheap woodworkers to do the cuts. You only mark the pieces. Putting togheter the parts is not so hard: high quality glue and screws is all that is needed.

Have you considered production and export?

In fact I recieved my first "veiled-order" to build another pair, from a friend, here. The hard part is how much can I ask for the hand labor!!! Average 6-8 weeks of work.
I would make a kit but I'm on the other side of the planet! Too expensive shipment.
Maybe an european forum member would make a nice bussiness from them ;)

Best regards
Hello Mauricio, gi and the rest of your folks!

I am no carpenter and I have ten thombs - What to do?

I have got my own personal par of Tannoys "Westminster" (no DIY this time - sorry)

My wife said: "The are very BIG" - The laid said: "You are a mad man" - My daugther said: "The look like a confessionchair from at catholic church" - They are all right! They surely are BIG, I must be mad, and they looks like something from a cathedral or a building same size.

They play music so wonderful!

Regards from a happy owner with very little room left


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Hi Andrew!

They sound just wonderful, and they can play loud and clear, like nothing else I have heard.

I have had a couple of Tannoy's DC6000, but the are missing in the bottum. The bottum is there in the Westminster.

The connerplacement is because of :judge: "She who must be obayed":angel:. She wont have them anywhere else.

Tannoy is the speaker!

best regards
Hi Pip,
nice to know they work in the corner.
The truncated bass horn in the royale probably benefits from the corner loading.
Instead of ripples in the lo freq response it becomes smoother.

I cannot see the DC6000 benefitting to any extent without sounding overblown.
Congratulations Pip! :)

They look beautiful :cool:
Do you hear that natural articulation and armonics of bass register? All other speakers will sound fake afterwards...

I wonder how many milliwatts are you asking your amps to deliver

Where did you get them? I hope you made a good deal...

Please extend your impressions about sonic presentation of that lovely Tannoy DC:yummy:

Hi Mauricio

They are as beautiful as the are big.:cloud9:
I hear it all from the bottum til the top. You are right - Most All other speakers sound fake...

I dont know how many microwatt, :scratch2: I am taping from my Levison, but it can't be many! One thing - After I have got the Westminster's, I am playing with a much higer volumen:devilr: . I is just sound so clean.

I actualy got them here i Denmark, and if you with "good deal" mean "cheap" - The answer must be a (Westminster)loud: "NO".

A quick question for Scottmoose, how did the tannoys sound in the TQWT that you built, I own a pair of 15inch golds and am looking for cabinet alternatives, I have a large room with vaulted ceilings but would like keep have a small footprint for the cabinet what you describe might fit the bill, I would send you an email but am new here,as I dont mean to hijack this thread. Thanx
Tannoy 15" DCs in Jensen Imperial-type backloaded horn

Hi all,

I'll soon have some empirical data on the use of a Tannoy 15" in a Jensen Imperial design. No front loading, just a big ol' horn loading the bottom end. I posted about in the Imperial support forum on

I borrowed a friend's HPD385s and tried them in there with the stock crossover from the Tannoy monitors.

We were both knocked out by it. HUGE POTENTIAL!
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