diy show 2008

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could we get a listing of all the upcoming events for this year? maybe even worldwide. that could then be used to see what's coming. i know i always seem to find out too late and i'm sure there are others in that boat.
anybody knowing of an event please post info.

a. The is a show organised by Variac will be held in San Francisco, in Oct. 2008. This is DIY show. Search under Variac you may find the website.

b. Hi-FI show, if I am not mistaken one of the impt one in the States is RMAF 2008 will be held in Oct, will be a big exhibition held in Denver, Colorado. Most equipment manufacturers, Components suppliers eg Parts Express, and DIYers will be there.

refer to this site:
Norris Wilson said:
Here are two events that will be held in May of 2008.

1.) LSAF - Lone Star Audio Fest in Dallas Texas May 2,3,4 2008

2.) VSAC - Vacuum State of the Art Conference and show
in Vancouver Washington on May 24-26, 2008

Although not yet quite a CES HE show, VSAC will be a bit more than just a DIY get together .

OTOH, the Planet10 bash couldn't be any less formal or disciplined unless Cal was in charge. The only costs associated are traveling to the island, and a few bucks towards the communal BBQ. BYO sleeping bag & foamy
Chris Your right, this thread is about DIY get togethers. My mind skimmed right over that part.

Sorry for listing a festival such as VSAC. It does not even remotely resemble a DIY event.

It is to bad that there is not a DIY event such as David and Cal are hosting here in the middle part of the US. It sounds like it would be fun.

I'm jealous!

Norris Wilson
Joined 2001
Paid Member
planet10 said:
5th Annual Vancouver Island diyFest will be one of the last 2 weekends in August.

Now nailed down to August 23rd.

Some people have been making this a weekend long affair so we expect people to arrive Friday night and not leave till Sunday (and the ones that show up as much as a week early get to help in the preparations)

Jesse says the timing should be such that fresh Alert Bay salmon will make an apperance and Cal insists on cooking it this year.

We'll have a 4th listening area set up, and are planning to have a "blind" (as in speakers behind a blind) for people to compare EnABL vrs not. We should also have some more interesting amplifiers this year, and will work to make the supports for sound room 3 solid enuff to be able to spin some vinyl.


PS: i have copied most of this post to a new VI diyFEST thread
Midwest DIY Events...

Iowa has had a DIY event every year since 2000 that has grown to be one of the largest in the nation. It's held every October. I hosted in the Des Moines area in 2004 and 2006. Doug Petersen has taken the reins and hosted last year at Grinnell. He has 2008 already scheduled for October again.

Here are links to the webpages for 2006 and 2007.

I hope all of you with in driving distance can make it. We have one gentleman that comes from Florida every year to attend so you know it's worth the drive. :)

Best regards,

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